[GA - PASSED] Restrictions On Hydraulic Fracturing [Complete]

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation


Restrictions On Hydraulic Fracturing
Category: Environmental | Industry Affected: All Businesses
Proposed by: United Massachusetts | Onsite Topic

The General Assembly:

Aware of its commitment to ensuring the safety and sustainability of all means of energy production, to protect the populations affected by them,

Declaring that hydraulic fracturing unfortunately fits neither of these constraints, instead imperiling the health and well-being of many populations, while consuming an unconscionable amount of water,

Noting that hydraulic fracturing, commonly referred to as "fracking", may lead to the contamination of groundwater, thereby toxifying soil, marshlands, riverine and coastal fisheries, and drinking water sources, introducing sickness in sapient beings, livestock, and wild animals,

Aware that, since hydraulic fracturing requires such large amounts of water, local communities, particularly those in drought-plagued regions, are often left with an insufficient supply of clean water,

Further noting the strong correlation between fracking and increased seismic activity,

Frightened that fracking releases a significant amount of methane, a greenhouse gas far stronger than carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere,

Trusting the ability of the energy sector to extract energy in a way that avoids the environmental hazards of fracking,

1. Defines, for the purposes of this resolution, "hydraulic fracturing" as a method of fossil-fuel extraction in which pressurized liquids are inserted into the crevices of underground rocks at high pressures, in order to release the natural gas or oil contained therein,

2. Prohibits the practice of hydraulic fracturing in all areas of World Assembly member-states which are in or within close range of land inhabited by populations of sapient beings, to the extent that the practice:

a. poses a demonstrably significant threat of contamination thereto,

b. harms the water resources demonstrably neccessary to ensure the health of local communities,

c. and/or poses significant risk of other strongly detrimental health effects, according to the World Health Authority, to said populations of sapient beings,

3. Clarifies that the policy laid out in Section 2 still applies when the region of effect crosses national boundaries.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

The current resolution at vote, while well meaning in its attempt to protect the the environment and local populations from the negative impacts of hydraulic fracturing, fails to consider that the probability of these negative effects occurring cannot be determined as they are not consistently observed in hydraulic fracturing operations. Restrictions on Hydraulic Fracturing makes many claims as to the dangers of hydraulic fracturing, yet offers no evidence to support its arguments, even going so far as to run counter to current scientific research. The resolution is also worded in such a way as to elicit an emotional response from voters in an attempt to gain support.

The ministry believes that any restrictions on hydraulic fracturing would be best left to individual national governments, as the economic benefits currently outweigh the risk of environmental and health damages.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.
Against. Though the proposal is well meaning in wanting to protect the environment and local populations from the perceived negative implications of fracking, I believe that this should have been dealt with in much the same way that Wetland Mitigation Protocol dealt with the development of wetlands. I also take issue with some of the preamble, namely about water usage and seismic activity as fracking actually uses less water than other forms of energy extraction.
Against. There should be some regulations (you know, so we don’t wreck the environment), but a broad ban on it seems excessive. Plus, fracking isn’t all bad, since it brings jobs and other economic benefits.
I agree with the opinions stated above. Regulation, based on environmental impact studies, is the way to proceed here. Good intention, some missing points. Meanwhile, I'm voting Against.
Fracking has no reasonable benefit.
It extracts finite resources with bad environmental effects via toxic liquids.
A broad ban is necessary.
For! Fracking has a negative effect on the environment so I think we should consider passing the resolution.
Against. This is a purely internal matter and the restrictions are far too tough as to effectively ban nearly all fracking in many nations. This isn't even close to Wetland Protection Protocol in terms of reasonability or anything.
Against. This is a purely internal matter and the restrictions are far too tough as to effectively ban nearly all fracking in many nations. This isn't even close to Wetland Protection Protocol in terms of reasonability or anything.
There are compelling foreign policy interests to building up the capacity to have self-sufficient fuel production. Now, I think trade is still better, but not during wartime.
Opinion: For. In my view, for hydraulic fracturing, as it is now, the economic benefits are outweighed by the public health externalities (i.e. contaminated water, seismic activity)

Additionally, the approaches that are taken through the Wetlands Protection Protocol are not the best approach when it comes to fracking.

There is absolutely no need for hydraulic fracturing with modern technology, or for fossil fuels for that matter. Hydraulic fracturing is just a desperate attempt to get every last drop of dwindling fossil fuel reserves.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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