Midterm Check-In

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Office of the Minister of World Assembly Affairs
November 03, 2017

To all members of the WA staff,

If you intend to continue to be part of the ministry, be ready to enter the WA forums on NationStates, willing to provide opinions on pending resolutions. Post here, and let me know whether you intend to contribute to this effort. You will be assigned resolutions on the NS forums to check in on to write IFVs on and also determine whether there are fixes we can suggest to prevent a good resolution from being stomped because of some technicality.

If you have been a member of the ministry and have not contributed in matters other than voting in voting threads, please start doing so, and if there are any concerns, please bring them up with me.
Still here. I'm liking that idea of increasing our presence on the the NS WA forums, by the way.
I am stopping the midterm check-in. Upon further reflection, I've decided that this is not the correct course of action.