Yavneh Roya



The people of Iraelia, and their duly elected representatives, hereby invite the leaders of Eras to celebrate Yavneh Roya (Unification Day) with the government of Iraelia. The day, which falls on June 12, is meant to celebrate the unification of the Old Kingdom of Iraelia millennia ago and the independence of Iraelia from the Syrixian Empire just 68 years ago. The event is of special importance to the Iraelian people, and it would be an honor to play host to the most important people in all of Eras. It is requested that those wishing to attend fill out the following invitation:

Yaneh Roya Invitation:
The number of officials attending:
Names of officials attending:
Other Personnel in attendance:
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel):

Iraelia would like to extend a special invitation to Rajesh III, the Emperor of Syrixia, as a show of gratitude for all the empire has done for the Iraelian people, and it's neighbors of Skanda and Plembobria. We request you respond within the next 5 days if you wish to attend.



Prime Minister of Iraelia
Nation: The Hastfradic League
The number of officials attending: 1
Names of officials attending: Alwyn Skywing, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Esplandia and Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hastfradic League
Other Personnel in attendance: Mr. Skywings Children, 6 Staff members, and two body guards
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 13
Nation: The Hastfradic League
The number of officials attending: 1
Names of officials attending: Alwyn Skywing, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Esplandia and Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hastfradic League
Other Personnel in attendance: Mr. Skywings Children, 6 Staff members, and two body guards
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 13
The people of Iraelia are glad to have Mr. Skywing in attendance
Nation: The Constitutional Monarchy of Andrenne
The number of officials attending: 1
Names of officials attending: Sven Kalder, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Other Personnel in attendance: 3 Staff members, 2 body guards
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 5
Nation: The Constitutional Monarchy of Andrenne
The number of officials attending: 1
Names of officials attending: Sven Kalder, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Other Personnel in attendance: 3 Staff members, 2 body guards
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 5
The people of Iraelia are glad to have Mr. Kalder in attendance.
Nation: The Empire of Maloria
The number of officials attending: 3
Names of officials attending: Emperor Marten Severyn, Chancellor Lukas Kent, High Duke Martinus IV
Other Personnel in attendance: 15 Keizerlike Garde
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 17
Nation: The Empire of Maloria
The number of officials attending: 3
Names of officials attending: Emperor Marten Severyn, Lord Chancellor Lukas Kent
Other Personnel in attendance: 15 Keizerlike Garde
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 17
The people of Iraelia are glad to have the Malorian Emperor in attendance.
Nation: The Principality of Sil Dorsett
The number of officials attending: 2
Names of officials attending:
  • Mr. Gérard Carpentier, Deputy Minister of International Relations
  • Ms. Adeline Wood, Ambassador (unassigned)
Other Personnel in attendance: 2 staff, 1 security
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 5
Sil Dorsett:
Nation: The Principality of Sil Dorsett
The number of officials attending: 2
Names of officials attending:
  • Mr. Gérard Carpentier, Deputy Minister of International Relations
  • Ms. Adeline Wood, Ambassador (unassigned)
Other Personnel in attendance: 2 staff, 1 security
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 5
The people of Iraelia are glad to have Mr. Carpentier and Mrs. Wood in attendance.
Nation: the Syrixian Empire
The number of officials attending: 2
Names of officials attending:
  • His Magnificence the Emperor, Rajesh III
  • Shimon (Simon) Mehra, Imperial Ambassador to Iraelia
Other Personnel in attendance: 2 staff, 2 Imperial Sentinels
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 6
Nation: the Syrixian Empire
The number of officials attending: 2
Names of officials attending:
  • His Magnificence the Emperor, Rajesh III
  • Shimon (Simon) Mehra, Imperial Ambassador to Iraelia
Other Personnel in attendance: 2 staff, 2 Imperial Sentinels
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 6
The Iraelian people are delighted to have His Magnificence, Rajesh III, in attendance.
Nation: The Commonwealth of Thenaca
The number of officials attending: 2
Names of officials attending: Prime Minister David Drake, Minister of Foreign Relations Albert Langley.
Other Personnel in attendance: 4 Parliamentary Honor Guards, 1 staff.
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 7
Nation: The Commonwealth of Thenaca
The number of officials attending: 2
Names of officials attending: Prime Minister David Drake, Minister of Foreign Relations Albert Langley.
Other Personnel in attendance: 4 Parliamentary Honor Guards, 1 staff.
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 7
The people of Iraelia are glad to have Mr. Drake and Mr. Langley in attendance.

OOC: Applications are now closed, this will last IRL three days before I issue the final post. Representatives will be escorted to Beit Aghion (The Prime Minister's residence) where the celebrations will last until midnight when Prime Minister Tzufit Feldshuh will issue an address.
Prime Minister Tzufit Feldshuh was in his dressing room, the clock read 5 PM, his guests would be here soon. He fastened the bow tie around his neck. He turned towards his wife, "Well?"

"You look beautiful, sweetheart," she responded. "And at the ripe age of 77 nonetheless!"

They laughed. I really do have a wonderful wife, he thought.

"Now, it's time to get Mr. Yamesh. I want him to be the first face that everyone sees!" Tzufit strode down the hall, pulled index cards out of his pocket, and rehearsed his speech for the 100th time. It was important that this night goes perfectly, for Yavneh Roya is one of the most important holidays in Iraelia. But there was much more to this night then that. Tzufit was 77 after all, and it was time for him to retire. This was his chance to introduce the Iraelia of the future to the world, it was time for old men like himself to step down.

His thoughts were interrupted as he entered a black limousine, "To Mr. Yamesh's house!"

Taneli Gadi fastened an onyx necklace around her neck, she looked up into the mirror confidently. She needed to appear capable enough in front of the leader's of Eras, for she knew why the elderly Prime Minister invited her, the Leader of the Opposition, to this party, that old man is going to resign, this is his chance to introduce them to his successor. She walked out of her tiny apartment and glanced five blocks down towards Beit Aghion. She was determined to oust the Conservatives from power.

"Tonight I go there, in three years I will live there," she accidentally proclaimed.

"What was that Ms. Gadi?" her limousine driver asked.

"Nothing, to Beit Aghion!"

Agastya Yamesh uncomfortably looked into the mirror, fiddling with his bow tie every few seconds. He too periodically read through his index cards, for this night may determine his political future. As he anxiously awaited for the Prime Minister to arrive, he remembered the conversation they had about a week ago...

It had been after a heated Knesset debate with Mr. Reshi of the Worker's Party which resulted in the delegation from the Worker's Party after physically threatening the Prime Minister, and they were walking to a cabinet meeting. As they were walking, the quite old man decided to speak up.

"Mr. Yamesh, men like Reshi are dangerous to our nation. They threaten our democracy," he said.

"Of course, sir," Yamesh replied.

"Mr. Yamesh, while we must respect the will of the people and allow these parties to send their elected representatives, it is our moral duty to make sure that these... demagogues do not seize more power then they are granted," he continued. "And it's not just because of their political beliefs, Ms. Gadi is a fine young lady, but certain ideologues like Mr. Reshi can be dangerous."

"Sir, why are you telling me this?" Yamesh asked.

"I am going to resign after the next election, and I want you to succeed me," he declared.

"Sir?!" Yamesh exclaimed.

"You are one of the brightest young men I have ever met, you have engaged the youth like never before and have reinvigorated the Conservative Party as a whole. I am confidant you will do great." The Prime Minister had said.

Yamesh's train of thought was interrupted as a car's horn blared outside his flat, the Prime Minister had arrived. Yamesh hopped into the car and greeted the Prime Minister.

"Mr. Feldshuh," Yamesh said.

"Mr. Yamesh," Feldshuh responded. "To the airport!" he shouted at the driver.

Feldshuh turned to Yamesh and began to lecture him on the importance of this meeting, but his nerves got the best of him. He only periodically heard small phrases like "smile" and "be social." Yamesh just continually nodded his head, as if intently listening to everything the Prime Minister said.

"Got it?" Feldshuh eventually asked.

"Sure," Yamesh responded.

"Good, because we are here!" Feldshuh exclaimed.

The young Foreign Affairs Minister slowly stepped out of the limousine behind his Prime Minister to see eight jets bearing different names on each.

"Here we go," he muttered under his breath.
Nation: The Ascalonian Dominion
The number of officials attending: 2
Names of officials attending:
  • Erik Shan-Yin, Prime Minister of Ascalon
  • Youming Che, Ascalonian ambassador to Iraelia
Other Personnel in attendance:N/A
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 2
Nation: The Ascalonian Dominion
The number of officials attending: 2
Names of officials attending:
  • Erik Shan-Yin, Prime Minister of Ascalon
  • Youming Che, Ascalonian ambassador to Iraelia
Other Personnel in attendance:N/A
Total Attendance (officials and other personnel): 2
OOC: Accepted, read the cut-off next time ;)
Johann poked the Queen's shoulder and spoke, "Shush, Gracie. Stop teasing me." Grace smiled at him, "As your cousin, and the great Queen of Kanada, I feel I can tease you about how-" She was interrupted by an flight attendant speaking, "Excuse me, madam. Would you like another can of soda?"
Grace smiled and shook her head, "I'm okay, thank you." The attendant nods and walks off, before Grace turns back to Johann, "As I was saying, I have full right to tease you about a crush. You two are so adorable." Johann frowned, "Will you just shut up about it? All I did was hug her."
The decent of the plane began, and the Iraelian airport appeared slowly below. Grace lay her arm across her abdomen, and put her other on the armrest. The landing gear was lowered and the plane reached the ground quickly, wheeling along swiftly as Johann and Grace flatten themselves against their seats. The plane goes on, taxiing along the asphalt and slowing to a complete stop.
Johann stands and helps the Queen up to her feet. As a airstair was brought the the plane, the door opened and Grace stepped out. She wore a simple, but nice, white blouse and gray skirt, while Johann wore a suit. The two stepped down, surrounded by their guards. Grace walked to Prime Minister Feldshuh and offered a handshake, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Feldshuh." Her cousin followed suit, offering his handshake and greeting him.
"Your Majesty," Mr. Feldshuh said, bowing in front of the Kanadian royalty. "Oh my!" He exclaimed, "I wasn't aware you were bringing a third member of the royal family!" He said to the pregnant Grace. "And if it isn't Johann, Duke of Calgary," He said while performing a second bow, "Now I would like you two to meet my Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agastya Yamesh!"

"Your Majesty, Johann," Yamesh said, bowing once for the queen and a second time for her cousin, "We are all so blessed to have you here today, Shaddai smile upon us!"
Adaline stared out one of the jet's windows, stuck in a contemplative trance. Her prior position as ambassador to Nessuno was an uneventful one, and she wondered what her job would be like if she got the position in Iraelia. Gérard, the deputy minister, sat down next to her after having received some information from back home, and began to brief Adaline on the assignment.

"Alright," Gérard started off with, "apparently the Malorian Emperor, the Syrixian Emperor, and the Kanadian Queen are due to appear. They are not the focus of this visit. Do not go out of your way to appease any supposed need for attention if they appear to present it. Keep your attention fixed on Iraelians. Familiarize yourself with their culture and their government. Remember, if this all works out, you'll be representing our interests there.

"And if the other royals do approach?" Adaline asked.

"Finish conversations with them quickly," Gérard replied. "Do not discuss any matters between us and them. We're outclassed here. Refer them to upper level officials."

Hours later, the plane landed at the airport, and the pair of officials and their staff disembarked. They walked up to a waiting Prime Minister Feldshuh and introduced themselves.

"Prime Minister Feldshuh, a pleasure to meet you," Gérard said. "Allows us to introduce ourselves. Gérard Carpentier, deputy minister of international relations for the Principality of Sil Dorsett. With me is former ambassador to Nessuno, Adaline Wood."

"Pleased to meet you!" Adaline said in greeting the Iraelians, with a bright and cheerful smile.
"Ms. Wood! Mr. Carpentier! A pleasure to meet you!" Mr. Feldshuh said, shaking their hands, "We are so glad to have you here for such a momentous occasion!"

Agastya Yamesh approached the Deputy Minister and Ambassador from Sil Dorsett, "Thank your for coming, I am Agastya Yamesh, the Foreign Affairs Minister for Iraelia. It is a pleasure to meet you." Mr. Yamesh said shaking their hands.
Alwyn winced as the aircraft touched down on the runway, the pain in his gut returning. He figured it was an ulcer and would have to get it looked at after this visit. Maybe there would be time to see a doctor in Ceretis afterwards. In the meantime he'd just avoid drinking too much.

His children were talking excitedly. It wasn't often they were all together, and he had felt bad about leaving them at home so he'd brought them. It would hopefully be like a vacation. His oldest three, (Aeron, Gerallt, and Tystan) were trying to torture their sister Sariah, but she was too smart for them and was outsmarting them at every turn. Every insult and jab was cleverly turned back on them.

His eldest, Aeron, had just recently finished his state service and was now looking to work in one of the ministries which meant he was spending all his time in Karthied. Gerallt had chosen to enter service in the Esplandian Civil Service (following a girl he'd been infatuated with for years) and was now stationed in Genova. His youngest two spent most their time at home getting into trouble. And while they were acting wild now, the second they left the craft his children would be the model of Esplandian manners and upbringing.

And just as he knew they would, their behavior changed as the plane stopped. It was time to impress the foreign diplomats and leaders they were soon to meet. Alwyn took a quick drink of some stomach medicine, then smoothing his jacket and putting on a friendly smile, he stepped to the door as it opened.
"Mr. Skywing!" Exclaimed the Iraelian Prime Minister, shaking the Hastfradic League FA Minister's hand, "It is such a pleasure!"

Mr. Feldshuh glanced behind Mr. Skywing to see Skywing's children standing behind him in a uniform line. He laughed.

"Why so tense, children? No need to be so formal, tonight is a night of festivities!" The elderly Prime Minister explained.

Agastya Yamesh walked from behind Mr. Feldshuh to offer his hand to Mr. skywing. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Skywing. I am Agastya Yamesh, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Iraelia."
Marten had been reading his book about the Fascist War as the plane was making contact with the ground. As he was reading the Chancellor was looking out of the window. He has been doing that for about half an hour. While Marten and Lukas were doing that Martinus was fiddling with his war medals which kept annoying him.

"I'm going to have whoever made these damn things flogged in the middle of Bergum" Martinus said with annoyance. Marten and Lukas both started to laugh at it. After all of these years one would expect a man at the age of 97 to lose his cunning and wit but they would be very wrong in this case.

"You're starting to sound like Helmer now" Marten said with a grin.

"Oh you think so do you? Well unlike you I actually knew Helmer and he would've had you summarily executed for talking like that."

However their conversation was cut short as their guards had notified them that it was time for time to leave the plane. So one by one the Emperor and the Chancellor stepped out of the plane with Martinus followed by the guards in quick succession.
The Emperor, Lord Chancellor, and High Duke emerged from the plane, flanked by their guards. Mr. Feldshuh met them at the bottom of the steps, shaking their hands.

"Mr. Severyn," He said, bowing before the Malorian Emperor. "And Mr. Kent," The Prime Minister said, shaking the Lord Chancellor's hand."

Feldshuh then directed his attention to the third guest, Martinus III. He who had removed Helmer from power. Feldshuh looked the former emperor in the eye and gave a firm salute. After a few seconds, a smile crept into his face and he began to laugh. Feldshuh gave the old man a hug and said, "It's good to see you, friend!"

Yamesh approached the three with reverence. He bowed before the Malorian Emperor, shaking his hand afterwards, "Emperor, Lord Chancellor, High Duke, it is a pleasure to have you here in Adonai-Jireh."
Alwyn graciously shook the PM's hand, then the Iraelian Foreign Ministers, thanking them for allowing this visit. After the PM's jovial jab at his kids he too laughed. 'You'll have to forgive them,' he said. 'They're used to Esplandian events which are quite formal and dignified. Besides, if they relax too much, they'll be nothing but trouble.'

He called his children forward, introducing them to the two dignitaries, each of his children wishing them good health.

After introductions he led his enterouge to the vehicles that had been provided. His staff and guards loaded up into two SUVs while his family got into a waiting limo. His head of security, Nevlek Kaen, rode up front with the driver.

Nevlek was a large man, who even as he neared his seventieth year, was in peak physical shape. An imposing man, with a neatly trim beard and short cropped gray hair. He was a retired Huskavrl and a good friend of the family.

The cars pulled away and left the airport heading into the city of Adonai-Jireh.
The Thenacan Gov's personal jet was to land at Iralia's capital - Adonai-Jireh, in 15 more minutes. During the relatively short 3 hour trip, David and Albert were going over information needed for the diplomatic exchange that was sure to happen.

"...What about their leaders? Feldshuh and Yamesh specifically." David asked Albert, before taking another gulp from his nearly empty sweet tea bottle. He was also going over online info on his laptop at the same time.

"Prime Minister Tzufit Feldshuh, 77. Married with three children. Became a major name in politics around 1980, and has remained a top member of the Conservative Party.” Replied Albert, going over his compiled dossiers. He continued on- “As for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Agastya Yamesh... 35, single. Is responsible for much of the renewed strength and agenda of the Conservative Party. Both are - in the general sense - well respected and loved, and are friendly and engaging in return.”

David nodded and closed his laptop, finishing his sweet tea shortly after. “Good to know. Should go as smooth as creamy peanut-butter." He joked. "As long as we avoid any political topics...” He muttered the last line to himself.

The plane made a smooth landing before stopping along with the other invitees. The door opened from the top, turning into an air-stair that was fit for a craft of modest size. David and Albert made their way down to meet with their counterparts. They were dressed in their snappy dress suits (navy-blue and dark green, respectively), the kind mandatory for diplomatic events.

Once on the floor of the runway, David and Albert stood respectfully and at attention for the Iralian welcome committee. The 4 Parliamentary Honor Guards, half-ceremonial and half-practical in nature, stood a fair distance behind their leaders.

"It's a great honor to finally meet with you, Prime Minister Feldshuh, and Mr. Yamesh." David started off, wearing his normal slight smile. "We hope this will become a good start to a great relationship between our two nations, agreed?"
"Certainly!" Feldshuh exclaimed, shaking the Thenacan Prime Minister's hand. Feldshuh then directed his attention to Langley, shaking his hand as well. "Mr. Langley, your Iraelian counterpart, Agastya Yamesh!"

Yamesh approached Langley and shook his hand, "Pleasure to meet you." Yamesh then turned to the Prime Minister to shake his hand. "Welcome to Iraelia!"
The flight was short. No more than 2 hours. The peaks of the upper ranges of the Tian'shan were visible from the plane. Erik sat there quietly. He tried to imagine the sight of climbers, but knew that it was never going to happen.

As the seatbelt light came on, he could already see the desert climates of Iraelia. They were almost there.

Youming Che stepped off the plane after Erik did. The plane was a smaller one, marked with the words "Askaloner Herredømme", the words in Gojan meaning Ascalonian Dominion. Erik looked back up at Youming and continued walking.
Youming lined up next to Shan-Yin and they did the traditional bow.

"How are you my friend?", said Erik, Youming closely to his side. "This is Youming Che, the new ambassador to Iraelia."
"Mr. Shan-Yin, Mr. Che," Feldshuh said, shaking their hands.

Yamesh approached them, shaking the Ascalonian officials' hands as well, "I am so happy to meet you all," he said. Yamesh then turned to Youming Che, "I hope to get myself better acquainted with you in light of your new appointment."
The flight from Andrenne to Iraelia was fairly long, but fortunately Sven was actually in Skanda at this time to discuss foreign relations with Skanda's own Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Yuki Iwata. This meant the flight to Iraelia was basically only an hour long. Upon landing there he adjusted his tie, stepping down the small steps of the relatively small private jet. It had some words in Andrennian on the side, something about Foreign Affairs- didn't matter too much. He stepped towards the Iraelian politicians, waiting for them to finish their conversation with the Ascalonians. He adjusted his glasses as he waited.
"Mr. Kalder!" Feldshuh exclaimed, shaking the Andrennian Minister's hand. "So lovely to see you!"

Yamesh followed Feldshuh, extending his hand outward. "Welcome, it is wonderful to see you. I hope we can use this time to not only celebrate, but to further our nations relations."
The last to arrive was the Syrixian Emperor, Rajesh III, followed by the Imperial Ambassador to Iraelia, Shimon Mehra. Feldshuh approached him, hand outreached, "It is a great honor, your magnificence!"

Yamesh followed him, addressing the emperor, "I am deeply humbled to meet you, your magnificence." He then turned towards Mr. Mehra, shaking his hand, "And I hope to better acquaint myself with you during the coming celebrations."

As the Syrixian Emperor and the Ambassador passed him, Feldshuh gazed back at the limousines, where the representatives from the many nations were just leaving. He turned to Yamesh, and with a smile stated, "To Beit Aghion!"

Taneli Gadi arrived incredibly early to Beit Aghion, being the first to arrive. To her luck, the staff recognized her and let her in. When she arrived, the Prime Minister's residence was still being prepared by housekeeping. She briskly walked through the entrance hall. To her left, a staircase rose up from the ground leading to the personal quarters of the Prime Minister and his wife. A door on the end led to the Beit Aghion Cabinet Room, the table still cluttered with papers from the last cabinet meeting.

One day... she thought.

To her right, the Beit Aghion ballroom was accessable. The medium sized auditorium had 10 or so lavishly decorated tables coated in velvet cloth scattered across the room. On the far right and left sides of the room, tables with hors d’oeuvres stood ready to placate the hunger of those in attendance while their food was being prepared by the Beit Aghion chef. Standing front and center was a raised platform with a podium on it. From there, Feldshuh would issue his Yavneh Roya address.

Taneli Gadi ceased her marveling and took a seat on the benches placed in the entrance hall. She began to review topics of conversation she had prepared for each world leader and representative. As she intently studied, time passed. Cabinet Ministers, the Deputy Speakers, President, and Key Conservative MKs slowly flooded into Beit Aghion, until, a motorcade of limousines pulled in front of Beit Aghion. She pulled her head from her notes to spy the leaders of several nations of Eras.

As they entered the Prime Minister's estate, she muttered under her breath, "Show time..."
(OOC: Denied, Nin. Please remove your application and use common sense next time. When I say closed, I mean closed. PM me next time if you want to join late, but it's too far along for you to join now.)
Just before arriving Lukas had briefed Marten one more time about the key people that would be attending the event. The whole time that Lukas was talking to him Marten kept fiddling with his golden wedding ring like he always does before he’s getting ready to make a public appearance or when he was nervous. Martinus however stopped trying to adjust his war medals and left them. Finally the coal colored limousine emerged in front of the caramel colored residence with a anxious Malorian Emperor, a curious Chancellor, and a annoyed cranky old man inside.

Both Marten and Lukas along with Martinus came out of the vehicle quickly followed by their guards who were surprisingly also in suits. All of them were wearing their ebony cashmere suits with white woven dress shirts underneath which the guards were also wearing. Marten however was wearing his Malorian flag pin and a amethyst colored tie while Lukas had no pin and a sapphire colored tie and Martinus following suit but with his many golden medals and a raven colored tie. All of them except Martinus had their obsidian colored Oxfords on with the leather heels while Martinus had his pitch black boots that always clicked everywhere when he walked.

They then made their way through the doors and into the entrance hall. It was already filled with Iraelian politicians who were in Marten’s eyes were no doubt here to cozy up to people of higher status so they could make their own rise, after all this was politics why wouldn’t they. He looked around the sand colored hallway for someone that he could at least make an acquaintance if not befriend. He finally found someone, Taneli Gadi the leader of the opposition.

Marten then whispered in Lukas’s and Martinus's ears “I'm going to at least try and make a friend while I'm here."
Lukas and Martinus then nodded as Marten made his way over to her quickly gliding and avoiding the politicians in his way. And finally there he was in front of her.

Marten then tried to start a conversation and said “You must be Taneli Gadi, the leader of the opposition to the Conservative Party. I’m the Emperor of Maloria, Marten Severyn. And I hope you don’t mind me saying but that is a beautiful Onyx necklace.”
Taneli barely had enough time to approach a world leader, when a tall man with brown hair approached her. Marten Severyn, the Malorian emperor, interested in wine and history, he is somewhat conservative so try and avoid politics... she had thought to herself.

"You must be Taneli Gadi, the leader of the opposition to the Conservative Party. I’m the Emperor of Maloria, Marten Severyn. And I hope you don’t mind me saying but that is a beautiful Onyx necklace," he said.

She was taken aback with his polite demeanor. For a second she was derailed, until she remembered her preparation. Try and direct this towards his topics, perhaps mention wine... They were serving a fine cherry wine tonight, though not the same Yeran variation he loved... Well, go ahead anyways she reasoned. "Hello there! Such a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Severyn," she said offering her hand for a handshake, "The necklace was my mothers, she worked so hard for me to be where I am..." she trailed off. Shit, stop talking about yourself, the objective is to make connections with the world leaders and this will only get in the way...

She stuttered as she gathered her bearings, "I am aware you are a fan of Yeran Cherry Wine? I much prefer the Iraelian variant which takes much more after Arak, a hard liquor that is considered a delicacy in Iraelia. If you enjoy hard liquor, you simply must try it. The taste is fantastic!" She said in her successful recovery.
The two cousins emerged out of the vehicle, Grace first, followed by Johann. They were whispering to each other as they walked towards the building. The Queen was wearing a navy blue, frilly dress that went just below her knees and had her hair back in a ponytail. She fidgeted with a simple silver chain bracelet around her left wrist. Johann wore a simple black and white suit and tie, with his hair brushed lightly. They stepped into the busy hall, and Grace spotted Marten out of the crowd.
She led her cousin by the wrist over, and once seeing who her husband was talking with, she spoke to her, "Hi!" She friendly smiled to the woman, "Pleasure to meet you, miss." Johann smiled and nodded, not speaking.
After Taneli offered a handshake Marten didn’t hesitate as he shook her hand. He did think that his charming attitude did due some good however as she seemed surprised and taken by it. Marten didn’t mind though that she talked about her mother he actually enjoys talking about family which is something he takes a lot of pride and joy in. She did surprise him though that she knew about his love for wine but it soon became clear that she did her homework as well. Marten then started to respond back.

“That is very good that your mother fought and looked out for you. It is a shame though that so much of us cannot say the same about our own mothers, which is very unfortunate. But yes I will have to try that wine thank you for recommending it because to be honest I find other drinks like water dull.”

He was cut short however by his wife Grace. He didn’t expect Johann to be there however as he didn’t think these types of events would be his cup of tea. But there he was in the type of attire he didn’t expect he would wear in a place that he didn’t expect him to be.

“Ah and this is my beautiful and wonderful wife Grace, the Queen of Kanada. That gentleman beside of her is her cousin Johann. And the fourth member here is my unborn son” he said with a smile followed by a laugh. He thought it was a cheesy joke but why not say it anyway.
Gerard and Adeline left their two-car motorcade behind and, with their staff, made their way to the Beit Aghion ballroom. For the pair, it was all business. No stopping to admire the decor and they didn't particularly interested in the hors d'oeuvres, though Adeline eventually had a nibble. The two of them spent their time observing the other delegations that entered and took particular notice at the congregation surrounding the opposition leader.

"If I'm not mistaken, that's Taneli Gadi, the opposition leader?" Adeline asked.

"Yes, and she appears rather pre-occupied with the Malorian emperor and his wife," Gerard replied. "Let's not spend unnecessary time in idle chat with the royals of nations that are not our focus. Since Ms. Gadi is held up by them, we'll just wait for the Prime Minister."

The deputy minister and his subordinate elected to stay at their table, just sitting and reviewing papers related to Principality efforts abroad.