The Mother of All Spam Threads

Or, alternatively, we can study the chemicals in the water and apply it to humans.
Apart from the fundamentalist world bank but that should've collapsed by now anyway.
Of course, we'll have to be very careful with introducing the gay bomb into Arabia and other Islamic countries.
Maybe appropriate it into a gas so that it reaches absolutely everybody, just to avoid half the population being thrown off tall buildings before the other half touches gay-contaminated water.
Sounds indicative of the Patriarchy to have a woman marry a man of a higher age.
That said, it was a tough call between Vermin Supreme and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Ultimately though, I disagreed with Wan's radical Jedi beliefs, despite his sound economic plans and healthcare reforms.
Vermin Supreme was a proper moderate, not religiously inclined at all, and also had good economic plans.
Unfortunately he lost but if he hadn't he could've saved America with his Zombie and Pony based economic plans.
Speaking of Zombies, I hear that somebody is splitting off from UKIP to make a new party.
Hopefully this party is more fun than losing all of your council seats in one election.
you know what 8,000 posts by Monday seems like a reasonable goal to do so that is what I'm going to do