Repeal "Rights Of The Quarantined"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#389
Proposed by: wicheye
Description: General Assembly Resolution #389 "Rights Of The Quarantined" (Category: Health; Area of Effect: Healthcare) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Understanding that quarantines can cause many issues due to individual needs conflicting with society needs;
Acknowledging that the resolution implements numerous measures that tackle some of these issues and improves the standards of the quarantines;
Regretting that GA#389 fails to tackle a significant number of issues involving enforcement within a quarantine;
Distraught that the resolution does not put a limit on force allowed against possible escapes;
Unsettled by the requirement to move all "ceased to be infected" people outside of the quarantine, forgetting the action of possible after effect contagion;
Concerned by the resolution's requirement to move all infected people to the nearest quarantine zone, causing unsettling difficulties with a possible long-distance displacement;
Hoping to clear the hastiness of the resolution from these halls and pass a new resolution that fills the gaping holes GA#389 created;
Hereby repeals " Rights Of The Quarantined ".
Repeal "Rights Of The Quarantined"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#389
Proposed by: wicheye
Description: General Assembly Resolution #389 "Rights Of The Quarantined" (Category: Health; Area of Effect: Healthcare) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
The World Assembly,
Understanding that quarantines can cause many issues due to individual needs conflicting with society needs;
Acknowledging that the resolution implements numerous measures which tackles some of these issues and improves the standards of the quarantines;
Regretting that 389 GA fails to tackle a significant number of issues involving enforcement within a quarantine;
Concerned that the resolution does not put a limit on force allowed against possible escapes;
Distraught by the requirement to move all "ceased to be infected" people outside of the quarantine, forgetting the action of possible after effect contagion;
Unsettled by the resolution's requirement to move all infected people to the nearest quarantine zone, causing unsettling problematics with a possible long-distance displacement;
Hoping to clear the hastiness of the resolution from these halls and pass a new resolution that fills the gaping holes 389 GA created;
Hereby repeals " Rights Of The Quarantined ".