Opening Address - January 2018
First of all, I would like to thank all the wonderful people that supported my campaign by voting for me, giving me advice and encouraging me to run for Delegate, without your support none of this would have been possible!
Secondly, I would like to thank my opponents Lord Ravenclaw, Mall and Falapatorius for their effort Into making this record breaking election really Interesting and challenging.
I have been a member of The North Pacific for over six years now and throughout all that time I have served the region In various capacities but now I can say that It Is truly an honor and privilege to finally be given the chance to serve as our region's Delegate!
After careful consideration and much thought I have chosen the following members as my cabinet for this term:
Minister of Defense: Malphe
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ghost Pallaith
Minister of Home Affairs: Brend0g
Minister of Communications: Kasch
Minister of Culture: Artemis
Minister of World Assembly Affairs: Deropia
I would also like to name the following as my advisors: r3naissanc3r, Crushing Our Enemies, and SillyString. I will also be retaining Egalotir as our Lead GameSide Advocate.
Over the next week we will be working to ensure that the delegacy transition Is quick and smooth, for this reason The NPA will be called back to TNP to assist with this process. I would also like to ask all TNP citizens to endorse me.
Finally, I would once again like to thank everyone who took part In this election and I am looking forward to a highly active and productive term!
Your Delegate,