[GA, Passed] Repeal: Freedom to Seek Medical Care [Complete]

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation


Repeal: Freedom to Seek Medical Care
Category: Repeal | Target: GA #414
Proposed by: Separatist Peoples | Onsite Topic

Crediting GAR#414 with intending to provide access to medical care to millions by allowing what is known as "medical tourism", where individuals seek medical care abroad;

Believing this goal to be, on the whole, an admirable one;

Dismayed that the resolution, which allows member states to pass the cost of treatment onto medical tourists under Clause 5, fails to account for GAR#97, Quality in Health Services, which requires member states provide a certain level of health coverage for those who cannot afford it, free of cost;

Distressed that the resolution makes no accommodation or provision for nations engaged in conflict with the home nation of the medical tourists, opening the home nation to threats of espionage and sabotage;

Horrified that the resolution, under Clause 1, makes it impossible for member nations to prevent criminals, minors, military deserters, or those under current investigation from traveling abroad if they are seeking medical attention, and makes no provisions allowing member states to retrieve such individuals after they have received medical attention;

Appalled that the resolution makes no attempt to reduce risks imposed by epidemics, threatening well-intended nations with the risk of being overwhelmed by infected nonresidents and being unable to appropriately quarantine them;

Shocked at the blatant efforts to hamstring national jurisdiction under Clause 4 by making it illegal for a member state to subject medical tourists to penalties, even where such treatment is clearly illegal under the home nation's laws;

Concerned at the blatant scrivner's error at the end of the first and fifth clause, which demonstrates a lack of attention and care by the author, in blatant disregard for the high standard of quality demanded by this Assembly;

Believing that the members of the World Assembly deserve a resolution which protects their domestic interests instead of prioritizing those of nonresidents;

Hereby repeals GAR#414, Freedom to Seek Medical Care, with the appropriate amount of prejudice.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

'Freedom to Seek Medical Care' is rather ineffective in that GAR #97 mandates that member nations must provide preventative care and other such care, as prescribed, to all people/entities who are in the country if they require such care. It should be noted that 'Freedom to Seek Medical Care' barely escaped legality challenges that would have most likely lead to a very heated debate on its interaction with GAR #97. The problem that arises with 'Freedom to Seek Medical Care' is that it promotes medical tourism when assuming that not all countries have equal care facilities. Under the current state, one may simply travel to a country with better facilities and reap the benefits of GAR #97 unhindered by any law described in the target resolution, which has to be fixed, despite the noble cause it hopes to achieve.

In accordance with the reasons stated above and in hopes that a revised version is submitted, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs reccomends a vote FOR this repeal.

Unfortunately for FtSC, it is rather ineffective in that GAR #97 mandates that member nations must provide preventative care and other such care as prescribed in GAR #97 to all peoples/entities who are in the country if they require such care. It should be noted that FtSC barely escaped legality challenges that would have most likely lead to a very heated debate on how FtSC and GAR #97 interact. The problem that arises with FtSC is that it promotes medical tourism when assuming that not all countries have equal care facilities. Under the current state, one may simply travel to a country with better facilities and reap the benefits of GAR #97 unhindered by any law. Despite the noble cause which I have found myself supporting to the very end; I must recommend this repeal in hopes that a new FtSC arises with provisions that respect GAR #97.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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