- Pronouns
- He/His/Him
- TNP Nation
- Prydania
- Discord
- lordgigaice

The Bergum Pact is a mutual defence and economic union created for the preservation of peace, stability, soverignty, and freedom on the continent of Craviter and in the Auburn Isles. The headquarters of the Bergum Pact are located in Bergum, Maloria.
Full Members:
The Stan Yera
The Stan Yera
President of the Council of the Bergum Pact: Empress Alycia I of Norsia
Constitution of the Bergum Pact
The Parties to this Pact affirm their desire to live in peace with all peoples and all governments.
They are determined to safeguard the freedom, common heritage and civilization of their peoples, founded on the principles of sovereignty, individual liberty, and the rule of law. They seek to promote stability and well-being on the continent of Craviter.
They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective defence and for the preservation of peace and security. They therefore agree to this Pact, signed in Bergum.
Article 1
The Parties undertake to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security and justice are not endangered, and to refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force.
Article 2
The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them.
Article 3
In order more effectively to achieve the objectives of this Pact, the Parties, separately and jointly, by means of continuous and effective self-help and mutual aid, will maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack.
Article 4
The Parties will consult together whenever, in the opinion of any of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of any of the Parties is threatened.
Article 5
The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Craviter shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of Craivter.
Article 6
For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:
-on the territory of any of the Parties in Craviter or on the territory of the Auburn Isles under the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Prydania;
-on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in the world.
Article 7
Each Party declares that none of the international engagements now in force between it and any other of the Parties or any third State is in conflict with the provisions of this Treaty, and undertakes not to enter into any international engagement in conflict with this Treaty.
Article 8
The Parties hereby establish the Council of the Bergum Pact, on which each of them shall be represented, to consider matters concerning the implementation of this Treaty. The Council shall be so organised as to be able to meet promptly at any time. The Council shall meet in the city of Bergum in the Empire of Maloria and shall be made up of the heads of state of each Party, or their designated representatives. The Council shall be headed by the President of the Bergum Pact, which is to be elected by the council from among the heads of state of every Party every four months. The Council shall work to recommend measures for the implementation of Articles 3 and 5.
Article 9
The Parties may, by unanimous agreement, invite any other state on Craviter or any territory near it in a position to further the principles of this Pact and to contribute to the security of the continent of Craviter to accede to this Treaty. Any State so invited may become a member of the Pact by depositing its instrument of accession with the Council of the Bergum Pact.
Article 10
This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Parties in accordance with their respective constitutional processes. The Treaty shall enter into force between the States which have ratified it as soon as the ratifications of all founding signatories, including the ratifications of the United Norsian Kingdoms, Kingdom of Kanada, Empire of Maloria, and the Kingdom of Prydania.
Article 11
After the Treaty has been in force the Council of the Bergum Pact may vote on additional articles, with a majority vote needed.
Article 12
All member states, be they founding signatories or invited states, pledge their eternal support to the Bergum Pact in the name of promoting peace and security in Craviter and the Auburn Isles.
Article 13
This Treaty, of which the Malorian, Kanadian, Norsian, Prydanian, and Mercanti texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the Empire of Maloria. Duly certified copies will be transmitted by that Government to the Governments of other signatories.
Article 14
The flag of the Bergum Pact shall be a red field divided into four quarters by a white cross. Heraldic emblems representing each member state shall be arranged in gold in each of the four quarters. The flag is to be updated upon an ascension of each new member state.

Article 15
The emblem of the Bergum Pact shall be a roundel version of the above flag, and shall be updated accordingly.

The emblem of the Bergum Pact as a map of Craviter and Collandris on a shield on top of a sword to symbolize common defence. The flag shall be this emblem on a red field.

Done in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the Nations present the 30 Day of January in the Year 2018. In Witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names,
King Tobias III
Kingdom of Prydania
Empress Alycia I
United Norsian Kingdoms
Kaizer Alexander IV
Empire of Maloria
Queen Grace III
Kingdom of Kanada
King Jadzia III
Kingdom of Arrandal
Chairman Catherine Rokotov
First People's Empire of Cogoria
Tiran Arthur Tatarov
Tyranny of Korova
Federal Premier Sfan K'ter
The Stan Yera
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