Commend The MT Army
Category: Commendation | Nominee: The MT Army
Proposed by: Caelapes | Onsite Topic
The Security Council,
Recognizing that the MT Army was founded as the armed wing of Mariner Trench on June 22, 2003, and has been a dedicated and widely-respected anti-fascist and anti-Nazi military force over the past fourteen years;
Emphasizing the importance of the MT Army, which worked alongside the Pacific Defenders, also known as Anti Nazi Alliance, in the early-to-mid-2000s as the vanguard of antifascist and anti-Nazi military efforts;
Pointing to the MT Army's invaluable contributions to the fight against hatred throughout NationStates, which includes
- the destruction of hate-filled regions such as The URAP, an ancient Nazi region that had been a member of The Aryan Army;
- assisting with the destruction of NAZI EUROPE in June 2014 and with the destruction of the Greater German Reich in November 2015, which had formerly been the largest and most detestable Nazi regions in the world;
- administering Antifa, an association of antifascist military-focused regions, through the MT Army Leader Vippertooth33's control of its founding nation;
- protecting the legacy of antifascist action in the world, including helping to maintain the region Genesis Defense Project and serving as custodians of Anti Nazi Alliance, which, like the MT Army, were both leaders in the antifascist struggle; and
- maintaining control of hundreds of shut-down former Nazi regions as an ever-expanding museum against hate;
Pointing further to the MT Army's influence, support, guidance, and inspiration to later generations of antifascist militaries, such as
- The Red Fleet and Korean Peoples Army, which have been recognized by Vippertooth33 as the third generation and current torchbearers of Antifa, which the MT Army continues to shape; and
- the antifascist movement known as Ruining Nazi Sandcastles, with which the MT Army continues to regularly collaborate;
Insisting that the MT Army's current activities indicate a continuing commitment by the MT Army to the mission it established for itself over a decade ago, and that this long-term dedication to its cause is deserving of recognition; hereby
Vehemently Commends The MT Army.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!