

Okay, here we go!

Nickname(s)?: none that I would want spread widely haha

Main Nation?: (currently) the one and only Sankami

RL Country?: United States. Honestly Election Day is going to be very nervewracking

Favourite Colour(s)?: Blue, although that is statistically the color most picked as someone's favorite color

Do you use IRC?: I had to google that, which shows exactly how much I've used it before :P But I see there is a handy IRC link in the top bar so maybe I'll check that out.

Do you use Discord?: Yup. Not on there super-frequently, although I have the app on my phone.

Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: I don't have extremely strong opinions regarding this, but I do lean more to the liberal side.

Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: Yeah, although it's been a while since I've done any.

Nice to meet you all!
Hahah yes, the zombie invasion was very fun ;)
Though, now that I don't have anything urgent on it, I just check Discord once a day.
Welcome. I anticipate that I'll be seeing more of you as time goes on.
I can't believe how much time I spent on zombie curing that day, and still ended up with a couple million dead because of some guy who decided to kill zombies instead of cure, and then just another random dead without ever having zombies situation in another nation.
I can't believe how much time I spent on zombie curing that day, and still ended up with a couple million dead because of some guy who decided to kill zombies instead of cure, and then just another random dead without ever having zombies situation in another nation.
It happens friendo