From Somewhere Nearby

Nickname(s): N/A
Main Nation: Pyrrhonia, Somewhere Nearby
RL Country: United States
Favourite Colour(s): N/A
Do you use IRC?: Occassionally
Do you use Discord? Not usually, but did for Z-Day
Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you care?: Tend liberal
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: :blink:
Thank you Tomb, Darklord, Techislovakia, and Vian Technocrats.

Tomb, one question I have: how long does it take to be approved for citizenship?

Techislovakia, the last time I played was in 2004. I forget what exactly reminded me that nationstates existed. After a lot of the recent series of massive password database leaks, I went through just about every web service I could find where I've ever had an account to change passwords or just get rid of the account. Eventually I came across a mention of NationStates and remembered I had used it before. However, my typical username/password combinations didn't work, nor did my attempts at recovering via email. So I decided I'd just start a new nation, Somewhere Nearby. Then I discovered the login method was via nation name. Eventually, I remembered the name of my previous nation, Pyrrhonia, and recovered it from the boneyard. I had founded it in mid 2004 and abandoned it December 2004. If my attention span lasted ~6 months then, I expect it will last at least 6 months this time. It seems that migrating that nation from Lazarus to the North Pacific before the zombie apocalypse was a wise move.
I am seeing in the list of pending citizenship applications for nations further down the queue than when I applied, yet my application for citizenship does not seem to have shown up there. I have received no notice of denial or acceptance, and my nation is certainly not on the list of nations with citizenship, or residency for that matter. Should I wait for a response for my present application or re-apply?
I am entirely frustrated by the lack of communication I have received in terms of the citizenship process. I have been told in Discord that my citizenship was declined because I'm using a university and/or corporate IP address. I never received notice that it was declined, I work and study at a university, and my landlord once had a business associated with my home IP address. **What can I do to become a citizen?** I was also told I could apply for residency. However, the forums state not to worry about that if you've applied for citizenship.
Okay, I feel a bit better now that I passed the admin check. I've been kind of hiding out because I didn't know whether they check most recent IP address or have a list of IP addresses.