The South Pacific Delegacy Transition
On request, the North Pacific Army has for the past week or so been deployed in the South Pacific to help with Erinor's delegacy transition. The operation was a success and 16 NPAers were deployed, and is now concluded.
The ribbon below is awarded to all NPA participants in the operation, made by Gladio because I can't ribbon. Feel free to use it in your signatures, they say that the fancier your signature is the more influential you are.

All Participants:
1. Malphe
2. Darcania
3. Lozinak
4. Zazumo
5. Quietdad
6. Lotion
7. Deropia
8. Aber638
9. Michael Power
10. BMWSurfer
11. Hardonius
12. Cimmerien
13. BluieGamer
14. Dinoium
15. Arstotzka1
16. Almacs
Well done everyone!

Minister of Defense
You can join The North Pacific Army (NPA) by applying here!