[DRAFT] Education of the Disabled

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NOTING the existing protections for disabled people

BELIEVING that more extensive provisions for the support of disabled people within educational environments in particular are needed

DESIRING to provide a firm framework of said support

EXPECTING that the principle of equal rights for disabled people be embedded the the educational systems of WA nations

DEFINING a disabled person as one who has a long-term physical or mental health condition which significantly impairs their ability to function within society

HEREBY declares the following:

  1. All disabled students should be educated in as mainstream an environment as is possible within the confines of their condition
  2. The above means that specialist units within mainstream schools should be used rather than special schools unless a specialist school is absolutely needed
  3. Cost factors are not an adequate excuse for non-compliance with the above
  4. Disabled students, including adults, must be furnished with the equipment and human support needed to complete their course of study, at any level. This can include loaned equipment.
  5. Support is forfeit if the student fails to attend on a regular basis, unless they have a legitimate excuse, including, but not limited to, medical problems and family bereavement
  6. The curriculum for disabled students must be set in order to challenge all students in a class
  7. Classes are encouraged to be set by development level rather than by age
  8. Discipline of disabled students must take into account their disability and a disabled student should not be disciplined for an action that they could not control
  9. All teachers must receive training to allow them to support disabled students better. This should be appropriate for their role with specialist teachers receiving more training.

This is a very rough draft still but I felt I should put it out there and get feedback now rather than further down the line. I appreciate that in some ways this is more extreme than the resolution it aims to replace but I did say that that might be the case.

Feedback is greatly appreciated.
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