[GA] Repeal: “Reproductive Freedoms” (Dobrobyt) [Complete]

Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation
Category: Repeal
Target: GA #286
Proposed by: Dobrobyt
Onsite Topic

General Assembly Resolution #286 “Reproductive Freedoms” (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

World Assembly members,
RECOGNIZING that current laws on abortion do not protect the future human lives of newborns in many countries, many of who are victims of lack of responsibility by parents. As well as REALIZING the lasting emotional pain women feel thereafter.

REALIZING that the current bill's effect is close to nothing to reduce unnecessary abortions.

YEARNING to reduce the prevalence of abortions in circumstances where the practice thereof is unneeded.

SHOCKED that GAR #286 allows for abortion in all circumstances up until the very date of birth, when a fetus is, in almost every way, indistinguishable from its newborn counterparts.

RECOGNIZING that there are other alternatives, such as birth control, to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

ACKNOWLEDGING that many nations, particularly those who hold serious moral reservations about the practice of abortion, may seek other ways to deal with unwanted pregnancies while conforming to their moral compass,

REALIZING that there are more moral alternatives to the current bill that can be worked out to satisfy both the parent and protect the child which is being born.

SEEING that a woman controls her body.

However, SEEING that it is immoral and wrong that another individual makes the choice over another's existence.

Yet, ACKNOWLEDGING that these options are questionable in certain life-threatening or dangerous situations.

BELIEVING that these rights will be worked out by the World Assembly to remain.

So with all this,

BELIEVING that we, the World Assembly, will work on a more moral, benefiting and sustainable replacement for Resolution #286.

Hereby repeals Reproductive Freedoms(GAR#286).

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

The last time a repeal of Reproductive Freedoms was proposed, our recommendation pointed out that the resolution was "a hard fought compromise, stemming from a vicious debate no one wishes to repeat." It protects the right of individual beings to make decisions regarding their own reproductive rights. It also gives governments room to regulate procedures to ensure safety and even discourage abortions, just not ban them outright. Recent repeal attempts continue to suggest that a replacement resolution should be enacted, but without an acceptable replacement already drafted and debated, it would be dangerous to individuals' reproductive rights to move forward with a repeal.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote against the resolution.
I'm unsure if this should be Against, for the obvious conservative rhetoric which is the basis of the reasoning of this repeal, or Abstain, just to not touch on this damn topic.

Since I don't see any good replacement, though, and since this is the latest of so damn many repeal attempts for this and does little better in the attempt, I'm going to have to go Against.
Not that I like this issue, being a sensitive topic. But I was trying to find a reason to vote for this resolution. Here are my considerations:

REALIZING that the current bill's effect is close to nothing to reduce unnecessary abortions.

YEARNING to reduce the prevalence of abortions in circumstances where the practice thereof is unneeded.
First of all, is the author referencing to the circumstances that lead to "unnecessary abortions"? I would like to see an(a list of) example(s).

Why criticize the current legislation by indicating that its effects are close to nothing in terms of reducing "unnecessary abortions"? Is this resolution really getting somewhere? I don't think so, let's see.

RECOGNIZING that there are other alternatives, such as birth control, to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Birth control? Ok, that may cover a part of the problem (although sexual and reproductive education is a proper way to go, but this is another topic)... What about those women who wish/have to abort due to extraordinary circumstances, such as rape (not that I'm going to stop at this point), an exceptional risk to their health and/or the health of the creature in their womb?

ACKNOWLEDGING that many nations, particularly those who hold serious moral reservations about the practice of abortion, may seek other ways to deal with unwanted pregnancies while conforming to their moral compass,
True, there are nations with reservations about the practice of abortion. If those nations can look for other ways to deal with this situation, why not give an example/suggestion about those ways?

Let's note that GAR#286 acknowledges that individuals "may have cultural or religious misgivings regarding termination of pregnancy" and mandates member nations to "recognise the right of all individuals to have their pregnancies terminated through safe, openly accessible procedures". This doesn't mean that every nation is enforcing GAR#286. On the contrary, in nations with moral reservations over abortion, it could still be delicate to even mention the subject. That's something that we need to check out.

REALIZING that there are more moral alternatives to the current bill that can be worked out to satisfy both the parent and protect the child which is being born.

SEEING that a woman controls her body.

However, SEEING that it is immoral and wrong that another individual makes the choice over another's existence.

Yet, ACKNOWLEDGING that these options are questionable in certain life-threatening or dangerous situations.
At this point we may think that we are reading a debate, not a resolution: "a woman controls her body" (or "a woman has the right to decide about her body"?), right after that, we find that is "immoral and wrong" to make a choice over another's existence (what happened to the circumstances where abortion is unnecessary? At this point, we need them -or some of them- to be listed)... Then, the resolution seems to go back, by acknowledging that there are certain situations in which abortion might be the right procedure.

BELIEVING that these rights will be worked out by the World Assembly to remain.
BELIEVING that we, the World Assembly, will work on a more moral, benefiting and sustainable replacement for Resolution #286.
That's what we really want to see. A benefiting and sustainable (not sure about the "more moral" thing) replacement for a resolution that improves civil rights.


1. The subject discussed here is extremely sensitive, and this repeal attempt does not address it in the most appropriate way.
2. Even with the implementation of GAR#286, nations with moral reservations about abortion may not be respecting what was agreed upon. Repealing the resolution would further undermine the rights referred to, and would give those nations more reason to believe that their "judgment" prevailed.
3. It is wrong to implement legislation that push us backwards in matters of civil rights. The principle of progressivity must prevail. If we really want to move forward and improve the statements of GAR#286, the issue should be openly discussed. That's the only way to prevent future attempts to repeal GAR#286 without a basis (and most worrying: without a valid replacement).

I'm absolutely voting AGAINST this resolution.

PS: Sorry for any mistake/typo in my analysis. It's almost 5 am here and I had to write this before going to bed, lol.
Sir Fawkes:
2. Even with the implementation of GAR#286, nations with moral reservations about abortion may not be respecting what was agreed upon...
Minor nitpick, but I believe laws are automatically enacted so that every WA nation is in compliance with WA legislation, whether they like it or not.

Mystery Player:
Sir Fawkes:
2. Even with the implementation of GAR#286, nations with moral reservations about abortion may not be respecting what was agreed upon...
Minor nitpick, but I believe laws are automatically enacted so that every WA nation is in compliance with WA legislation, whether they like it or not.

That's a fact, no doubt. But remember that some nations decide to give up WA before certain resolutions are passed by majority (and in most cases, they return a few days later). It may also be the case that, even if the nation is in compliance with the legislation approved by the GA, it enacts its own laws that contradict or suspend (partially or totally) the agreements entered into in a resolution.

This is totally hard to control. In any case, it will depend on the person who runs a nation. I only mentioned this aspect because it corresponds to the fact that repealing the GAR#286 represents a significant setback in terms of rights.
Mystery Player:
Sir Fawkes:
2. Even with the implementation of GAR#286, nations with moral reservations about abortion may not be respecting what was agreed upon...
Minor nitpick, but I believe laws are automatically enacted so that every WA nation is in compliance with WA legislation, whether they like it or not.

That's a fact, no doubt. But remember that some nations decide to give up WA before certain resolutions are passed by majority (and in most cases, they return a few days later). It may also be the case that, even if the nation is in compliance with the legislation approved by the GA, it enacts its own laws that contradict or suspend (partially or totally) the agreements entered into in a resolution.

This is totally hard to control. In any case, it will depend on the person who runs a nation. I only mentioned this aspect because it corresponds to the fact that repealing the GAR#286 represents a significant setback in terms of rights.
Sir Fawkes:
Mystery Player:
Sir Fawkes:
2. Even with the implementation of GAR#286, nations with moral reservations about abortion may not be respecting what was agreed upon...
Minor nitpick, but I believe laws are automatically enacted so that every WA nation is in compliance with WA legislation, whether they like it or not.

That's a fact, no doubt. But remember that some nations decide to give up WA before certain resolutions are passed by majority (and in most cases, they return a few days later). It may also be the case that, even if the nation is in compliance with the legislation approved by the GA, it enacts its own laws that contradict or suspend (partially or totally) the agreements entered into in a resolution.

This is totally hard to control. In any case, it will depend on the person who runs a nation. I only mentioned this aspect because it corresponds to the fact that repealing the GAR#286 represents a significant setback in terms of rights.
International law triumphs the law of a nation, doesn't it? Also, if a nation leaves the WA, and comes back after the resolution is passed, they still have to follow that passed law (If you leave a nation before a law is passed, you aren't immune to that law when you return after it passes.)
Mystery Player:
International law triumphs the law of a nation, doesn't it? Also, if a nation leaves the WA, and comes back after the resolution is passed, they still have to follow that passed law (If you leave a nation before a law is passed, you aren't immune to that law when you return after it passes.)

Trust me, it doesn't always triumph. We can point a few examples in real life, not in the game, though. Again, I'm not extremely sure on how does the leave-come back scheme work, but the point is that it merely depends on the leader of a nation.

The remarkable fact is that the principle of progressivity of the law must be respected, and this resolution does not advance in terms of rights, wherever you look (small or large detail). That's why I was pointing out my interpretation.

Edit: quote fixing
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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