The Mother of All Spam Threads

Unless the World Bank gauges one's worth based on amount of Spam in possession.
Maybe amount of spam in possession is a factor in determining a nation's GDP.
A nation could buy a lot of spam and be classed as a first world nation despite being incredibly poor.
It would make the world bank consider them a good investment, maybe even hold them in high enough respect to place reasonable interest on their loans.
Money could be invested in infrastructure, housing, police funding and other worthwhile projects.
Maybe if we send every major member of the world bank subliminal messages in their television to make them forgetful and naïve, hence allowing all this to work.
Or perhaps assassinate every major member of the world bank and replace them with fundamentalists.
It would achieve the same thing, lowering the intelligence of the world bank so they allow my plan to work.
Maybe everybody would give up on them after having brought up the poor countries of the world.
That way we'd have both brought the poorest countries out of poverty and smashed the globalist agenda.