5000 Cans of Spam on the Wall

4126 cans of spam on the wall, 4126 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4125 cans of spam on the wall!
4125 cans of spam on the wall, 4125 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4124 cans of spam on the wall!
4123 cans of spam on the wall, 4123 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4122 cans of spam on the wall!
4122 cans of spam on the wall, 4122 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4121 cans of spam on the wall!
4120 cans of spam on the wall, 4120 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4119 cans of spam on the wall!
4119 cans of spam on the wall, 4119 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4118 cans of spam on the wall!
4118 cans of spam on the wall, 4118 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4117 cans of spam on the wall!
4117 cans of spam on the wall, 4117 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4116 cans of spam on the wall!
4116 cans of spam on the wall, 4116 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4115 cans of spam on the wall!
4114 cans of spam on the wall, 4114 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4113 cans of spam on the wall!
4112 cans of spam on the wall, 4112 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4111 cans of spam on the wall!
4110 cans of spam on the wall, 4110 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4109 cans of spam on the wall!
4108 cans of spam on the wall, 4108 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4107 cans of spam on the wall!
4106 cans of spam on the wall, 4106 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4105 cans of spam on the wall!
4104 cans of spam on the wall, 4104 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4103 cans of spam on the wall!
4102 cans of spam on the wall, 4102 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4101 cans of spam on the wall!
4100 cans of spam on the wall, 4100 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4099 cans of spam on the wall!
4098 cans of spam on the wall, 4098 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4097 cans of spam on the wall!
4096 cans of spam on the wall, 4096 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4095 cans of spam on the wall!
4093 cans of spam on the wall, 4093 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4092 cans of spam on the wall!
4091 cans of spam on the wall, 4091 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4090 cans of spam on the wall!
4089 cans of spam on the wall, 4089 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4088 cans of spam on the wall!
4087 cans of spam on the wall, 4087 cans of spam! Take one down, pass it around, 4086 cans of spam on the wall!