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Commend The Macabees
Category: Commendation | Nominee: The Macabees
Proposed by: Yohannes | Onsite Topic
The World Assembly,
RECOGNISES The Macabees as a leading proponent of advanced military technologies since antiquity or time immemorial, which has influenced the outcomes of countless international incidents since 2003 in multiple regions, including Gholgoth, Greater Dienstad, and Haven;
APPRECIATES The Macabees’ leadership in distinguished international forums, such as its administration of The Ns Draftroom (2005-2007) and its founding of the Nsdraftroom (2007-present), which have assisted countless nations with engineering and technical peer reviews since 2005;
PRAISES the many scholarly works of The Macabees, including its analysis of “Electrothermal-Chemical Technology”, “Improvised Explosive Devices & MRAP”, and “Problems Encountered with Higher Caliber Tank Guns”;
HIGHLIGHTS The Macabees’ historical position as a trendsetter in military research and development, which has influenced the designs and technologies of more than 400 nations, including those recognised by the World Assembly under:
SCR#24 “Condemn Great Nepal”;
SCR#39 “Commend Bergnovinaia”;
SCR#59 “Condemn Blackhelm Confederacy”;
SCR#61 “Condemn The Kraven Corporation”;
SCR#77 “Condemn Milograd”;
SCR#83 “Condemn Automagfreek”; and
SCR#100 “Commend Lamoni”;
OBSERVES The Macabees’ historical track record of combating slavery, such as its military operations against Ralkovia and The Scandinvans in “Titanomachy — GD/Gholgoth”, and thus the International Association of Slave Exporting Nations (IASEN), which was noted as a threat to international order by the World Assembly under SCR#20 “Condemn Greater Tezdrian” in 2010 and SCR#104 “Condemn Ralkovia” in 2012;
ADMIRES the sportspersonship shown by The Macabees in its creation of the Díenstad Cup I and Kings’ Cup I, and its participation in the 47th and 48th NationStates World Cups and the 10th and 11th Di Bradini Cups, which were created by Starblaydia, as recognised by the World Assembly under SCR#40 “Commend Starblaydia”;
NOTES that The Macabees leads the “NationStates Post-Modern Tech Community” organisation, which was established in 2016 to explore the acceptable boundaries of speculative technology and to provide counsel and guidance for newly emerging nations of the international community;
ACKNOWLEDGES that The Macabees designed the Arca. IV Nakíl, the most exported tank in the history of arms trade and probably the most produced since 2005, and was thus the inspiration behind the technologies used by many military storefronts to defend the sovereignty of countless innocent nations, without many realising this fact due to it being lost in the annals of history;
LAUDS The Macabees’ willingness to assist newly emerging nations, such as its decision to support Havensky in 2009, United World Order in 2012, and Patrick OConner in 2017;
EXTOLS The Macabees for its contribution in the NationStates World Fair III, where it lectured on the importance of realism in conducting international trade;
AVERS the above stated as evidence of the positive contributions The Macabees has made to the international community since 2003;
HEREBY commends The Macabees.
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!