The Iterian League

Mr. Tai-Shun moved his microphone.

"We would be willing to compromise with the terms proposed by Mrs. Yasur."
“As would we. Feel free to move forward, Mrs. Yasur, our current concerns have been put to rest. We would like to motion for a vote seeing as no one else seems to have any qualms with the Iterian Code."

She spoke in a tired voice before taking another sip from her thermos of green tea.
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Yasur's thumbs twitched nervously a bit. She'd been waiting for this day for a while now, and it was finally here. She took a sip of water, and sighed.

"Then the vote on the Iterian Code will begin."

Vote: On the Matter of the Iterian Code

Should the Iterian Code be adopted by the Iterian League?[/b] <YEA | NAY | ABSTAIN>

The Iterian Code

Title I: The Commerce Code

Chapter 1: Commerce Authority

Section 1. The Iterian Commerce Authority shall be the body within the Secretariat tasked with implementing the policies outlined in The Commerce Code and all resolutions and initiatives concerning commerce in the Iterian League.

Section 2. The Iterian Commerce Authority shall have the power to implement all legislation concerning commerce and trade between the members of the Iterian League and shall be tasked with encouraging and facilitating the implementation of economic guidelines as laid out in The Commerce Code.

Section 3. The Undersecretary of Commerce shall be the official tasked with the management of the Iterian Commerce Authority and as the Secretary-General’s chief advisor on commercial policy.

Section 4. The Undersecretary of Commerce shall have complete executive authority over the Iterian Commerce Authority and serve on the Secretary-General’s Executive Commission as the primary official tasked with drafting and implementing commercial policy.

Section 5. The Undersecretary of Commerce may be appointed or dismissed at the behest of the Secretary-General and does not require the confirmation of the Iterian Assembly.

Chapter 2: Free Trade

Section 1. Members of the Iterian League shall endeavor to reduce tariffs, regulations, tariffs, and other trade barriers between each other. Seeking to establish an Iterian Free Trade Zone where goods and services may be exchanged freely among the people of Iteria.

Section 2. No nation shall implement protectionist policies designed to give their industries an unfair advantage on the Iterian Market. These laws include tariffs on goods from other members of the League or subsidies designed to undermine the industries of other Iterian nations.

Section 3. Members retain the right to designate certain industries as protected industries, allowing League members to utilize subsidies or tariffs to protect those industries from unfair foreign competition. Members must make it public knowledge which sectors they wish to protect before the Iterian League as a precursor to doing so.

Chapter 3: Currency

Section 1. The Member-States of the Iterian League shall establish a single reserve currency, the Iterian Monetary Unit (IMU), to be used in Trans-Iterian trade.

Section 2. The IMU shall have a value tied to the international reserve currency in order to maintain monetary stability in Iteria.

Section 3. The IMU shall not supplant any national currencies that exist in Member-States, but will serve rather as a medium of exchange to be used across the Member-States of the League.

Title II: The Infrastructure Code

Chapter 4: Infrastructure Authority

Section 1. The Iterian Infrastructure Authority shall be the body within the Secretariat tasked with implementing the policies outlined in The Infrastructure Code and all resolutions and initiatives concerning infrastructure in the Iterian League.

Section 2. The Iterian Infrastructure Authority shall have the power to implement all legislation concerning infrastructure among the members of the Iterian League and shall be tasked with encouraging and facilitating the implementation of the infrastructure institutions and guidelines as laid out in The Infrastructure Code.

Section 3. The Undersecretary of Infrastructure shall be the official tasked with the management of the Iterian Infrastructure Authority and as the Secretary-General’s chief advisor on commercial policy.

Section 4. The Undersecretary of Infrastructure shall have complete executive authority over the Iterian Infrastructure Authority and serve on the Secretary-General’s Executive Commission as the primary official tasked with drafting and implementing infrastructure policy.

Section 5. The Undersecretary of Infrastructure may be appointed or dismissed at the behest of the Secretary-General and does not require the confirmation of the Iterian Assembly.

Chapter 5: Railways

Section 1. The Iterian Infrastructure Authority shall have the power to, with the consent of the Assembly, to erect and maintain railways connecting all members of the Iterian League to each other in order to allow for greater movement between the nations of Iteria.

Section 2. A subsidiary organization, the Iterian Railway Agency, shall be established within the Iterian Infrastructure Authority with the sole task of operating, preserving, and accounting for all profits made by the Iterian Railway System.

Section 3. The Iterian Infrastructure Authority shall promote the use of, and research into, high speed rail systems to ensure economic and civil interconnectivity throughout Iteria.

Section 4. All expenditures of the Pan-Iterian Railways shall be paid for using the funds allocated to the Iterian Infrastructure Authority from the yearly Iterian League General Fund. All profits of the Pan-Iterian Railways shall be accounted for by the Pan-Iterian Railway agency and funneled back to the Iterian Infrastructure Authority.

Chapter 6: Freeways

Section 1. The Iterian Infrastructure Authority shall, with the consent of the Assembly, construct a series of road, freeways, and highways to allow for greater travel among the members of the Iterian League.

Section 2. These highways shall be constructed, maintained, and accounted for by the Iterian Freeway Agency, a wing of the Iterian Infrastructure Authority.

Section 3. All expenditures of the Iterian Freeway System shall be paid for using funds allocated to the Iterian Infrastructure Authority from the General Fund. All excess funding shall be re-directed to the Iterian Infrastructure Authority.

Title III: The Travel Code

Chapter 7: Travel Authority

Section 1. The Iterian Travel Authority shall be the body within the Secretariat tasked with implementing the policies outlined in The Travel Code and all resolutions and initiatives concerning travel in the Iterian League among it’s Member-States.

Section 2. The Iterian Travel Authority shall have the power to implement all legislation concerning travel and immigration between the members of the Iterian League and shall be tasked with encouraging and facilitating the implementation of the travel, immigration, and movement guidelines as laid out in this code.

Section 3. The Undersecretary of Travel shall be the official tasked with the management of the Iterian Travel Authority and as the Secretary-General’s chief advisor on travel policy.

Section 4. The Undersecretary of Travel shall have complete executive authority over the Iterian Travel Authority and serve on the Secretary-General’s Executive Commission as the primary official tasked with drafting and implementing travel policy.

Section 5. The Undersecretary of Travel may be appointed or dismissed at the behest of the Secretary-General and does not require the confirmation of the Iterian Assembly.

Chapter 8: Travel

Section 1. Members of the Iterian League shall work to loosen travel barriers between one another, seeking to liberalize border restriction and allowing for the free movement of people within Iteria.

Section 2. Member-States of the Iterian League shall not place a complete travel ban on the travel of their members between other Member-States of the Iterian League.

Section 3. Members of the League are encouraged to pursue a policy of Passport-Free travel with their fellow Members in order to facilitate greater connectivity across Iteria.

Section 4. The right of Member-States of the Iterian League to police, enforce, and control their borders shall not be infringed by a decision of the Iterian Assembly, Secretariat or the Court.

Chapter 9: Visas

Section 1. All nations of the Iterian League shall reduce the barriers that exist for members of the Iterian League to attain a visa, ensuring that any citizen of the Iterian League which seeks temporary residence in another Member-State of the Iterian League is allowed to pursue such a license.

Section 2. League Members shall retain the right to deny any Iterian Citizen a visa if they deem that individual to be a risk to their national security and stability.

Chapter 10: Citizenship

Section 1. The Member-States of the Iterian League shall work to reduce all existing barriers preventing citizens of other Iterian League Members from seeking to attain citizenship in a new Iterian League Member. They shall also attempt to streamline the citizenship application process.

Section 2. Members of the Iterian League shall retain the right to deny citizenship to any individual for any reason they choose.

Title IV: The Science Code

Chapter 11: Science Authority

Section 1. The Iterian Science Authority shall be the body within the Secretariat tasked with implementing the policies outlined in The Science Code and all resolutions and initiatives concerning science in the Iterian League.

Section 2. The Iterian Science Authority shall have the power to implement all legislation concerning scientific research and cooperation between the members of the Iterian League and shall be tasked with encouraging and facilitating the implementation of the scientific guidelines and cooperative programs laid out in this code..

Section 3. The Undersecretary of Science shall be the official tasked with the management of the Iterian Science Authority and as the Secretary-General’s chief advisor on science policy.

Section 4. The Undersecretary of Science shall have complete executive authority over the Iterian Science Authority and serve on the Secretary-General’s Executive Commission as the primary official tasked with drafting and implementing science policy.

Section 5. The Undersecretary of Science may be appointed or dismissed at the behest of the Secretary-General and does not require the confirmation of the Iterian Assembly.

Chapter 12: Records

Section 1. The collected declassified scientific records of member of the Iterian League are to be compiled into a national record to be maintained by the Iterian Science Authority for use by all citizens of Member-State of the Iterian League.

Section 2. Additionally, the Iterian Science Authority shall have the power, with the consent of the Assembly, erect and maintain a series of libraries where all declassified information about Iterian history and it’s Member-States shall be stored for the use of the populus of Iteria.

Section 3. These records and libraries shall be maintained via funds from the General Fund allocated to the Iterian Science Authority on annual basis.

Chapter 13: Research

Section 1. Members of the Iterian League are encouraged to perform joint research with other members, with scientists from all nation working collaboratively on joint scientific exploits.

Section 2. The Iterian Science Authority shall, with the consent of the Iterian Assembly, distribute monetary grants for scientific research, in order to incentivize pursuit in scientific field across Iteria.

Section 3. The funds for joint research projects and research grants shall come from the General Fund currency allocated to the Iterian Science Authority.

Chapter 14: Education

Section 1. Member-States of the Iterian League shall endeavor to promote the education of their citizens, and all inhabitants of Iteria, to ensure the furtherment of all educational exploits.

Section 2. The Iterian Science Authority shall have the power to, with the consent of the Iterian Assembly, erect a series of learning institutions across Iteria. These institutions, to be funded using money allocated to the Iterian Science Authority, will be available to all Iterian citizens wishing to seek a higher education.

Chapter 15: Space Exploration

Section 1. The Iterian League shall establish a Pan-Iterian Space Program as an international subsidiary of the Iterian Science Authority with the express purpose of engaging the members of Iteria in the joint exploration of space.

Section 2. All missions and programs for the Pan-Iterian Space Program must require the approval of the Assembly before they are constructed, funded, or launched.

Section 3. The Pan-Iterian Space Program will also serve as a medium by which the Member-States of the Iterian League can engage one another in joint space exploration ventures.

Section 4. Primary funding for the Pan-Iterian Space Program shall be derived from the General Fund resources allocated to the Iterian Science Authority. All secondary funding shall be derived from voluntary funds from other Members and Private Organizations.

Title V: The Health Code

Chapter 16: Health Authority

Section 1. The Iterian Health Authority shall be the body within the Secretariat tasked with implementing the policies outlined in The Health Code and all resolutions and initiatives concerning Health in the Iterian League among it’s Member-States.

Section 2. The Iterian Health Authority shall have the power to implement all legislation concerning continental health and cooperation between the members of the Iterian League on Health. It shall be tasked with encouraging and facilitating the implementation of the health guidelines and health initiatives laid out in this code.

Section 3. The Undersecretary of Health shall be the official tasked with the management of the Iterian Health Authority and as the Secretary-General’s chief advisor on health policy.

Section 4. The Undersecretary of Health shall have complete executive authority over the Iterian Health Authority and serve on the Secretary-General’s Executive Commission as the primary official tasked with drafting and implementing health policy.

Section 5. The Undersecretary of Health may be appointed or dismissed at the behest of the Secretary-General and does not require the confirmation of the Iterian Assembly.

Chapter 17: Health Standards

Section 1. Nations shall endeavor to establish rules and regulations concerning the health of their citizens to ensure that disease is contained and that a Pandemic is not allowed to spread across the continent of Iteria.

Section 2. Food and water regulations shall be implemented to ensure that consumables are safe for the people of Iteria.

Section 3. Workplace safety regulations should be erected to ensure that no citizen of a member-state of the Iterian League is put into bodily harm or injured during their work.

Chapter 18: Health Crises

Section 1. Should a disease or affliction take hold in Iteria and reach pandemic status, the Iterian Assembly may vote to declare a Health Crises on the continent of Iteria.

Section 2. Upon the declaration of the Health Crises, all nations that wish to comply may allow the Iterian Health Authority to construct temporary emergency health providers within the nation to deal with plague affecting the continent.

Section 3. Acceptable methods of providable care include rehabilitory care, providing vaccines, and placing the sick into temporary isolation, until they have recovered, to ensure the disease does not spread.

Section 4. The Iterian Health Authority will not be authorized to kill, forcibly relocate, or infringe upon the rights of any inhabitant of an Iterian League member-state.

Section 5. Upon the near eradication of the affliction, the Iterian Health Authority shall close down any temporary facilities designated to deal with the pandemic.

Section 6. Funds to perform these special missions shall be procured from the Iterian Health Authority’s yearly budget allocated from the General Fund, or through voluntary donations to the mission.

Title VI: The Environmental Code

Chapter 19: Environmental Authority

Section 1. The Iterian Environmental Authority shall be the body within the Secretariat tasked with implementing the policies outlined in The Environmental Code and all resolutions and initiatives concerning the Environment in the Iterian League among it’s Member-States.

Section 2. The Iterian Environmental Authority shall have the power to implement all legislation concerning the continent’s environment and cooperation between the members of the Iterian League on environmental policy. It shall be tasked with encouraging and facilitating the implementation of the environmental guidelines and initiatives laid out in this code.

Section 3. The Undersecretary of the Environment shall be the official tasked with the management of the Iterian Environment Authority and as the Secretary-General’s chief advisor on environmental policy.

Section 4. The Undersecretary of the Environment shall have complete executive authority over the Iterian Environmental Authority and serve on the Secretary-General’s Executive Commission as the primary official tasked with drafting and implementing environmental policy.

Section 5. The Undersecretary of the Environment may be appointed or dismissed at the behest of the Secretary-General and does not require the confirmation of the Iterian Assembly.

Chapter 20: Environmental Standards

Section 1. Members of the Iterian League shall endeavor to create environmentally friendly environment in their nation, preserving their natural environments and ensuring industry does not get in the way of natural preservation.

Section 2. Member-states of the Iterian League are encouraged to limit their carbon dioxide, methane, and other gaseous emissions which may contribute to a rampant greenhouse effect warming the earth.

Section 3. Iterian nations shall seek to prevent the depositing of industrial waste and other harmful substances within rivers, sensitive desert ecosystems, or other natural preserves that exist within the nation.

Chapter 21: Environmental Crises

Section 1. Should a major ecosystem collapse or an organism face extinction, the Iterian Assembly may vote to declare an environmental crisis.

Section 2. Upon the approval of such and initiative, the Iterian Environmental Authority, with the consent of any nation they may be operating within, shall set up a series of nature preserves and environmental safe zones which are to be left untouched while actions in affected regions are taken in order to preserve the environment.

Section 3. The Iterian Environmental Authority may not use any physical force to enforce the perimeter of these environmental safe zones without the approval of the nation they are operating within.

Section 4. Upon the stabilization of the ecosystem of a specific mission, the Iterian Environmental Authority shall withdraw its temporary facility from that nation and declare the mission over.

Section 5. Funds for such missions shall be derived from the Iterian Environmental Authority’s yearly budget allocated from the General Fund.

Title VII: The Humanitarian Code

Chapter 22: Human Rights Authority

Section 1. The Iterian Human Rights Authority shall be the body within the Secretariat tasked with implementing the policies outlined in The Humanitarian Code and all resolutions and initiatives concerning human rights in the Iterian League among it’s Member-States.

Section 2. The Iterian Human Rights Authority shall have the power to implement all legislation concerning the continent’s environment and cooperation between the members of the Iterian League on humanitarian policy. It shall be tasked with encouraging and facilitating the implementation of the humanitarian guidelines and initiatives laid out in this code.

Section 3. The Undersecretary of Human Rights shall be the official tasked with the management of the Iterian Human Rights Authority and as the Secretary-General’s chief advisor on humanitarian policy.

Section 4. The Undersecretary of Human Rights shall have complete executive authority over the Iterian Human Rights Authority and serve on the Secretary-General’s Executive Commission as the primary official tasked with drafting and implementing humanitarian policy.

Section 5. The Undersecretary of Human Rights may be appointed or dismissed at the behest of the Secretary-General and does not require the confirmation of the Iterian Assembly.

Chapter 23: Human Rights Standards

Section 1. Member-states of the Iterian League shall endeavor to establish a code of national human rights that shall be allotted to every citizen within their nation.

Section 2. Nations are encouraged to ensure the equality under law of all citizens and to prevent the discrimination of peoples on the grounds of ethnicity, gender, or religion.

Section 3. Permanent involuntary servitude, or chattel slavery, shall be highly condemned and all nations within the Iterian League are encouraged to ban the practice in all of it’s forms.

Section 4. No citizen of a member-state of the Iterian League shall be arrested by its country of residency without due cause or warrant.

Section 5. Citizens within a member of the Iterian League shall be entitled to the right to travel between nations in some form or another. Every person within the Iterian League has the right to nationality and citizenship within a nation in Iteria.

Section 6. Citizens of League Member-States shall be entitled to free thought and thinking.

Chapter 24: Humanitarian Crises

Section 1. Should a gross abuse of human rights occur within a nation in the Iterian League, the Iterian Assembly may vote to declare a humanitarian crises within a specific nation or area.

Section 2. Upon the declaration of a humanitarian crises, the Iterian Human Rights Authority shall have the power to, with the consent of the nation it is operating within, erect a series of temporary facilities for use by the Human Rights Authority until the conclusion of the crisis.

Section 3. The Iterian Human Rights shall not have the authority to use physical force in any humanitarian mission.

Section 4. Upon the restoration of human rights within a certain nation or region, the Iterian Human Rights Authority shall withdraw its temporary mission headquarters from the afflicted region.

Section 5. Funds for such missions shall be derived from the Iterian Human Rights Authority’s yearly budget allocated from the General Fund.
Vote: On the Matter of the Iterian Code

Nation: State of Iraelia
Should the Iterian Code be adopted by the Iterian League?
Vote: On the Matter of the Iterian Code

Nation: Democratic People's Republic of Skanda
Should the Iterian Code be adopted by the Iterian League? <YEA>
Vote: On the Matter of the Iterian Code

Nation: Socialist Republic of Ruskaland
Should the Iterian Code be adopted by the Iterian League?
Vote: On the Matter of the Iterian Code

Nation: Ascalon
Should the Iterian Code be adopted by the Iterian League?
Vote: On the Matter of the Iterian Code

Nation: The Shogunate of Takashima
Should the Iterian Code be adopted by the Iterian League?
Yasur grinned.
"With the Takashiman delegation abstaining? The four votes in favour of the Iterian Code are enough to ratify it for the League."

"With that? The current session of the Iterian League has concluded. Thank you all for your time, and your contributions to our collective security and prosperity. When we next meet? We will vote on a new Secretary-General and a new Speaker."

She banged her gavel to bring the session to a close.
Irad Yasur looked over the assembled delegation.

"Thank you all for meeting" she stated happily, sounding somewhat relieved.
"It is with a great sense of pride that I find myself at the end of my term as the League's Secretary-General. With the Iterian Code passed? This organization's noble view of the future is that much closer to reality. I feel confident knowing I leave the Iterian League in capable hands. That said? My term is nearing an end, and the Speaker's office remains empty. As such I would like to open the floor to nominations for both offices."
Mrs. Iokina took one last sip from her closed top thermos before leaning in to the microphone. If anyone had looked at the area of the Skandan delegation there were multiple shopping bags filled with souvenirs of Danzhou, including cheesy t-shirts such as the classic "I <3 Danstad" and others such as "I went to Danstad and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt!", among various other souvenirs.

"The Democratic People's Republic of Skanda would like to put forth my self as our candidate for Secretary-General. We thank the Iterian League for this gracious opportunity to lead Iteria, and even if we do not win this election, we would like to say good luck to all the other candidates that may step forward. Thank you for listening."

She pulled back from the microphone and began mumbling to the rest of the Skandan delegation. If anyone in the room happened to know Skandan and was nearby they may have overheard the conversation. It was in fact, not important to the Iterian League in the slightest. They were talking about going out to get food after this meeting was over. Truly an inspiring conversation.
"Thank you Ambassador Iokina. Skanda's commitment to this organization is well-noted and I have no doubts as to your abilities to lead it."

Yasur surveyed the room.
"Seeing as there are no other candidates? We'll be holding a single-candidate ballot. Should Ambassador Iokina not receive over 50% of the vote? We will have to reopen nominations."



[b]Vote:[/b] < IOKINA -- ABSTAIN >


Vote: < IOKINA >
"Congratulations Ambassador Iokina, on being elected Secretary-General of the Iterian League!"

Esteemed Nations of the Iterian League,

The Empire of Alnaria has for some time been observing the Iterian League, and is most impressed. The Empire's centuries of resisting foreign invasion and influence have left it wary of entangling alliances, however the scope an purpose of the League is admirable. The Primacy views the Iterian League as the best mechanism for strength, security, and prosperity for the nations our shared land. In the name of the Emperor, and the Primarch, I hereby request The Empire of Alnaria be entered into the Iterian League.

Arlan Mindaril
Foreign Affairs

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Hana spoke for the first time on the podium of the Secretary General. It felt good, standing there. She took a sip of her green tea (in a closed container) before speaking.

"Hello, and good morning to the representatives of the Iterian League. Today we are here to speak of the admittance of the Empire of Alnaria into the Iterian League. Please, voice any concerns or comments now before we move onto voting."
Tai-shun cleared his throat before speaking.

"The Ascalonian delegation has no objections to Alnarian membership. Should nobody else comment, we motion for a vote."
Yasur listened as the Secretary-General introduced the debate on Alnaria's acceptance.

"The primary interest of the State of Iraelia concerns the infrastructure projects the League has begun to embark on since the passage of the Iterian Code. The State of Iraelia understands that the Code is voluntary but we are curious as to Alnaria's willingness to engage in our efforts to integrate the railway infrastructure of Southern Iteria. The Empire of Alnaria is, after all, quite large. Its ports and rail networks, if integrated in League infrastructure projects, could be a huge boon for our collective economic future."
Arlan Mindaril had come personally to Ascalon to represent his government before the Iterian League. As the Vice Primarch of Foreign Affairs, Arlan had spoken before delegates of dozens of nations, but he was particularly passionate about the issue at hand. He had pressed both the Primacy and the Emperor for years to reach out to the Iterian League, and he had finally gotten his wish. Nothing was going to stop him now. All he had been through to get here was in his mind as he listened to the delegate of Iraelia, and he was more than ready to issue his answer.

"Esteemed delegates of the Iterian League, for those of you have not had the pleasure of meeting, my name is Arlan Mindaril, and I speak for the Empire of Alnaria." He paused to give a curt nod to the assembled delegates before continuing. "In regards to the interests of the delegate of Iraelia; The Empire is very excited to enter into the infrastructure projects underway in the League. As Mr. Yasur has mentioned ports and railways, the expansion of these means of movement and transportation are among our main goals in support of the economic and cultural integration of South Iteria. The Primacy and the Emperor are particularly excited to integrate into the Leagues energy and science programs as well. It is our hope that together we will be stronger, happier, and more prosperous as a region. I will also be more than happy to answer any further questions on behalf of Alnaria, thank you."

Arlan took his seat, and what felt like his first breath since he started speaking. He was happy with his speech, and was now more resolute than ever to integrate the Empire with the rest of Iteria.
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"...If there are no more questions or concerns, we will move forward with voting on the Ascalonian motion.

Voting Ballot:


Vote: < Yea | Nay | Abstain >
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State of Iraelia

Vote: < Yea >
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Democratic People's Republic of Skanda

Vote: < Yea >

Nation: Ascalon

Vote: Yea
“Ladies and gentlemen of the Iterian League, we have a problem, and we have had this problem for some time. With the exclusion of Yukkira, while overall a net positive, it left a vacancy we have yet to fill. The Speaker of the Iterian Assembly. This is an important and as such I would like to open nominations for this role, nominations we will then vote on.”

She took a sip from her “I <3 Dazhou” thermos.

“There are other things I would like to discuss as well... While the city of Dazhou is certainly lovely there has been a lot of political instability here recently and perhaps it’s best we temporarily relocate to avoid potential dangers, so I would also like to open nominations for a new host nation. Lastly I would like to discuss sending invitations to the nations of Astragon, Tlaakatland, Rafhazan, Zhen, and Eriadni. It is a large expansion, yes, but a needed one I feel. Possibly we could even discuss establishing cordial relations with the Epiphanes who essentially control the vital strait between Iteria and Craviter. Discussions and nominations may begin now.”

Voting Ballot:


Nomination: < >

Voting Ballot:


Nomination (City): < >
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Mr. Tai-Shun did not attend today's meeting. Instead, there was a tall and lanky representative from the Foreign Ministry called Shen Ming. He was here to do only one job.

"Mrs. Iokina, due to the current unfortunate situation in Ascalon, we are currently without a definitive governing faction in parliament. Without a governing faction in parliament, there is no unified foreign policy objectives. As such, until our parliamentary issues are resolved, we will be stepping back from decisions that cannot be made without the the guidance of our foreign policy goals."

He paused and looked around the chamber.

"We will be recusing ourself from voting sessions until further notice as we seek to resolve our current parliamentary issues."

He took his seat again.
Yasur spoke for the Iraelian delegation.
"The government of Iraelia will formally put forward Aviezer Yeshurun as a candidate for Speaker of the Iterian League. Mr. Yeshurun has lead a distinguished career bringing Iraelians and Kaandari from Hasban together as the third ever Minister of Internal Affairs following the annexation of the Hasban province. His service in the name of peace across ethnic lines makes him an ideal candidate for the Speaker's office of an organization such as the Iterian League."

"The Iraelian delegation would insist that any move from Dazhou exclude cities in either Skanda or Iraelia. It's the Iraelian government's position that moving the league HQ to either nation could be seen as either attempting to consolidate power within the League. It's the Iraelian delegation's opinion that the League HQ is best served in another member nation. We are hopeful that the situation in Dazhou is resolved soon, so that such a relocation- and the costs that would entail- is not needed."

"Finally, the government of Iraelia is fully supportive of inviting Astragon, Tlaakatland, Rafhazan, Zhen, and Eriadni into the League."



Nomination: <Aviezer Yeshurun>
Prince Sarakhaid of Domos leaned towards the mic, he did not like being away from his home and he liked the task he had been set even less. Astragon had left the league in 92' when the emperor's son had died in a car accident, Kaskaran had retreated from public life and his ministers had chosen isolation to further their own ends. Now with pressure from the Vizier of Estates, Sarakhaid would make a case for the Exalted Empires Re-admittance

'Esteemed Delegates of the League

On behalf of his Exalted Majesty Kaskaran III i come before you seeking to renew ties that have too long been left broken. We left the league in 1992 amid tragedy and isolationism, but the world is growing smaller and Astragon can no longer remain an outsider, we humbly petition the league to accept our membership application'

'hopefully that will satisfy Izrah' Sarakhaid thought as he leaned back.
Arlan stood to dress the delegates of the League.

"Esteemed colleagues of the Iterian League, the Empire is new to this body, and as such we do not feel comfortable electing one of our own to the office of speaker without first settling into membership. However, in the spirit of unity, and in consideration of remarks of Mr. Yasur I would like to formally submit the city of Ardurelos, the capital of Arlanath in Alnaria. Ardurelos is a storied city and natural harbor with a rich history of multiculturalism we feel would be most fitting for the Headquarters of the Iterian League; thank you."



Nomination (City): Ardurelos
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“The Iterian League accepts the nominations of both Mr. Yeshurun and the City of Ardurelos. As to your proposition, Mrs. Yasur, while noble on paper I’m unsure we have the number of active members to allow for that, as it leaves only Alnaria and the isolationist Takashima, which, let’s be honest, only narrows down to a single choice. That being said Skanda will refrain from admitting any cities, but Iraelia is free to do so if they wish.”

“Moving on, we will still be accepting new nominations for both speakers and host cities, but as you all heard from Prince Sarakhaid, Astragon is looking for to be admitted again before we could even discuss them. Skanda has no qualms with their entry so long as they follow the outlines of the Iterian Code as every other state in this alliance has done or will do. Skanda would like to motion for a vote immediately, if no one has any objections. Astragon was once a member and we see no reason they should not be one again.”
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Yasur spoke for the Iraelian delegation.
"The State of Iraelia has no objection to Astragon's re-admittance into this organization. We welcome them back with open arms."
After the formalities and discussions of possible new members had ended, Hana took to the podium again.

"I would now like to motion for a vote. As there are no other candidates for the host city or the Speaker, we will be forgoing votes for the host city or Speaker. If anyone has any objections to that, please let me know. The following votes will be on the re-admittance of Astragon, and the invitations of Eriadni, Rafhazan, Zhen, and Tlaakatland. Furthermore, I would also like to vote on updating our flag to a newer design, seen behind me on the projector screen. Once more, if anyone has any objections to going straight to voting, please let me know. As the delegation from Ascalon is temporarily unavailable we will be counting their votes as abstains."

Re-admit the Exalted Empire of Astragon?:[/b] <YEA | NAY | ABSTAIN>
Invite the nations of Eriadni, Rafhazan, Zhen, and Tlaaktland to the Iterian League?:[/b] <YEA | NAY | ABSTAIN>
 (New Design Below)
Update the current flag of the Iterian League?:[/b] <YEA | NAY | ABSTAIN>
Nation: Democratic People's Republic of Skanda
Re-admit the Exalted Empire of Astragon?: <YEA>

Nation: Democratic People's Republic of Skanda
Invite the nations of Eriadni, Rafhazan, Zhen, and Tlaaktland to the Iterian League?: <YEA>

Nation: Democratic People's Republic of Skanda
Update the current flag of the Iterian League?: <YEA>
"Iraelia seconds."

Nation: State of Iraelia
Re-admit the Exalted Empire of Astragon?: <YEA>

Nation: State of Iraelia
Invite the nations of Eriadni, Rafhazan, Zhen, and Tlaaktland to the Iterian League?: <YEA>

Nation: State of Iraelia
Update the current flag of the Iterian League?: <YEA>
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Nation: Alnaria
Re-admit the Exalted Empire of Astragon?:

Nation: Alnaria
Invite the nations of Eriadni, Rafhazan, Zhen, and Tlaaktland to the Iterian League?:

Nation: Alnaria
Update the current flag of the Iterian League?:
With the rather quick vote over, Iokina spoke once more.

"With all three votes passing, firstly I would like to welcome back Astragon into the Iterian League. Secondly, we'll be sending out the invitations for the potential new nations as soon as possible. Finally, as we'll be moving to Ardurelos after this meeting is over, please make sure all of your paperwork is in order and you've gathered all of your delegation's belongings. We'll be hoisting the new flag in Ardurelos after his meeting. The Iterian League would like to thank Dazhou for hosting the League for all of these years. The League is here for Ascalon if it decides to reach out. Once more, thank you to the City of Dazhou and Ascalon as a whole."

And once she stepped down from the microphone, the meeting was over. The last thing done in the building would be sending out the aforementioned invites and cleaning out all of the Iterian League paperwork. The janitor, Tan Rong, took down the old flag and turned out the lights on the old chapter of the Iterian League.

((The invitation post will be sent out afterwards.))


In this day and age where the sorrow of war deteriorates as nations unite, Cardinele has found itself void of any close relations with other nations. And such, the Republic of Cardinele on the fringes of East Iteria is turning to joining The Iterian League as a full member with a good start, and hopefully, a lasting relationship with the nations and peoples that inhabit the continent just as Cardinele does. Thank you for your consideration.

Tkvarolauri, Cardinele - President Antog Sarafian

կյճ կծե բճյե ըկխե!
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Mr. Tai-Shun returned to the IL by October. He had been absent, and so had Ascalon. A major shakeup had occurred, but it was time to get back to business again.

"Mrs. Iokina. I would like to inform this union that Ascalon is resuming its normal duties as a member. We are sorry about the events that caused the League to move to its new location. Should the League wish to reconsider relocating to Ascalon, I can ensure that the subversive elements responsible for what have happened were dealt with."

He took a sip of his coffee.

"Secondly. I would like to inform the League that we will be moving forward with a planned referendum involving the political future of Ascalon. We will inform you of any planned changes to our nationality. Thank you."

He sat down again.