[GA - PASSED] Ban On Ritual Sacrifice [Complete]

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation


Ban On Ritual Sacrifice
Category: Human Rights | Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Imperial Polk County | Onsite Topic

The World Assembly:

Understanding that the universe is composed of beings of diverse cultures, backgrounds and religions;

Having considered that the importance of certain cultural and religious practices are integral to the beliefs of such followers;

However dismayed that there are those who, in the name of said culture or religion, continue to perform traditional rituals that cause irreparable harm or death;

Determining that such actions are violations of the basic human right to live;

Defining "ritual sacrifice" as the intentional and ritualistic act of killing one or more other beings (a) as an offering to a god or spirit, (b) as an effort to control sapient population growth, or (c) as a method by which a ruling class or regime creates or perpetuates social hierarchy;

Clarifying that such "ritual sacrifice" does not include capital punishment, assisted suicide or euthanasia of a terminally ill patient or other medical procedures, or any acts of war including insurgency and counterinsurgency;


1. Bans the ritual sacrifice of sapient beings in all member nations;

2. Requires member nations criminalize such acts of ritual sacrifice and prosecute perpetrators accordingly;

3. Urges member nations to ban the ritual sacrifice of animals and other sentient beings.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

I don't know how I feel about this proposal, nor the last one, which was withdrawn; apparently, there are no major changes, only the inclusion of the insurgency and counterinsurgency in the clarifying paragraph. However, if these changes cover the concerns raised in the debate, I'm voting For.

Against. Upon further consideration, provided that the resolution ignores the right of those who want to sacrifice themselves, I'm switching my vote. :blink:
For. Sacrificing others to whatever god or gods you worship is just murder with a weak excuse
:agree: It's for that reason that I must change my vote to against.
This still bans consensual sacrifice, which is not good.
This bans nonconsensual sacrifice in the name of the society when there is public interest in doing so, during an immediately dangerous overpopulation period when all other things have been tried,
and to stop corruption via random sacrifices(those would improve the morals by reminding others of their mortality, giving the message that no one is safe... and so on)
Stance: Against
Reason: Infringement on freedom of expression. Disregards those that willingly offer themselves up to said sacrifice. "Righteous discrimination" basically.
I have a neutral opinion on ritual sacrifice. Present
EDIT: The religious sacrifice of human beings is just morally wrong. I banned religion anyway. For
Final clause sinks the whole thing. Take that out and you have a (stupid) harmless proposal.
This is stuff that could be handled under basic law. I mean, ritual sacrifice is basically murder or assisted suicide (the latter of which being exempt in the resolution...) depending on whether it's consensual or not. If a nation hasn't outlawed murder, they have bigger problems.

Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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