The Queen is dead, long live the Queen.

Grace leaned into her husband, Marten, as the guests began to arrive. First was the representitives from Sil Dorsett, of which the princess had been met by Grace a few days ealier at the festival in Kalti. She embraced the leader back, thanking her for her offer, and directed her to her seat, a few rows away. Next came Thenaca, whom had sent their Prime Minister. She thanked him for his condolences. Anthony and Claire, from Goyanes walked up, and Grace accepted their offer of a hug.

When she saw Kathrine, her mood lightened some. When Kathie hugged her, Grace hugged her tightly back, "Thank you for coming, Kathie. I know you've been busy studying. Maybe after the coronation we can go out and look at the sites in Calgary." She held the hug until Ziska and Athala walked up. She turned to them and acknowleged their sympathy. Last came the guests from Ceretis. She thanked her friends Owen and Morgan, and took up their offer on a hug. As Johann Leonit stood up and straightened his papers, Grace told Kathrine to go to her seat for the speech.

The palace guards, wearing their often critized plumed hats, directed the honor guard. A couple dozen would guard outside the room and the rest were spread out across the sections.

The Prime Minister walked to the podium and placed his papers down,
"Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen. If you are a royal or a member of the government, you may know who I am. My name is Johann Leonit, the Prime Minister of SAA Kanada, and I come here today to respect the memory of my friend, Grace Kanad II, the former Queen." He figited his thumbs, "I would personally like to thank you all to come and participate in the event. Madam Grace has been an influencial leader for Kanada, including expressing her ideas of a free healthcare system, and working as hard as she could to keep rivalries down between Calgary and Sundeon, and recently, before her passing, beginning the modernization of Kanada, which is still far from complete."

"She came to be the Queen when her own mother died in 1989, her only being a year older than Grace III here at the time. Kanada had been torn apart for years before. After the fascist war ended and the dictatorial tyrant was removed, Kanada was split for some time between Cogoria and Maloria. Though there was a lot of happiness when Kanada reunited, but the rivalry between Calgary and Sundeon remained. The new parliament and Prime Minister tried to patch up the country, but it was way far behind others in terms of technology."

"Grace Kanad II helped wake Kanadians and their needs to be more modern. Kanada began to open trade with more and more countries. When Spaz struck the disease wiped out a couple hundred thousand people, but the country remained strong behind Grace."

"In private, Grace was a very peaceful, kind woman. I know for a fact, she loved her daughter with all her heart, and would give up anything to keep her safe and happy. All in all, Grace was a great person, who had lead our country through thick and thin. She may have passed, but her memory will never be forgotten."

"If you would like, you may come up to the casket and pay your respects. Gracie III will be visiting the Surguard Resort tomorrow, and you can talk to her if you'd like."

He stepped down from the podium.
As the plane landed, Luna stepped off with her guards. She made her way to the black car that was waiting on the tarmac and got in. On her way to the hotel, she made sure that she had all of her belongings with her, and that nothing had been left on the plane. Even if something had been left, it would have been too late, as the aircraft had already taken off once again.

In the hotel she put on her black suit and pearl necklace, as pearl necklaces were a grieving tradition in her home nation. She made her way back outside and into the car once more, and they drove to the palace.

As Luna entered the room, she looked around at the beauty, and it brought her pain to know that the grandeur of the event was to honor such a sad occurrence. She made her way to her seat, shaking hands with Grace and offering her condolences on the way. Teary-eyed, she bowed her head to pray.

(OOC: Sorry for the late response)