[Complete][SC - Passed] Commend Tsunamy

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation


Commend Tsunamy
Category: Commendation | Nominee: Tsunamy
Proposed by: Roavin | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,

Believing that Tsunamy, a nation founded in the earliest days of the South Pacific, has gone beyond the call of duty in their phenomenal service to their home region,

Recalling a natural disaster in 2003 that facilitated a coup d'etat of the newly formed Coalition of the South Pacific by The Xyz Affair and the resulting dissolution of the Coalition's primogenital Delegate nation Killer Monkeys, a crisis through which Tsunamy valiantly led restoration efforts by seeking foreign assistance through diplomacy, establishing a new regional forum, and salvaging the Coalition's Charter that had previously been stored in Killer Monkeys' jurisdiction,

Further recalling Tsunamy's subsequent roles in defeating coup d'etat attempts of the Coalition by Milograd in 2013, in which Tsunamy tirelessly engaged fellow nations to garner support, and by Hileville in 2016, in which Tsunamy was materially involved in negotiations and, following the failure of the attempt, was entrusted by the region to lead a special Cabinet overseeing reconciliation efforts and a Great Council,

Impressed by the varied positions, both elected and appointed, that Tsunamy has held with distinction in the Coalition of the South Pacific, including Minister of Intelligence, Member of the Council for State Security, Member of the Council on Regional Security, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Vice President, Special Advisor to the Cabinet, Chair of the Assembly, Editor-in-Chief of South Pacific Independent News and later the Pacific Independent News Network, and most notably the World Assembly Delegate, holding that position a total of three times for a combined 777 days,

Highlighting that Tsunamy has played a key role in security, both of the Coalition itself as well as the nations contained therein, starting with their role as Minister of Intelligence in 2004 and continuing to this day as tenured member of the Council on Regional Security,

Noting further that the regional forums of the Coalition have been supervised by Tsunamy for most of the Coalition's existence (from 2003 to 2012 as well as from 2014 onwards),

In awe of Tsunamy's relentless drive for grassroots democratic involvement of all nations in the South Pacific, the fruits of which are seen most notably in the innovative Local Council, now a core component of South Pacifican democracy, which encourages and allows all nations in the South Pacific to contribute to their governance without requiring membership on the regional forums,

Deeply convinced that their advice to up-and-coming nations, their pragmatic approaches to problem-solving, and their conviction in reaching decisions through consensus, have significantly shaped South Pacifican culture in immeasurably positive ways,

Grateful that a nation with such an astounding record of service to their region continues to be an inspiration to other nations both in the South Pacific and abroad,

Hereby Commends Tsunamy.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

The Ministry of World Assembly Affairs believes that commendations should be reserved for nations that have had a lasting effect on their region or the international community at large. When it comes to the commendation of Tsunamy, there is a wealth of information to consider. Beginning with their reestablishing The South Pacific's regional forum and salvaging the Coalition of the South Pacific's Charter after it was lost in the aftermath of the coup by The Xyz Affair. We must also take into consideration the numerous coup attempts that Tsunamy has defended The South Pacific against and their efforts to restore the region after such attempts have been successful. We should consider the loyalty and dedication they have shown to their region in the numerous elected and appointed positions they have held over the years, such as serving as World Assembly Delegate for over two years spread over three terms. During their tenure in The South Pacific, they have provided advice to newly formed national governments and played an integral role in shaping the culture of The South Pacific.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends voting for the resolution.
Speaking as Minister of Foreign Affairs, I will explain my reasoning to why I have recommended to the Delegate that we support this.

The South Pacific is the oldest of our treaty allies and tsunamy has been involved as an Administrator through much of their lifespan. When one thinks of tsunamy, The South Pacific is inherently the word that comes to mind, much as how we in The North Pacific experience the same with figures such as Flemingovia or Great Bights Mum.

It is important to recognise the dedication and service over a significant period, especially when said person has been a friend to us. I don't really this draft as one that requires must discussion in TNP, given that we tend to treat our allies rather well.

For the record, I vote aye. Ahem.
Against. The implication that they did anything meaningful during the 2013 coup of TSP isn't backed up by any facts.
I've never seen anyone get commended simply for being around when interesting things were happening before without explaining what they actually did regarding those interesting things. A troubling precedent.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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