TNP Weekly Game Night!


It's exactly what the title says! It's about time we come together as TNPers and play some some games, and unwind and have some good fun. Now there are a million games out there we could play, and as such myself and the other GameSide Advocates have come up with these ideas:

Board Game Online (very non-PG though, which I believe TNP dislikes)
Town of Salem (PG)
Secret Hitler (PG)
Radio Games (just do stuff through TNP Radio, giving it free publicity as well.)
Cards Against Humanity (obviously not PG either)
Tiny Tanks (PG)

Alongside those, we also have a lot of steam games we could play:

Team Fortress 2 (Free FPS)
Counter Strike (Cheap FPS)
War Thunder (WW2 combat sim, Free)
and probably a million more I'm forgetting like Rocket League.

The idea is to take up a server on discord one night, for like 2-3-4 hours and game together! Can be one game or 3 or 4 games going at a time or whatever people want to play.

In order to plan this accordingly, I would really appreciate it if people answered the poll above! Furthermore, all and any suggestions for times/games/how to arrange this weekly is welcome below!

Thank you,
why must you mention discord games

stop rubbing it in my face that I haven't finished programming a discord werewolf bot

you're mean
if we could have an event for console players (instead of just steam) that would be cool and good.
Also, do not underestimate the power of Guns of Icarus.
Hey Everyone!

A huge shoutout to everyone who voted in the poll for game night! We have be having the very first one TOMORROW(FRIDAY), AT 8 PM CENTRAL US TIME. I know some people might be left out (europe/asia region), but we will have plenty more and even multiple times a day to make sure we get everyone. This first one is a test run.

Now, the plan is to have everyone either on discord:, or use the in-game voice chat. Well what are we playing? We will start out with some steam games. Either free or what people own. I'm thinking Team Fortress 2 and Warthunder seem to be popular, or rocket league. Install em if you haven't already! We will also run some board games for those not interested in steam games, as well as Town of Salem, Secret Hitler, Murder at Midnight, etc. We'll have endless hours of fun!

For those using steam, also join the TNP steam group!

Looking forward to seeing you all there tomorrow. Any questions, or game suggestions shoot them my way.

I'm being left out, because i cant access Discord. Maybe we should not do it in Discord.
I'm afraid that we will have to do it on Discord as it is the easiest platform to do it on, the RMB and Forums clearly have no VC, and Discord will accomodate almost everyone. You'll just have to live without participating in it.