Farewell, My State

Ema Skye

Sie? Informacyjna Mi?dzymorze​
This morning, a Miedzymorsean ship off of the coast of Ruskaland was deliberately attacked, causing the ship to explode. Around 200 Miedzymorsean citizens were killed during the explosion. The reason why the explosion had occurred is most likely due to Ruskaland, as Miedzymorse had aided communist rebels during the civil war. The ship has been extremely damaged and sank into the Kianese sea.

That's all the information we have right now.


Vistula, Mi?dzymorze

The Miedzymorsean Przewodnicz?cy, Andrzej Kaczy?ski, was furious at Ruskaland. 'How dare this tiny nation attack our military?', he thought angrily. The Przewodnicz?cy walked out of his room to get ready to give an address to the nation on this dire situation.

The Przewodnicz?cy's Address​
Przewodnicz?cy Andrzej Kaczy?ski:
"Dear people of the Mi?dzymorze, as you may know, our military has been attacked by presumably Ruskalandian forces. Due to this unprovoked attack, we are sending a naval force upon the nation in exchange for this attack. We will not stand by and watch Ruskaland massacre our military forces, we will get them back for this!"

TO: Whomever It May Concern
SUBJECT: Reaction to the Recent Crisis between Miedzymorse and Ruskaland

Honorable leaders of Ruskaland and Miedzymorse, and to whomever else it may concern:

It has come to the attention of the Syrixian Empire that a crisis has arisen between Miedzymorse and Ruskaland following the conclusion of a civil war within Ruskaland. This morning, a Miedzymorsean ship off of the coast of Ruskaland was attacked, with around 200 Miedzymorsean citizens unfortunately losing their lives during the explosion. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of those lost in the attack, however it is important to note that the source of the attack is ambiguous.

We are aware that Miedzymorse believes Ruskaland perpetrated the attack, due to Miedzymorse having previously sent supplies and aid to the communist side during the civil war in Ruskaland, which ended in a victory for the Empire of Ruskaland. However, in these times of peril, it is vitally important that such allegations be proven without a shadow of a doubt, before being accepted as fact or refuted. As a Miedzymorsean blockade will soon be in effect and tensions are rising, many human lives on both sides are likely at stake should the situation escalates further.

We hereby call, therefore, for an immediate cessation of the blockade. As well, we call for an independent, unbiased investigation to be held by a tribunal of any nations that have not declared support for either side in this matter that volunteer for such an investigation, for the purpose of evaluating the validity of the allegations made by Miedzymorse against Ruskaland. Should Miedzymorse and Ruskaland be willing to fulfill these suggestions, we would be honored to assist in the coordination of such an investigation.

We earnestly await the response of the governments of Miedzymorse and Ruskaland, as well as any governments that fulfill the aforementioned requirements to volunteer for the tribunal that shall be carrying the proposed investigation out. We also greatly hope that our suggestion for the cessation of the blockade is heard and acted upon before further escalation occurs.

Rajat Mirpuri
Under-Secretary of State of the Syrixian Empire

miedzymorse is not happy with this letter so we hrgggh declare ware on ruusklandam and syrixia!!121 da prsdnt sez
The Miedzymorsean ambassador sent over a letter directed to Ruskaland and Syrixia.

Dear esteemed leaders of the Wyl?dowa?s of Syrixia and Ruskaland

We will cease in the naval quarantine put upon Ruskaland, if they agree to comply with all of these five points listed in this ultimatum we are issuing to the nation. We however, will not allow any international investigation into the attack, as it is a Miedzymorse-Ruskaland issue only.

Suppress all publications which criticize and are directed against the People's Republic of Mi?dzymorze

Eliminate all propaganda against Miedzymorze.

Remove King Ruskatin and any royal from power in Ruskaland.

Cede the southern area of Ruskaland and put into Miedzymorsean military occupation.

Pay 17.03 billion Miedzymorzean zloty in reparation for the Miedzymorzean ship destroyed by Ruskaland.

Failure to comply with any of these points will result in war and a continuation of the naval quarantine.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Zhytomyr Dziewanowski, Wspó?-Przewodnicz?cy (Vice President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)



To The Nations of, Miedzymorse, and Syrixia

Greetings Leaders of Miedzymorse,and Syrixia,

We have received your letters, below you will find our response to your messages. The responses has been checked, and choosen, by King Ruskatin I.

- We agree to the investigation, as long as the leader of Miedzymorse has agreed to the investigation, with NO Ultimatum.

- We, the nation of Ruskaland. Will NOT follow the points listed. We did not attack a Miezdy Ship on purpose. If the Investigation reveals that we sunk the Miezdy Ship. Then we, will begin a investigation, to find the person who ordered this attack, and decide to either execute him, or her for treason, or send them to jail, for a life time.


King Ruskatin I

The Grand Federation of Xentherida would like to officially announce that it will commit itself to Ruskaland's independence, and any attack or declaration of war upon them will be considered an attack upon us, until this statement is formally revoked, or one year occurs (whichever first). The Grand Federation of Xentherida also reminds Miedzymorse that we are within the Trillium Compact, the Phoenix Union, and the Pan Gotic Union, all of which have mutual defence treaties. Additionally, we call upon our brethren in the aforementioned alliances to additionally guarantee the protection of Ruskaland.

The Grand Federation would like to make an impassioned plea for this diplomatic dispute to be resolved, and we are willing to host a conference to resolve these issues in the Xentheridan city of Cosonia. We also ask for Miedzymorse to allow for an impartial organisation to examine the sinking of the vessel, with appropriate reparations given from those who caused the sinking (also decided by an impartial committee).

We desperately hope this crisis does not escalate, and that Miedzymorse chooses the right option of rescinding their ultimatum and threats of war in this tense situation.

TO: Whomever It May Concern
SUBJECT: RE: Miedzymorsean, Ruskalander, and Xentheridan Responses

To whomever it may concern:

It is clear that tensions regarding relations between Miedzymorse and Ruskaland have flared to the point where our efforts to rehabilitate the situation have unfortunately come to failure. Not only has this occurred, but tensions have escalated still, resulting in a series of five ultimata from the People's Republic of Miedzymorse. Miedzymorse first asks for the suppressing of all publications which criticize and are directed against the People's Republic of Miedzymorse as well as the elimination of all propaganda against Miedzymorze. This is an attack on free speech, and on both the sovereignty of Ruskaland and the human rights of its people.

Miedzymorse then asks for the removal of King Ruskatin I and any royal from power in Ruskaland, as well as the cession of the southern area of Ruskaland and put into Miedzymorsean military occupation, as well as the paying of 17.03 billion Miedzymorzean zloty to Miedzymorse. These are also attacks on Ruskalander sovereignty, not to mention the demand for reparations payments for an incident whose existence has not even yet been proved, and has been categorically denied by Ruskaland. Miedzymorse has, as well, threatened war. This, understandably, has only furthered the escalation of tensions, and, furthermore, puts Miedzymorse in a bad light- neither of which are favorable to anyone, especially Miedzymorse.

We therefore echo the Xentheridan response to the recent Miedzymorsean declaration; we hereby join them in guaranteeing the protection of the Empire of Ruskaland; and we, once again, call for Miedzymorse to make the right choice.

Rahul Khanna
Secretary of State of the Syrixian Empire


Dear Leaders of the world

Ruskaland has attacked us unprovokingly! If Miedzy was to bomb, say, Xentherida, would Xentherida not retaliate by declaring war on Miedzy? We urge the nations of the world to step away and let the two nations of Miedzy and Ruskaland settle their dispute by themselves.
We will still uphold the quarantine, but we are willing to withdraw if you are willing to accept this updated ultimatium.

Suppress all publications which criticize and are directed against the People's Republic of Mi?dzymorze

Eliminate all propaganda against Miedzymorze.

Remove King Ruskatin and any royal from power in Ruskaland.

Pay 17.03 billion Miedzymorzean zloty in reparation for the Miedzymorzean ship destroyed by Ruskaland.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)

We would like to remind the government of Miedzymorse that no evidence has been presented thus far proving any actor on the behalf of the state of Ruskaland to be responsible. We would like to formally request that they halt their quarantine until an impartial committee investigates the sinking of the ship. Should the responsibility be formally pinned to any actor on the behalf of the state of Ruskaland, then we are willing to remove our guarantee and allow the two nations to resolve their dispute between themselves.

In conclusion, we formally request that the quarantine and ultimatum are suspended until an impartial organisation rules the sinking of the ship to be caused by an actor on behalf of the state of Ruskaland. We also call upon unbiased nations or organisations to volunteer to form a committee to investigate the sinking of the ship.

Dear Leaders of the world

Miedzymorze will still uphold the quarantine unless the ultimatum has been agreeded upon. If denied, we will provide no guarantee of peace to Ruskaland. This revised version will be the only revision. No new revisions or negotiations will be accepted by Miedzymorze at the time. We would also like to state that there is also no evidence Ruskaland didn't perpetrate the heinous crimes. Using the power of logic, which none of you apparently have, we have deduced the suspect to Ruskaland. An official board of inquisition on the issue may also not be accepted by Miedzy.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)



To Miedzymorse,
After viewing your Ultimatum, we decided to give our Ultimatum, to end this situation.

- A Investigation will take place, If it turns out that we attacked this ship, then we will pay for the ship, and we will arrest, and decide the fate of the person who decided to attack your ship.

If declined, then this situation will resolve into even deeper chaos. Which hopefully both of us don't want.
King Ruskatin I.


Dear Ruskaland

Your ultimatum has failed to meet the standards set by the Miedzynorzean revised ultimatum. You only agreed to one out of the 4 clauses. We cannot agree to be scammed out of 3/4 a clause. We will be sending more ships over to the quarantine site to see if you will want to reconsider accepting the ultimatum.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)

To the leaders and affected parties,

The Cogorian state looks on at the current events occurring across the seas with a sense of despair. Two nations have come into conflict and tensions are escalating. While the workers of Cogoria lament the fact that lives may be lost in what appears to be a looming conflict, we can not stand idly by while the nations that view themselves falsely as the world police again attempt to interfere with events that are not of their concern. We call upon the international community to abandon their interventionist policies and cease their interference in the running of foreign states without invite or cause. Should foreign intervention of military nature take place by outside parties, the First People's Empire of Cogoria will see it as a deceleration of war against the Workers Global Nation, and retaliate with utmost vigour with ever available means. We implore the world to see sense and step back from the brink, or permit the ravages of war to remain isolated. The world has no need for another Oktobergrad due to the interventionist policy of those abroad.

From the offices of Minister Barishnikov
Commissar of Foreign Affairs

Dear Leaders of the World

We wholly agree with the Cogorian response to the situation. This is not an international issue, only one between two nation. War is inevitable as Ruskland refuses to agree to our ultimatum. However, the more nations that stay out, the less casualties that will occur. We urge that Xentherida and Syrixia stay out of this mess.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Zhytomyr Dziewanowski, Wspó?-Przewodnicz?cy (Vice President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)

The government of Miedzymorse is proving itself to be relentlessly belligerent and dedicated to war. We would like to also dispute the statement of "there is also no evidence Ruskaland didn't perpetrate the heinous crimes. Using the power of logic, which none of you apparently have, we have deduced the suspect to Ruskaland", which comes off as deliberately aggressive and using great leaps to fill in implausible gaps. There has been absolutely no evidence pinning the blame to Ruskaland, and the deduction has nothing to support it. We once again plea for Miedzymorse to agree to a proposed, very generous solution:

1) Miedzymorse temporarily suspends their quarantine and ultimatum.
2) Ruskaland removes all anti-Miedzymorzean propaganda.
3) Both nations agree to a formal, unbiased investigation into the ship's sinking.
4) Ruskaland accepts that it will no longer be protected by Xentherida should it be found guilty.
5) Ruskaland also accepts that it will be once again subject to Miedzymorzean demands should it be found guilty.
6) Ruskaland agrees to pay a sum of $8.5 billion Miedzymorzean zloty (approximately half the cost of the sunken ship) to Miedzymorse, which is to be returned should Ruskaland be found to be not guilty.

This agreement will be valid for the duration of the investigation and its immediate aftermath, and its revoking will be officially announced upon the end of the crisis, by us.
To the leaders of all involved parties,

The Republic of Cojedes is looking at the current events with anticipation that a resolve will come soon. The Republic has taken interest in the events and is looking to help all affected parties. The Government of Cojedes, after thorough discussion, has decided that it will, if the need be, send humanitarian aid and support to both parties, as per the Constitution of Cojedes. Simultaneously, the Cojedan Government hopes that it does not have to come to this. The Government has also requested me to propose to all parties that Cojedes play host to a conference to potentially reolve this conflict. If this is not accepted, we hope that parties will at least be willing to sit and discuss the issue elsewhere before the conflict goes to the extreme. We also echo the words of the Cogorian government when we ask all parties to take a step back and realize how much harm this could cause to the innocent citizens of all of our respective countries.

With most high respect,

Sebastian Rega, Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Dear Xentherida

Miedzymorze will accept the ultimatum set put by Xentherida. We are beginning a withdrawl of naval vessels from Ruskaland temporarily until the investigation ends.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Zhytomyr Dziewanowski, Wspó?-Przewodnicz?cy (Vice President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)



To Xentherida,
After viewing your letter, We, the Nation of Ruskaland, have decided to agree with your ultimatum fully.
Thank you for your time.

From, Ruskatin I, King of Ruskaland.


The State of Iraelia stands by the Xentheridan ultimatum and are supportive of the Miedzymorse government's willingness to comply. The State of Iraelia offers its services as an impartial mediator in the proposed investigation and negotiations. We will also confer with our Iterian League allies to broaden the scope and effectiveness with those duties.

Bahit Yahar
Minister of Foreign Affairs, State of Iraelia​

The Federal Government is Ninhundland is prepared to begin an investigation on the sinking of a Miedmorsean ship. We will do it under our own regulations and if that means having the accompaniment of our military ships, then so be it. We are not afraid of controversy. While we are officially neutral, we have some bias towards Miedmorse, but we do not support an attack on Ruskaland without a proper investigation. If Ruskaland is found to be guilty that we will assist in an naval invasion if the Government of Miedmorse agrees to allow Ninhundish navy ships dock in the southern ports of the country.

Brent Fauchern (Prime Minister)
Reert Keitelbach (Navy General)
Gödrich Eiselberg (Minister of Foreign Affairs)

The State of Iraelia objects to the statements from the Federal Republic of Ninhundland. Ninhundland's admitted bias against Miedzymorse and their threat to invade Ruskaland casts their ability to serve as an impartial mediator into doubt.

Bahit Yahar
Minister of Foreign Affairs, State of Iraelia​
clack clack clack Clack Clack Clack CLACK CLACK CLACK

The sound of hurried footsteps could be heard resonating down the hall to Maxie's West-Wing Office. With the practice of a monarch who had long-since been in the spotlight and thus taught how to conceal and keep his reactions under his will of control, he continued with a sip from his coffee. Only a measured and just-a-little-too-controlled breath was let out. The King had been through this many times before with his Lord President of the Privy Council, whose every-growing clacking heels atop polished marble floors was easily recognizable to Maxie. The man had a tendency to overreact at the slightest invocation - which the King had to give him credit for his formality and razor-sharp wit, but it had times where it grated on the monarch's nerves.

"Prepare for Monsieur Barrande's arrival," the man said softly to his chamber aide, taking another sip of his coffee as he sat back in his armchair. Maxie guessed that M. Barrande's choice in noisy footwear were his more nuanced Sunday pair - black Oxfords, no brogue. Polished to perfection, of course.

His aide opened the door just as the Privy Council President stepped up to knock on the heavy ages-old door, surprising the man.

"Monsieur Barrande," Maxie said, not looking up from the report he was reading, "How can I help you today?"

"Your Majesty," Théo Barrande bowed his head in greeting before stepping into the room. It took a lot of strength to suppress the eye-roll that Maxie had the urge to do, "The Imperial Intelligence Service has uncovered something very concerning, Sir."

The monarch looked up from his report as his aide excused herself and shut the door behind her. His gaze dipped briefly to the President's shoes, and his neutral expression formed into a frown. Chisel-toed derbies adorned the other man's feet. "About what, Théo?" Maxie said, dropping the formalities and instead encouraging the other man to just come out with it already.

"The Miedzymorsian government is gearing up for war," he said, a bit nervously, stepping forward and handing the bearded man a manila folder with various cover sheets adorning the front. Maxie's brows knitted together in concern as he took the report and opened its contents to his eyes. "Two days ago, a Miedzymorsian ship experienced an explosion in Ruskaland's waters. The ship sank quickly and all hands were lost. The Miedzymorsian government issued an ultimatum to the Ruskaland government for immediate penance for the incident."

"Why does any of this concern myself or Valencia?" The King asked, his eyes scanning across a page.

"Sir," Barrande began, a little slowly to trample his surprise at the monarch's admittedly cold dismissal, "The Miedzymorsian government has issued demands that the Ruskaland government cannot meet. Quite frankly, I don't think the Miedzymorsians expect the Rusklandians to be able to meet them."


"The Miedzymorsians have stated that they intend to go to war, Sir," Barrande clarified, leaning forward and pulling forward the stacks of correspondance from official Miedzymorsian news outlets.

Maxie's eyes scanned the pages as Barrande waited patiently. It took a lot of willpower for the King to not simply scoff and - on a few occasions - let out a bark of laughter at the ridiculous and preposterous demands that Miedzymorsian government set forth. Even then, an annoyed twitch of his upper lip still got through. "Utterly ridiculous. Kaczynski has lost his damned mind," Maxie muttered, setting the manila folder down, "Contact the Ruskalandians. Offer any aide we can spare. Coordinate with the Minister of Defense to make it happen. Any pushback can answer to me. I'll take care of the international relations."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Barrande said with a bow of his head, then swiftly strode toward the hallway from wence he came.

With a repressed sigh of annoyance, he took up his pen and began to write.


President Andrzej Kaczy?ski; the esteemed Governments of Miedzymorse, Xentherida, Syrixia, Cogoria, Cojedes, Iraelia, Ninhundland, and Ruskaland; and to whomever else may lay eyes upon this letter published openly to the world:

I write this to state my and my realm's official opinions and stance on the matters currently surrounding the tensions between the nation-states of Miedzymorse and Ruskaland. It is firstly my duty to express my deepest condolences to those who have survived their loved ones who so tragically lost their lives in the sinking of the as-of-yet unnamed Miedzymorsian vessel south of the beaches of Kian. I have confidence that the source of the mysterious explosion which caused the sudden and swift sinking will quickly be determined in the coming days. I stand with not only the Miedzymorsians, but the rest of the denizens of Eras in mourning.

But that is where I both begin and cease standing alongside Miedzymorse. News has now spread regarding the extreme controversy surrounding these events, and rightfully so. Sane and logically-sound persons around the world stand and question the legitimacy of Miedzymorsian claims. However, I am not so quick to judge, for I and my government prefer to apply factual and representative evidence of occurances, especially when one threatens a war of vengeance. If the vessel was attacked, then who did it? If the attack was genuinely perpetrated by the government of Ruskaland, then what do they aim to gain from such an act? If, by some miracle and grace of God Himself, Ruskaland could actually afford to pay the ransom that Miedzymorse demands, how would their economy and relations fair afterward? All entirely legitimate questions, but all entirely hinged upon one word.


If the vessel was attacked. If the attack was genuine. If Ruskaland could afford the demands. All of these questions on their own are important in their own right, but offer nothing of true merit to an investigation. Only when linked together in such a fashion as they so clearly present themselves in current happenstance do they gain any real significance. Only then do these seemingly innoccuous phrases begin to shape the true and, quite frankly, obvious intent of the Miedzymorsian government: they do not intend to receive their absurd and incompetent ransom, using it as an excuse for war.

Even then, President Kaczy?ski, you dismiss foreign meddling in what you define as an affair 'between Miedzymorse and Ruskaland.' I denounce this purely on the irrefutable and long-standing fact that Valencia possesses something that other nations who have volunteered to intervene have not - that the Kingdom of Valencia sits upon the Kian continent.

So I say to you, self-proclaimed 'President' Kaczy?ski, that the entirety of your spurious, outrageous, far-fetched, brazen, egregrious, opprobrious, scurrilous, contumelious accusations you place against Ruskaland based upon absolutely not only no evidence, but an unwillingness and - dare I say - fear to allow an unbiased and international entity conduct an investigation, also apply to the Kingdom of Valencia and myself.

If Miedzymorse wishes to continue its embargo on Ruskaland, then so be it. If Miedzymorse wishes to continue its blockade against Ruskaland, then so be it. However, if Miedzymorse wishes to plant its boots upon the continent of Kian in hostility, then Valencia will be more than happy to meet her upon the shores in kind. The Kingdom will not tolerate expansionist invaders upon the continent. Not ever.

You may be willing to bully and push against the boundaries of common decency when it concerns smaller nations, President Kaczy?ski, but will you show the same testicular fortitude against an adversary not weak and weary with war?

Yours truly,
King Maximilien Auguste Subercaseaux VII

Edited to correct syntax consistency and add an addressed nation.

Dear Iterian League,

Miedzymorze will accept you in investigating the sinking of the Miedzymorzean ship. We have withdrawn our embargo, and all of our ships are already en route to Miedzymorze for now.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Zhytomyr Dziewanowski, Wspó?-Przewodnicz?cy (Vice President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)

Timnna Yedidyah arrived in the Valencian capital, the sky just beginning to dark with the onset of twilight.

Her teammates, made up from representatives from across the Iterian League, were all settling in for the night. She didn't even notice the lights of the city from her window as she sat down at her desk, scrolling through Iterian League files that had been compiled from information the Iraelian government had gotten from the Xentheridans.

The question that kept coming up was what the tiny Empire of Ruskaland had to gain? Only 2 million people...there's no way they could ever hope to stand up to a Miedzymorze invasion. So why tempt it? Old tensions left over from the colonial days? Possible, but something just didn't add up. She rubbed her temples as she scrolled through the documents. Hoping something...anything...might reveal a hidden truth to her....
Indistinct chatter in Skandan played from a radio. It was background noise mostly, one of the various late night radio talk shows of one of the larger Skandan cities. Since real radios would never be able to broadcast a Skandan talk show all the way from South Kian, Hirou had to use his phone. With a sigh he leaned back in his chair, taking the whole situation in. What a mess this was. Hirou was surprised that both parties had even agreed to let the Iterian League investigate. Raking his fingers through his graying black hair, he sorted through the physical files, organizing them neatly before setting them on a desk so he could read through them in the morning without headache. It was late, after all.

Hirou Ishiwai’o wasn’t sure he even wanted to carry on in this position. Was he qualified? Sure, he had been a detective in the Saito Metropolitan Police Department for many years, and a police chief after that which had led him into a long road of politics and eventually to his current position. He was more than qualified. But he wasn’t satisfied. He didn’t want to be sent off to countries all over Eras to investigate things like this, in fact he wanted to go back to his days as a police chief where he could return to his family every night. Unfortunately for Ishiwai’o, he was stuck with his job for now. Even if he had a disdain for politics, the aging man would do his job as well as he could to make sure the truth came out, whether it favored one party or the other.
Przewodnicz?cy Pa?ac
Wis?a, Miedzymorze

The Miedzymorzean Przewodnicz?cy, Andrzej Kaczy?ski looked out the window of his Mansion in Wis?a, looking on at the bright, blue waters of the Wis?an river. Kaczy?ski sat down on the balcony, and poured himself a cold, fresh cup of Rakia. He was about the drink until a knock rang on his door.

"What is it?", the Przewodnicz?cy asked angrily at the person knocking at the door. "Mister Przewodnicz?cy, I have some news from Ruskaland", the man said to him. "Well then, deliver the news", Kaczy?ski said. "Alright", the man said, walking over to the balcony. He handed Kaczy?ski a newspaper with the heading, 'Ruskaland Couped!'. "You see sir, Ruskaland was couped earlier today.", he said. "What happened to Ruskatin?", asked Kaczy?ski. "Did they kill him or something?" "No sir, he died a while ago now, with no heir. Then some Ruskan revolutionaries seized power", he explained. "They've formed some sort of socialist democracy."

"That's all I need to know", the Przewodnicz?cy said as he got up and left.

Rada Miejsce Spotkania
Wis?a, Miedzymorze

"So, what do you suppose we should do with this Ruskaland situation?", Przewodnicz?cy Kaczy?ski consulted his rada on the issue. Foreign Affairs Minister, Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz began to speak. "I think we should use this opportunity to withdraw from our agreement the Iterian League and the former Ruskan government. The Ruskan government we asigned that agreement is gone, I don't think our agreement should apply.", he said. "Yes, that is a wonderful idea.", praised the Przewodnicz?cy. "I think that's all we need to do. Well then, meeting ajourned."

Przewodnicz?cy = President
Pa?ac = Palace
Rada = Council/Advisors
Miejsce Spotkania = Meeting Place

Dear Iterian League,

Miedzymorze will no longer uphold the previous agreement we had to an investigation earlier. The nation of Ruskaland has suffered internal issues, and the government we signed the agreement with no longer exists. Thus, we consider the agreement moot and will no longer accept the outcome of any investigation carried out by the Iterian League.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)


To whom it may concern in the government of Miedzymorze,

The Iterian League condemns the actions of Miedzymorze. We will continue with our investigation with the governments of Valencia and Ruskaland. We condemn any and all attempts by the government in Miedzymorze to hamper the search for truth regarding the Ruskaland incident.

Irad Yasur
Secretary-General of the Iterian Leaguee​


The State of Iraelia finds the government of Miedzymorze's threat to invade the nation of Ruskaland during a period of political transition to be a violation sovereignty. The State of Iraelia will deploy the Iraelian Navy to the Metteran Sea in the hopes that they will discourage the Miedzymorze regime's course of action.

Addai Abimelech
Minister of Defence, State of Iraelia​
Official Statement from the DPRS:

The Democratic People's Republic of Skanda will not stand for this breach of sovereignty of Ruskaland, and finds Miedzymorze's actions to be as imperialist as the actions of colonial empires of old. The DPRS will be deploying the Skandan Liberation Navy alongside the Iraelian Navy in the Meterran Sea in an attempt to dissuade Miedzymorze from it's actions. If needed it will redeploy. Our Iterian League representative will also continue the investigation alongside the rest of the Iterian League representatives.

Misaka Tawanoa, Premier of the Democratic People’s Republic of Skanda
Hiroshi Masada, Commissar of Foreign Affairs
I’kia Kaiuwahui, Commissar of Defense





Official Statement from the Miedzymorzean Government

We see the actions of Skanda and Iraelia as an affront to the nation of Mi?dzymorze. Thus, we order the closure of the Skandan and Iraelian embassies and expulsion of all Iraelian-Skandan diplomats and citizens from Mi?dzymorzean territory. Any other nations wishing to threaten us via naval deployment will have their diplomats and citizens expelled from our nation.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Zhytomyr Dziewanowski, Wspó?-Przewodnicz?cy (Vice President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)
Antoni Komorowski, Minister of Bezpiecze?stwo (Security)

Imperial Goyanean Federation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Notification of the Imposition of Sanctions and Travel Ban by the Landesdag

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Goyanes wishes to inform the international community of the imposition of sanctions and travel ban against Miedzymorse. Effective March 22, 2018, the Goyanean Government is imposing sanctions and travel ban and is to be enforced domestically via the Inland Revenue Police and GNP.

Miedzymorse should be aware of a tripartite pact of Ascalon, Goyanes, and Iraelia, signed in 2017, and should any military action be taken against them, we will not be hesitant to take our own action.

-All companies doing business with Miedzymorse are to be sanctioned, and their activities restricted within Goyanes until Miedzymorsean operations are frozen.

-There is a total ban on all Miedzymorsean-origin imports.

-All assets belonging to the MIedzymorsean government (including the central bank) and Miedzymorsean financial institutions within Goyanes are to be frozen until further notice.

-Any Goyanean property held by blacklisted companies and individuals are to be impounded, and are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with Goyanean citizens.

-Sales of weapons of any kind to the private or public sector of Goyanean arms manufacturers are to cease, until further notice.

-A complete travel ban is to be enforced, effective on March 22. All Goyanean citizens are to leave Miedzymorse, and all Miedzymorsean citizens are to leave Goyanes by the 22nd, or face deportation.

Ascalonian Dominion
Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Notification of the Imposition of Sanctions and Travel Ban by the National Council
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ascalon wishes to inform the international community of the imposition of sanctions and travel ban against Miedzymorse. Effective March 20, 2018, the Ascalonian Government is imposing sanctions and a travel ban, to be enforced domestically via the National Police.

We are utterly appalled by the violence and animosity towards our Iterian compatriots. We stand with Iraelia and Skanda in our steadfastness. Miedzymorse should be aware of a tripartite pact of Ascalon, Goyanes, and Iraelia, signed in 2017, and should any military action be taken against us, we will not be hesitant to contact our allies.

-All companies doing business with Miedzymorse are to be sanctioned, and their activities restricted within Ascalon until Miedzymorsean operations are frozen.

-There is a total ban on all Miedzymorsean-origin imports.

-All assets belonging to the MIedzymorsean government (including the central bank) and Miedzymorsean financial institutions within Ascalon are to be frozen until further notice.

-Any Ascalonian property held by blacklisted companies and individuals are to be impounded, and are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with Ascalonian citizens.

-Sales of weapons of any kind to the private or public sector of Ascalonian arms manufacturers are to cease, until further notice.

-A complete travel ban is to be enforced, effective on March 20. All Ascalonian citizens are to leave Miedzymorse, and all Miedzymorsean citizens are to leave Ascalon by the 22nd, or face deportation.

To Whom it May Concern:

Though attempts at peace have been made, the government of Miedzymorse has shown that it is not interested in any such possibilities. The threats made by Miedzymorse against Ruskaland due to its change in government as well as the State of Iraelia and the Democratic People's Republic of Skanda, and the subsequent closure of Skandan and Iraelian embassies only serve to prove this.

The Empire, to the highest degree, condemns the actions of the People's Republic of Miedzymorse. We wholeheartedly support the continuation of the Iterian League investigation into the Ruskaland incident. The government of Miedzymorse has demonstrated a reckless and arrogant disdain for any diplomacy that does not involve a complete diplomatic and strategic victory for their government.

The Empire commends and echoes the actions of the Imperial Goyanean Federation and the Ascalonian Dominion, and stands in solidarity with them, our allies in Iraelia, as well as the Democratic People's Republic of Skanda. Henceforth, all companies within the Empire doing business with Miedzymorsean government or Miedzymorsean companies are to be sanctioned, and their activities restricted within the Empire until all operations relating to Miedzymorse are frozen.

All imports from Miedzymorse to the Empire are now banned. All assets belonging to the Miedzymorsean government and Miedzymorsean financial institutions within the Empire are to be frozen until further notice. Any property within the Empire held by blacklisted companies and/or individuals are to be impounded, and are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with Imperial citizens.

These sanctions will not be lifted until Miedzymorse CEASE AND DESIST their actions and deliver a full statement of apology addressed to Ruskaland, Valencia, the Iterian League, and the international community at large.

Rahul Khanna
Secretary of State of the Syrixian Empire

Notification of the Imposition of Sanctions and Travel Ban by the Vårtinget

To Whom it May Concern:

The Government of Vallish Confederation condemns the recent actions of the People's Republic of Miedzymorse, and declares its support for the continuation of the Iterian League investigation into the Ruskaland incident. The government of Miedzymorse has decided, in its unbridled arrogance, to spit upon the international community at large and dabble in flagrant neocolonialism for its own arrogant personal gain, at the expense of the nation and people of Ruskaland.

The Government of the Vallish Confederation commends and echoes the actions of the international community in relation to these latest developments. Henceforth, we hereby declare the following measures to be in effect immediately:

- All Vallish companies doing business with Miedzymorse are to be sanctioned, regardless of cantonal affiliation, and their activities restricted within Valland until all Miedzymorsean operations are frozen.

- All imports from Miedzymorse are now banned.

- All assets belonging to the Miedzymorsean government and Miedzymorsean financial institutions within Valland are to be frozen until further notice.

- Any Vallish property held by blacklisted companies and individuals are to be impounded, and are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with Vallish citizens.

- Sales of weapons of any kind by the Miedzymorsean government or Miedzymorsean companies/financial institutions to the private or public sector of Vallish arms manufacturers, and vice versa, are to cease, until further notice.

- A complete travel ban is to be enforced, effective one week from the release of this statement. All Vallish citizens are to leave Miedzymorse.

It is so ordered.


The Crowned Republic of Highton condemns the actions of the government of Mi?dzymorze as these actions are a flagrant violation of the sovereignty of Ruskaland. Highton will cut off any trade with Mi?dzymorze and warns of further sanctions should Mi?dzymorze fail to desist their imperialistic actions. Highton wishes to echo the words of Syrixia and Goyanes and wishes to support Iraelia and Skanda at this time.

Antonio Fernández (Secretary of International Affairs)
Autlandischeverhäldingeindracht des Föderation vun Ninhündland

Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Federation of Ninhundland

The Government of Ninhundland finds the recent actions of Mi?dzymorse to be extreme and a violation of Ruskaland’s soverignty. High taxes and tariffs are to be in effect later this week. There will be no travel ban however Miedzymorseans from outside of Sudetenland will be limited. Sudetenland is a special exception due to agreements and common Seudisch blood.

While Ninhundland is not an ally with the Iterian League or Syrixia, Ninhundland echos the words and wishes for a improvement in relations with countries who condemn these recent actions.
Approved by the Diplomatic Corps of the Stan Yera:

The Stan Yera is disgusted by the callous dismissal of international cooperative efforts into mediating conflict by the government of Mi?dzymorse. It hereby condemns the actions taken by Mi?dzymorse and pledges to defend Ruskaland with military force should the Stan Yera deem it necessary to do so. The Stan Yera urges Mi?dzymorse to reconsider its actions and to allow international investigation into the incident involving its sunken ship if it wishes to retain the goodwill of any civil government.

Should the government of Mi?dzymorse not reverse its decision to back out of the investigation within the week, the Stan Yera shall see fit to impose sanctions and freeze assets of Mi?dzymorsean entities within the Stan Yera, as well as order the house arrest of any non-permanent residents, permanent residents, or foreign-born citizens from Mi?dzymorse until their decision is reversed.

From the Mondic Government

We find the actions of the Miedzymorzean Government deplorable, these include dismissing the Iterian League investigation and threatening the nation of Ruskaland.

While the previous Ruskan Government may be void, that does not give the Miedzymorzean Government the right to dismiss the agreement in place, along with the fact that an invasion of Ruskaland by Miedzymorse would destabilize Ruskaland.

In accordance to Section 5 of the Kian Union, the Mondic Navy is prepared to move two of its three Jefferson Carrier Strike Fleets to protect Ruskaland if Miedzymorse launches an invasion of Ruskaland. If a Miedzymorzean invasion happens, we urge the other KU nations to take actions against Miedzymorse.

Preston Milton

President of The RM

Desmond Xavier

Secretary of Defense
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Official Statement from the Miedzymorzean Government

Due to the governments of the nations of Syrixia, Vallnd, Ninhundland, Highton, Stan Yera, and Midir's recent actions against Miedzymorze and their sanctions against Miedzymorze, we will have to take more action against our detractors. Follwing this statement, all citizens from the aforementioned nations will now be banned from entering Miedzymorze. All citizens currently within shall be deported. A travel ban shall also be instated on these nations.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Zhytomyr Dziewanowski, Wspó?-Przewodnicz?cy (Vice President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)
Antoni Komorowski, Minister of Bezpiecze?stwo (Security)

Official Statement from the Government of the Republic of Cojedes

To whom it may concern:

The Department of Foreign Affairs wishes to inform the international governments of the following. The Government of Cojedes is appalled by the recent actions of the government of Miedzymorze. The Government, on behalf of the President, condemns the recent actions of the government and hopes that they will retract their decision. In the meantime, the National Assembly has approved the following by majority vote effective March the 22nd, 2018:

1. A full travel ban against Miedzymorze will be put into action effective immediately.

2. Imports from Miedzymorze are banned effective at midnight.

3. All assets of the Miedyzmorze Government in Cojedes are to be frozen immediately.

4. Embassy officials in Cojedes will be withdrawn and the government requests that all Cojedans in Miedzymorze leave the country to come to Cojedes.

5. Cojedan companies are strictly forbidden from selling to Miedzymorze.

6. Government officials in Miedzymorze will be sanctioned by Cojedes and all properties will be taken into the control of the Cojedan government.

7. Members of the Embassy of Miedzymorze must leave Cojedes within 24 hours.

Sanctions will not be lifted until the government of Miedzymorze returns to the deal with the Government of Ruskaland.

Official Statement from the Miedzymorzean Government

We, the nation of Mi?dzymorze would like to announce that we are sending our own naval fleet towards South Iteria to discourage more Iterian nations from joining Skanda and Iraelia's display of force.

Andrzej Kaczy?ski, Przewodnicz?cy (President)
Cyryl Pieka?kiewicz, Minister of Sprawy Zewn?trzne (External/Foreign Affairs)


The State of Iraelia will stand by the Democratic People's Republic of Skanda in opposing Miedzymorze's acts of aggression against both Ruskaland and southern Iteria. We will defend our nation, our continent, and our allies in pursuit of justice in Ruskaland. We will continue with our part of the Ruskaland investigation and we hold Miedzymorze accountable for their brazen acts of aggression.
Iraelia will forever stand for international justice an Iterian sovereignty.

Agastya Yamesh
Prime Minister, State of Iraelia​
Official Statement from the DPRS:

To the Miedzymorzean State

The Democratic People’s Republic of Skanda will not falter in the face of this aggressive action, and our navy will not be moved. As with our ally, we will stand by the Iraelian State in solidarity. We find your imperialist actions as a “socialist state” to be disturbingly reminiscent of those we have fought before, and as such we condemn your imperialist warmongering actions. We will be imposing a travel ban on your nation of traitors, and as many others have, sanctions. You have broken our trust and stabbed another socialist nation in the back for your own selfish gains, and as such we refuse to associate with you in the future without large incentive. Perhaps one day we can find common ground but until then we will consider you a state directly opposed to us and our allies. We will no longer recognize you traitors among other socialist states, but as a totalitarian dictatorship of the oppressed.

Misaka Tawanoa, Premier of the Democratic People’s Republic of Skanda
Hiroshi Masada, Commissar of Foreign Affairs
I’kia Kaiuwahui, Commissar of Defense



