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Prime Minister Brandt Remarks on Jeremy Wilson's re-election in Osynstry
by Alfífa Íshólm

The Prime Minister had his regularly scheduled meetings with the media outside of the Alþingi's chambers. Of course there many questions that the Prime Minister handled regarding the ongoing constitutional negotiations between the government and the Crown. Please visit here for a complete rundown of those happenings.

The Prime Minister ended his time with the press by answering a question that caught even a few of the reporters present off-guard.
"Jeremy Wilson has been re-elected the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Great Osynstry. What is the government's response?" asked Marfríður Braaten of Norðurstjarna* News.

The Kingdom of Great Osynstry, renown for their closed borders and suspicion of foreign influences in general, has rarely come up in Alþingi debate, much less from the media. The question seemed to shock Prime Minister Brandt before he settled into his answer.

"Of course we respect the democratic will of any people to govern themselves. I wish Mr. Wilson the best in government."

Such an answer is to be expected in a situation like this but the Prime Minister continued with some unorthodox remarks.

"Of course the Auroria region is one of importance. Our agricultural sector has access to the Imperium, and we value that relationship and how it benefits both countries. I hope neither Mr. Wilson or his government see fit to try and assert themselves regionally in any way to harm this mutually beneficial relationship between two sovereign states."

The Prime Minister continued, regarding Mr. Wilson's politics.
"I think it's natural that our Alþingi might react cautiously to outwardly socialist nations with the rhetoric you hear coming from Mr. Wilson. Yet today we boast friendly relationships with Cogoria and the Stan Yera through the BP, and we engage in mutually beneficial trade deals with Skanda. Any ideological roadblock can be overcome if everyone is willing to listen and act in good faith. So my honest opinion on Mr. Wilson is that I wish him well in fulfilling his mandate, and I hope that should the opportunity come for our governments to break bread together we are able to find common ground."

The Ministry of Defence later clarified that the Prime Minister's concerns over Osynstry asserting influence related to an observed increase in the size of their navy. The notably isolationist country's naval increase is said to be noted by both the Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Ministry of Defence in assessing how it might affect Prydanian trade with partners in Auroria.

*Norðurstjarna= North Star


(Firework shows are expected to be exhibited nationally tonight in celebration)

First Reestablishment Day: What is it and what does it mean to Koroviyane?

17th November 2020
(14th Dekabr 2020)
by Katerina Soloveva

KOROVKA, Korova - Today marks the first Reestablishment Day in Korova, the yearly national holiday celebrating the anniversary of Korova's official reestablishment under Tiran Arthur Tatarov. Across the country people will be parading, celebrating, visiting monuments related to reestablishment, and other such expressions. But what's Reestablishment Day's story - why is it celebrated, whats changed for Korova in the last year, and whats happening locally in commemoration of today?

What's the story of Reestablishment Day?
In 2008, the civil war in Prydansk spilled over into Korova's borders with a Pridaniy Syndicalist-backed coup against the existing Korovan government and monarchy, using the widespread suffering under Korova's third fascist monarch as a scapegoat. For four years the syndicalist dictator Juri Balðin pushed Koroviy society to the brink, enforcing many of the same ineffective and cruel policies that the Pridaniy regime did. These included brutal work camps, purges of the politically undesirable, and restrictions further than what the height of Korova's fascist monarchy enforced.

But this regime isn't why Reestablishment Day exists, it's just the first part of the story. In the latter half of Balðin's four year rule, guerilla uprisings in several parts of the country began to form and as the national government stretched out further and further to deal with these, more uprisings found their footing. By mid-2012 it had become too much and as several forces descended on Novovka, the Syndicalist capital, the regime's end was all but confirmed. However, with many groups holding different interpretations of a post-Syndicalist Korova and little international backing to be seen for any group, the nation broke apart further and further into local governments. Large cities like Korovka and Zhurovka were the first places to become unequivocably anarchies with divisions as small as a few city blocks.

In some ways, a century of history occurred in only a decade during what was now the Koroviy Anarchy. Every city, every town, has its own stories from this period. 'Lords' rose and fell, miniature wars were fought, urban diplomacy was conducted, but ultimately people suffered. With no central authority in Korova, the national power and water infrastructure collapsed almost immediately after the Syndicalist regime was toppled and daily life became a struggle beyond comprehension. The only beacons during this period were communities with wells and generators but they would become overwhelmed during 'seasonal migrations' as I, and many Korovans today, remember the phrase "You assimilate, or you die", referring to the harsh winters of Korova that would kill thousands every year without mercy and force many to temporarily join communities. In the later years of the Anarchy, even food began to become hard to find outside of communities that were able to entrench themselves and grow with enough stability to conduct basic agriculture.

This is why, when refugee camps were beginning to be founded in the last three years of the Anarchy, the camps became so inflated and globally unparalleled in size. The largest of them, the Ostrovan-Sentozhiy Beloye Pole Nadezhdy* Camp in the Korovka Palace grounds, housed over 600,000 people. There were many of these camps though, such as the Norveskiy Pepel'naya Gavan Camp with over 420,000 people, many of whom fled from the near-uninhabitable mountain regions, or the Sentozhiy Roza Svobody Camp in Saakadzovka with over 350,000 people. Many of the Anarchy's largest communities even cooperated and worked with foreign humanitarian efforts and this, in fact, is how the Beloye Pole Nadezhdy Camp was born, with Yerans cooperating with the community our now-tiran Arthur Tatarov led in the Palace.

Overall, it is believed that the population of Korova lowered by over 4 million and that of this number, 2.3 million died. There is not a single Korovan who hasn't lost someone in their life.

As a whole, the history of Korova's last decade and a half speaks for itself as to why the Reestablishment of Korova late last year is such a culturally meaningful event. It's a reassurance that things will improve - the Reestablishment coincided with several things, namely the return of basic infrastructure like power and water to the majority of the country and the first major wave of rehousing people to their pre-coup households (if applicable or wanted).

How has Korova changed since Reestablishment?
In a move potentially shocking to foreign onlookers when considering the Syndicalist regime, the nation and the policies running it have generally taken a strong left-wing turn. It was determined that due to the economic extremes of the nation, it could not go back to the same ways of functioning as before, or even as its neighbours, were the nation to prevent millions of people living in squalor under a capitalist system. In a nation where everyone is penniless it would be almost a certainty.

Probably the most obvious move towards protecting Koroviyane from exploitation was the seizure and nationalisation of all housing properties beyond two (which is the new housing property ownership limit and neither can be privately rented). Despite initial protesting, and continued distaste from Korova's conservative Kostroma river valley, Korova would almost certainly be experiencing a housing crisis without this move due to the Anarchy rendering many people's former homes uninhabitable or destroyed, or other properties simply estimated as being unaffordable under a private system. While many larger properties have been reserved for large families some, including mansions and excessive housing, are being renovated into multiple housing units or replaced with other housing solutions. This is just one of many economic policies established.

A strongly left-wing turn in policy also extends into social politics, with essentially every people in Korova, alongside their languages, cultures, and religions, being elevated as equals to Novayans. This is also enforced by new, effective organisations alongside a completely rebuilt education curriculum which covers social privilege, comprehensive summary modules regarding each Koroviy people, and education regarding LGBTQI+ identities at all age levels. However, Gojannesstrad wasn't built in a day and this is updated on a year-by-year basis as the education system can be better prioritised and revised (With support from Malenansk), considering the fact that Korova is a nation still in its rebuilding phase.

Related are the reparations to the Ad' Cane people, who have been oppressed in some form under human governance on the Ryzhevaty Ostrova since the first migrations of Bayardiy onto Novaya in 3500BCEs. This in particular is important as one of the Tiran's pledges in their international reestablishment declaration. The first and most visible change to foreigners onlooking would be the elevation of Raë'a, the modern Ad' Cane language, to not just status of a national language but as an official language on par with Koroviy. This not just refers to new signs being printed in both languages but also official documents (including laws and identity documents), government websites, and even small things like store pricing. It has also become a compulsary language being taught at all levels of education up to university-tier. As well as language education, a comprehensive look into the history of the Ad' Cane - both their original society and the harm Korovaiyane have caused - will be covered in schools.
Aside this, the Principality of Pomorye has been recognised as the centre of ancient Ad' Cane society and designated as one of three Autonomous Communities (autonomous principalities). Being the home of the highest population of Korova's Ad' Cane outside of Korovka, this gives the people the highest level of representation featured anywhere outside of Pavyat - which is home to populations of Ad' Cane larger than the entirety of Korova's total. Being an autonomous community affords Pomorye several areas of self-determination, such as having its own internal legislature to determine its laws (within a limit) and being able to represent in regards to cultural affairs, much like Korova's cultural nation divisions although Pomorye still falls under the Krivich nation.

In regards to day-to-day life, independent surveys indicate that while there are many areas of improvement, quality-of-life has improved by orders of magnitude. Food security has raised significantly with the reintroduction of the state, as well as the founding of Korova's own nationalised supermarket alongside the return of previous providors such as the Maleno-Koroviy Yeda-Mart. Housing in Korova has also been an issue greatly tackled within a year, with households being given the choice to, if able to, rehouse to their pre-coup housing or to be rehoused locally where they currently reside as to prevent destroying new communities. About three quarters of people known to require rehousing have been housed.Regarding labour, it is expectably booming in comparison to the previous decade but at the same time opening positions for, and then verifying experience in skilled labour has been a difficult task. Companies willing to return with Korova's new tight and pro-worker labour laws, such as Korotek, have been pioneering the current openings however with a range of marketing, administration, manufacturing, and design, amongst other positions, opportunities nationally. Alongside this, the construction industry, including areas such as plumbing and electrician work for ease, in particular has been expanding further than any previous year with great demand due to the recovery efforts.

Looking widely, Korova is undeniably in a better place as a result of Tiran Arthur Tatarov's provisional government but there still remains a lot of room for refinement of exisiting methods and for general improvement.

How are communities commemorating the event?
Nationally, there are parades and street festivals celebrating not just the rebirth of Korova but the culture(s) as well. The Yeizhtown in Zhurovka, the largest of its kind, is planning on holding a massive festival tonight mimicking that of its New Year's celebrations as a symbolic reference to a new beginning while in Koyvas, the high-ranking Taunika druids of the Kalmov nation are convening to enact spritualist rituals of celebration and rebirth. As well as this, Korovka will be hosting one of the largest fireworks shows ever conducted, financed in good faith by Makona-Dyanatsiya in Solnehkiya, nearby the Palace and along the Pyasina River which flows through the city.

There are also several national monuments that are waiving fees for the day. One of these is the Pyasina Bridge, formerly the Great Simeon Bridge, which is a large suspension bridge stretching across the Bay of Pyasina's mouth from Tarusovo into Mordva. What makes it special is that it's largely destroyed and only its skeleton standing as pillars in the Bay's entrance remain, it was reinforced and left standing as a message to all navally-bound incomers to Korovka about the nation's recent history. While never actually having had a fee, another important and popular monument of the Anarchy is the Bychiy Square in Korovka. The Square was the centre of administration and goods distribution in the former Beloy Pole Nadezhdy Camp with the sites of several important tents/structures now being home to statues of cows - the Korovkan official animal - that now act as an important site of memorial to those who have died of Anarchy-related diseases such as Cholera or AIDS.

Continuing the theme of loss, the day will also host a three-minute silence nationally at 12PM in remeberance of the 2.3 million Korovans who died as a result of the Syndicalists and following Anarchy. While Korova has a seperate Day of Rememberance on Aprelya 7th, the day the Syndicalist Coup, which also hosts a silence the Tiran justifies a second by suggesting that Koroviyane should never forget what was lost in their pride and excitement.

Ultimately, Korova embarked on a long journey last year and Reestablishment Day is a well-deserved day of rest in this journey.


Koroviy = Korovan / Kovoriyane = Korovans
Ostrovan = Yeran
Sentozhiy = Santonian
Beloy Pole Nadezhdy = White Field of Hope
Norveskiy = Norstina
Pepel'naya Gavan = Ash Harbour
Roza Svobody = Rose of Liberty
Malenansk = Kanada
Ryzhevaty Ostrova = Auburn Isles
Pavyat = Sasten
Taunika = Thaunicca
Solnehkiya = Iteria
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Government Analysts question Osynstric growth figures

By; Giulia Amendoza

NUOVA ANTOFAGOSTA, Predice -- With the government hard at work compiling figures to stake Predice's GDP growth against, they hit a snag this week when they reached Osynstry. Despite the country having a largely nationalized economy, Osynstry was posting extremely high GDP growth figures, reaching over 3%. Deciding to investigate, Predicean analysts came up with a far more modest GDP growth of 1.1%.

Government unsure of nearly all Osynstric data

"In spite of an apparently highly developed economy, Osynstry remains largely out of the global trade network, and they let in very few immigrants. This points towards the Osynstric Government fudging the data." An unnamed government analyst told us.

"Our estimate is a far more modest 1.1% GDP growth, with it being potentially even smaller. Additionally, the population growth seems unrealistically high, with such a developed economy, yet so few immigrants. by our estimation, the Osynstric Population is growing at a far slower pace than official numbers." Another analyst told RAP.

Data faked for years?

"We believe that the Black Government provides a more accurate glance into what Osynstric GDP growth looks like today. Namely, stagnation. It is our opinion, that the OWP and parties before the Black Government have been faking the data." An analyst told RAP.

"We find it likely, that Osynstric Domestic population growth has been faked for some 2 decades." Another unnamed analyst told RAP.

How Osynstry's Official Data compares with the rest of the world

According to current data, Osynstry has the third largest population, second largest GDP, and second highest HDI in the world.
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Prime Minister's Questions - Awyndey, 16 Aldertury, 1094 (Friday, 20 November, 2020)

As Wilson's first week of his second term as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Osynstry and Cymbria comes to an end, and the election season finally winds down back to normal - or as normal as you can get these days, Wilson is asked a set of questions by the usual set of politicians during Prime Minister's Questions, except this time, he is asked by the new roles.
Minister for Cymbria - 2 questions
Interim Minister for Weskershire - 2 questions
Interim Minister for the North - 1 question
Leader of the Opposition, Andrew Charles - 4 questions
Conservative Coalition Leader, Howard Stewart - 1 question
Conservative Coalition Leader, Olivia Ledbury - 1 question

Dafydd af Gwynydd goes to the dispatch box, as the Minister for Cymbria:
"What is the Prime Minister going to do, with your renewed Prime Ministry, about much of this bench's demands for the abolition of the Cymbrish Senedd? Are you in support of devolution?"
Wilson, assuredly, rises.
"Of course I am in support of devolution, I have championed the idea of Osynstric federalism and regionalism. I hail from a region of North Weskershyre myself, in an area of the nation overlooked by previous centralised governments, and have managed to give the people of the North a Minister for the North and for Weskershyre. I am also in favour of granting your Parliament and either you, or whoever succeeds you in March, greater powers in the coming months in negotiations directly, as devolution is one of our top priorities, as Cymbria has always stood beside our great nation and our great people have always come together."
Gwynydd doesn't ask a second question, but instead just says.
"Thank you for guaranteeing the freedoms and rights of the people of Cymbria for the future years, as long as you stick to this pledge, of course."
Wilson nods and says "Of course I can guarantee the Right Honourable Gentleman that I shall be sticking to this promise."
With both the Minister for Weskershire and the North being Wilson at the moment, it would be preposterous for him to ask himself his own questions.
Thus, the Leader of the Opposition rises.
"Good morning. I first wish to congratulate the Prime Minister on his successful re-election campaign, and look forward to working across the benches with him over the coming years as we have in the past four.
Next, I wish to draw your attention to the Predican government's recent accusation of potential misconduct in the release of the economic statistics of this nation. What do you make of the accusation, and can you prove that their claims are indeed false? It is quite an allegation to accuse a clearly democratic country of wrongdoing, and I wish to clarify with the Prime Minister that these claims are unfounded, of course."
The Prime Minister rises.
"Good morning and I thank the Leader of the Opposition for his kind remarks, and indeed do wish to work with him, and indeed all Opposition Members of this Senate over the coming weeks, months and years as much as possible.

Next, I wish to address his question, and Predice. These studies were conducted by independent economists, who are part of the Independent Statistical Agency of Osynstry - or I.S.A.O. - and any accusations of wrongdoing are both preposterous, and clearly an attempted attack on our nation's institutions. If the Prime Minister of Predice and statisticians wish to withdraw deeply fraudulent remarks about our economy, then that would be appreciated. If not, then we would like to see some evidence behind their currently baseless allegations, as they are trying to show our nation as distrustful, disingenuous and untrustworthy on the world stage - and the needless tensions that their government have created between our two peoples are the result of their allegations. We wish to affirm that our growth rate is indeed projected at about two point eight to three percent this year, and our population growth rate is indeed projected at about point three percent, and any allegations of our growth being somehow unconceivably high reveals more about the fragility of the Predican economy than our own.

We once again wish to clarify that our growth rate is 2.9% this year, or at least it is projected to be this, that our population is projected to grow by up to half a percent and at least one tenth of a percent this year - probably about a third of a percent - and that no, just because our economy is nationalised, does not mean that it can flourish - and I am sure the international community will not listen to the nation that knows nothing of our economy, rather than the Prime Minister of the country and the independent studies into our given statistics I provide today. Our nation is also more than statistics, which makes this allegation ever more baseless, pointless and demeaning to both them, and us. We deeply condemn them for this interference in our union.

We would appreciate it if when foreign leaders, particularly Predice, attempt to make allegations about our nation, that they back it up with evidence. We will now have to file an independent investigation into whether this was an attack on our nation's institutions and reputation on the world stage as we slowly open up to the world, and if the courts agree that this was the case, then we will have to take immediate, affirmative action to make sure that this incident does not happen again in the future. The spread of disinformation, whether it be by government or newspaper, is a serious issue and must be combatted as effectively as possible. We will not tolerate such baseless misinformation against the Osynstric nation and its reputation, and will take swift and decisive action to make sure this is not repeated. Thank you, that is our final statement."

The Leader of the Opposition rises.
"What is your attitude on the current isolationist policies of our nation? We have been isolationist for many years, and despite tentative steps towards opening up under your own administration, we have remained relatively alone. Are you going to continue these incremental moves, or are you planning for an entrance onto the world stage?"
The Prime Minister responds:
"I plan for our nation, as an ideal of modernisation, to enter the world stage at some point in my term. No, this isn't a quick and simple process as the Right Honourable Gentlemen infers to the people, this will take time and will result in the forming of alliances and potentially, hopefully not however, enemies. We wish to co-operate globally with peacekeeping efforts and any nation is seen as a potential diplomatic partner at this point in time. We cannot simply stand by as the world continues - we are not a weak nation, and we must stand up for basic rights and freedoms, as we did in our own nation during the last century."
The Leader of the Opposition rises.
"To continue with these reforms you speak of, how would you propose a defence reform? I am aware that you have made a strong defence and army very clear as a policy that is necessary for these incremental changes - would this intensify as our nation fully enters the world stage? And are we going to form alliances, or are we going to be going case-by-case in our affairs?"
The Prime Minister seems more troubled and questioned by this one.
"Yes, I do plan to go case-by-case for the time being. We will forge diplomatic relations with as many nations as possible, as allies are stronger than enemies when they are more numerable, and I am sure that we shall be able to co-operate with their armies in coming years. However, we will indeed require a larger defence budget ourselves, as our peace-keeping missions and our increased presence on the world stage may cause concern in certain nations of whom our influence may affect. I assure the people of Osynstry that we will not send you to fight any wars that are not threatening our nation, however, solemnly."
The Leader of the Opposition rises.
"As my final question, I would like to ask what the Prime Minister plans for his tax reforms. I have heard word of your tax reforms and they sound rather modern yet also rather changed from our previous system, in a way that may not be familiar to us as the previous one is. Would you care to elaborate and clear the air?"
The Prime Minister rises, confidently this time.
"Thank you, and I do indeed wish to. The new tax reforms will mean that the tax-free base income will be one point five times of the minimum yearly salary of twenty thousand Osynstric pound sterlings, and I will ensure that tax evasion will become a thing of history, through punitive fines and court sentences that will make not paying tax seem like a preposterous thing - which it should be to everyone. We will move the burden away from the people, and towards those with more ability to pay, as those with more money should contribute their part to ensure that the rest of this nation can prosper as well as them. This is effectively a tax cut for all of the lower and middle classes, with a better, more simple and more progressive version of tax - zero up to twenty thousand pounds, twenty-five percent up to fifty thousand pounds, fourty-five percent up to one hundred thousand pounds, sixty-five percent up to two hundred thousand pounds, and eighty-five percent above five hundred thousand pounds. Any capital and corporation gains over one million pounds yearly in profits will be taxed at fifty percent, rather than the previous flat rate of twenty percent, as we need to make sure that all companies pay their fair share too, and with some of these profits we will be ensuring the survival of small businesses through the globalisation move."
Howard Stewart rises.
"I hear you wish to decrease taxes for everyone, in lieu of increases for corporations. How would you pay for these tax reforms, as you call them, as corporations and the affluent clearly do not possess the money you claim they do?"
The Prime Minister rises.
"I think you know better than me that the rich have more money than the poor. Of course, you only seem to represent them, so you should know."
Cheers on the Workers' Party benches begin.
"I am sorry but I do not wish to waste our Senate's time repeating the answer to the question I said before. I am reforming it - don't worry, your Thackley (university) friends will still have some money, just they will have to properly pay their taxes now, as it's the law. That is my answer, as convoluted questions get convoluted answers."
Stewart sits down, for Ledbury to rise.
"I wish to address the problem of our opening up to the world, as you call it. We do wish to globalise and modernise, but how would we respond to other nations? We are new on the world stage but we also possess large markets and if these get saturated, we have another crisis on our hands. How do you propose we potentially combat that?"
Wilson rises.
"Now, Stewart, that is the kind of question you should be asking me. Please take advice from your majority Coalition leader in the future, you may need it.

Anywho, I am too concerned about the potential for foreign nations to try and saturate our markets with cheaper produce. I wish to affirm that we will be keeping tariffs on foreign products for the time being, and that no Osynstric product will ever be more expensive than any other country's counterpart, as we must protect local industry and local jobs. I am also in negotiations with the National Trade Union's Chairman about the future of Osynstric industry, and we wish to reverse this by heavily increasing exports to other nations, which in turn would open us up into new markets that currently we are just paddling into. Our economy is strong, it is stable and above all it is highly advanced, and with this I believe that the rest of the world will see Osynstry as the strong, stable and advanced nation that our people currently respect and regard highly, for we stand for everything the rest of the world's people should also stand for; freedom, liberty, social reform, equity, meritocracy and the rights of the people."

The Speaker rises.
"That is all for Prime Minister's Questions. Now, let us please proceed with Wilson's Act of Taxation 2020."
- The vote was approved, by 165-34.

We sadly have to inform the international community of a clear, undeniable attempt to interfere with and discredit the independent statisticians of Osynstry who work hard to make sure that the statistics given are justified, correct and backed up with clear evidence. These allegations are deeply damaging to our foreign relations, who seem to be seeking to damage our credible reputation as a transparent, democratic nation and defender of human rights worldwide, and we wish to resolve them as soon as possible with the country involved.

The Most Serene State of Predice has today alleged that the Independent Statistical Agency of Osynstry, or ISAO, has been "faking", "fudging" or changing data artificially for anything up to two decades. I have received word from all former Prime Ministers during this time, as well as Prime Minister Harold Grantham from immediately before, that this is deplorable and wrong, and they have joined with the incumbent to call upon Predice to immediately and with no delay, withdraw these fraudulent and indefensible allegations of wrongdoing.

We wish to clarify that the data we receive is from a group of co-operating, non-partisan and independent analysts, statisticians and economists, and that we rely on their word, rather than our own. The facts of a few suspiciously "unnamed analysts" and "government sources" should not precede the unanimous verdicts and data from the Agency, and we are seeking either a withdrawal of the allegations, or real proof of their allegations. To clarify on their data, the Osynstric economy is projected to grow by between 2.7 and 3.1 percent in the fiscal year of 2020 (January to December), that population is projected to grow by between 0.24 and 0.38 percent this year, and that any allegations otherwise are incorrect. These statistics are within 95% confidence, and Anthony Black has joined with the alleged interfering Prime Ministers in agreeing that these are by far the most trustworthy sources that can be used.

In conclusion, we call upon the Predican government to withdraw all accusations of wrongdoing over the past two decades, or we will be forced to continue down a less favourable path of diplomacy. Our yearly investigations into the workings of the ISAO were in September and no wrongdoing at all was found. This is our one and only statement on the issue, and we will be expecting nothing except complete withdrawal and a public apology for this gross misconduct. Thank you.

- A Joint Message from the Parliamentary Houses of the United Kingdom of Great Osynstry and Cymbria
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National Party concedes by-election defeat
Ian Palston of the National Party dies, by-election elects socialist Workers' Party member
The Peoples' Telegraph, the voice of Socialism in Osynstry

After the death of long-serving Ian Palston of the National Party, who was aged 88, a by-election has elected a new member for the Osynstric Workers' Party, a 19 year old candidate named William Gladsbury, a man who hails from the southern suburbs of the capital and is one of the "Socialist Progressive Movement" (Movement) MHs, also known as the "radical left" ones. The National Party has filed a complaint against the proceedings of the by-election, calling electoral fraud and for "Ian's memory to be respected by appointing his successor, not a man close to the government". The Osynstric Senate has turned down the National Party's plea for a re-election, and stated that they received so little support in this by-election that "they would not qualify for the re-election ballot if there was a re-election".

This increases the Workers' Party plurality to 465, or 44.3% of the House. This gives Wilson slightly more leverage, but also gives the leftist movement within his own party also more movement, as the Movement's General Secretary Harold Osborne has stated:
"The members of the Workers' Party have clearly and decisively voted our candidate over a more centrist candidate, and this candidate then has won the by-election for the seat of the late Ian Palston. This, surely, is a mandate for our cause and the Prime Minister should hopefully see this as a reminder that we are both on his side, and fighting our corner - and hope that one day, he will join us."

Wilson is increasingly appearing to pander to the left's demands, and rumours state that he could apply for membership in the Movement - which Osborne has stated that he would "wholeheartedly support and endorse immediately". New Member of the House, Gladsbury, said that his election "has proven that socialism in Osynstry is here to stay".

- 17 Aldertury, 1094, 18:09 (by Howard Anderson, Green Party member)

Banners lowered
by Roland Dünhaupt
20 November 2020


The Royal Illderian Regiment's guardsmen marching towards the Memorial of Martyrs

Today in Illderia, life seemed to stopped for a moment. Cars stopped, children prayed, and people payed their respects to Illderia's forefathers and everyday heroes. On this day, in 1858, 13 generals, military and civilian officials were executed on the outskirts of Gnösburg, in Brasch. Some say for treason, but the real reason is fighting. Fighting for their ideals and dream. The dream of a free Illderia. The home and brotherhood of misfits.

These were:
  • Dannes Friedrich, Freiherr of Schwarzburg and Regent
  • Johannes Dras, Chancellor
  • Franz Müller von Aulich, Commander-in-Chief of the Home Army
  • Bernhardt Hofbauer, Quartermaster General of the Home Army
  • Mätthias Pöllmacht, Commander of the Army of Hadenburg
  • Magnus Frucht von Preiss, Attorney-General
  • Heinrich Waswalter, Representative of Hannofer
  • Noah Jürgens, poet and Home Army Captain
  • Alexander Kömer, Representative of Noorderveen
  • Kevin Schoff, Representative of Lükensborg
  • Tristan Kellerman, Trade Minister
  • Alex Dressler, Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Thorgaut Kaulitz, Commander of the Königwald Free Corps
After the executions it was rumored among the citizens that the soldiers that conducted it, drank themselves drunk with beer, therefore it is tradition not to clink glasses with beer in Illderia after the suppression of the revolt.


A portrait of Generalfeldmarschall Franz Müller von Aulich by Georg Lehr

Memorial events were held throughout the nation. In Hadenburg, royal guards went on their yearly journey to stand guard at the Memorial of Martyrs, after the remembrance parade by the Household Cavalry Regiment. Chancellor Reinhard Franz said during his speech that; "We must not hate the people whose colony we were born from, but the shameful traitors of our kind that burnt the basic freedoms of this country to the ground"

In Könenburg, Archbishop Nicolas Rösler held an open air mass in honor of the fallen. The Archbishop said that; "Illderia must respect the men and women of the revolution who stood up for their ideals and we need to study, remember it's history to never let such events turn Illderia into flames again."
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25 005` September 14


The Okipah were called into a Tawiscayew home last Friday regarding complaints of "strange" and "boisterous" music at a party. When the two constables arrived to intervene, they also confirmed that the music was unfamiliar and almost certainly sung in a different language. Knowing the cultural significance and potential danger coming with the music, the Okipah made the decision to return to their garrison and retrieve additional support to quickly force their way into the powwow and retrieve the source of the music, which was a vinyl record dating back to the year 24 983`. All the participants at the party were promptly arrested by the many Okipah constables who had arrived on scene along with Lieutenant Macaw, a division leader of the Tawiscayew Okipah Garrison, who knew immediately to send the contraband to the University of Tawiscayew's Outlander Studies Office for analysis. They were transported by car on Saturday and research on the artefact was sufficiently curated two weeks following the discovery by a team of researchers at the university.


A photograph of the discovered record sleeve,
courtesy of the University of Tawiscayew

The "need-to-know" diplomacy basis which defines the Tusacaway's relationship with outlander nations has greatly impeded the Outlander Studies community, who have made constant appeals to allow the share of educational and scientific prospects between the Tusacaway and other countries' educational institutions. However, the panel of researchers in Tawiscayew managed to discover the nature of the record independent of outside intervention as usual. According to Dr. Maskota Waseyw, a Doctor of Philosophy and leading researcher on the project, the discovery was not worth the trouble it seemed to cause in Tawiscayew after the arrests had been made.

"What we have essentially found is no different from other foreign pieces of music which we have studied. It is a vinyl record dating back to 24 983`, and a music album of the group 'Dead or Alive'. The featured song in question appears to be 'You spin me round' which was the single highlighted on the vinyl sleeve. Probably the only interesting fact about the record is that the text is in a language known as 'mercanti', which we know now is a commonhood language used between nations with differing linguistic backgrounds. It is actually quite an important discussion in our field at the moment, and another reason why it is so important that scientific internationalism is so useful to us. Anyways, there is no reason to believe the claim that the music has been planted by spies to convert them to Outlander 'ways'. I am one hundred percent certain that this vinyl came into our possession as an isolated incident of passage into the Tusacaway. The danger of that proposition however I will leave to the national frontiersmen."

Lieutenant Macaw was quick to critique the Doctor's statements, reinforcing the fact that "This is not about the harm of these artefacts, it is about the simple fact that people are entering the country when it has been repeatedly cautioned that we do not harbour foreigners. That is a panic that is definitely warranted. This case is not yet solved, and the guests of that party will not be let off the hook until some explanation comes out". The guests in question have not yet been released but it has been proposed that at least one of the attending was in contact with someone from within Craviter who likely arrived via boat as the western frontier is the most secure border in the country.
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Today at 5:00 UT, in Fieldia City, a black limousine turned off Rosemary St. and onto Centre St. carrying an important cargo. Riding inside was Jacob Falking, the former Finance Minister of Fieldia. As it rounded the brick Fieldia Tax Centre disaster struck. The front of the limousine exploded, sending it out of control and into a telephone pole. Two figures climbed out of the back seat, one heavily injured. Five shots rang out, and the figures fell on the road, both dead.

Police and paramedics were called by apartment tenants in the area and were on the scene by 5:15 UT. By then the car wreck had stopped burning and all victims were found dead. The investigation began. Autopsies of the four people killed in the incident showed that the driver and body guard in the front seats had been killed by an explosion. The Finance Minister and in the back had been killed outside the vehicle by gunshots. Two shots had gone through Falking’s abdomen and one through his chest.

About a week before the killing, Falking had been fired for the taking part in ‘Drug Scandal’, in which he was found to have used drugs while in office. At the time of the assassination he was working as an aide to the Minister of Education. Falking had strong ties to the Minister and many supporters but the general populace was angry at his involvement in the scandal and use of drugs, as the nation of Fieldia is highly against recreational drug use. The police force has identified many organizations known to use violence and weapons against wrong-doers as suspects.

At the moment forensics experts are examining the corner for any clues the killer might have left. A team has identified the blast impact on the limousine to be that from a
MK IV frag grenade, surplus from the war with Argostan. They also examined bullets that had missed and impacted into the road. They calculated that they had been fired from a medium range bolt-action carbine, the shooter firing from the top floor of the Tax Centre.

At the moment police forces and forensics experts are looking for further motives and suspects for the attack. More news about this and other breaking reports can be found at www.nnn.fi

25 020` November 13


Tonight was an example of just one of the many so-called "rescue missions" undertaken by the Nistokamek regarding the dreaded nosedive of the Tusacwyan economy. With the Tusacaway's primary sector rapidly deteriorating, the Agrarian Trust Bank (WOA) has been forced to cancel its major financial services, including its private corporate accounts once seen as exceptionally profitable for physiocratic upstarts. The financial sacrifice to save the institute was "impossibly large" reported Chieftain Nicamon Pascaw in a later statement. Despite the collective interest among the Town Chiefs to rescue the institution, the burden of a bailout "would have plagued our government for years". With more and more smallholdings filing for relinquishment to ease falling profits, the aggregate capital of the Agrarian Trust Bank also began to plummet. THis has foreseeably led to a banking panic early this November, an event which many interpreted as the beginning of the end for the bank. The economic despondency, loss of customers, financial panic, and inability to offer viable interest rates has forced the bank—an institute operating since 1912—to close its doors to the general public.


Logo of the Agrarian Trust Bank used continuously since 1944

In 1912, the schematics of Predicean banking had long been understood in the Tusacaway, but never implemented to its fullest extent. As modern agriculture began to rapidly develop in the Tusacwyan prairie, the Agricultural Collective Credit Association was formed out of several smallholdings to reserve agrarian funds in the form of 'scrips'. The joint investments and loans offered by the WOA led to the rapid development of many rural Tusacwyan communities including Tawiscayew, Nikawey, and Wasakota. In 1944, the association decided to rebrand itself and offer its services to the the nation at large, although it remained the principal and trusted banking establishment among physiocrats in the Tusacaway. The 'scrip' indulgences eventually inspired the wêyo-backed monetary system implemented in the Tusacaway, and several other banks opened in the 1950s to accommodate various other financial interests.

Unfortunately, its rich and promising history came to a desolate halt as the Nistokamek conceded that a bailout would only further ravage the Tusacwyan economy and worsen government debt, which has been slowly rising as the so-called "unified agricultural holdings" are preserved through government subvention. The consensus was presented to the bank's managing partnership immediately after the decision was reached, at 11:30 this evening. From this moment on, agricultural smallholdings who are members of the association must chose either to withdraw the remainder of their funds, declare a relinquishment, or transfer their assets to either the Bank of the Tusacaway or the Menykawn Common Bank, which have been critiqued by physiocrats as serving the needs of the urban population more than rural Tusacwyan. The situation has been described by one spectator of the Nistokamek session as "The point of no return for agriculture". Campaign groups in Tawiscayew have promoted taxation as a means of supplementing the loss while more thoroughgoing voices appealing to consider exterior commerce as a means to increase demand have grown louder and louder over the past months.
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King celebrates 89th birthday
Great Osynstry's King reaches the age of 89 today, parades
The Peoples' Telegraph, the voice of Socialism in Osynstry

The King today celebrated his 89th birthday, having been on the throne since March 18, 1949. After the yearly "King's Parades" down the Union's Route, the King spoke once again to those watching from a stand to the north of the street.

"I have had the privilege of being the third longest reigning monarch of this great nation, since the "Infant King" Henry and the patron saint of our nation himself, and I cannot show my people how proud I am of the nation and how lucky I truly have been to lead this nation through the era that the press are undoubtedly likely to accommodate with the name "Richardian" or "Richardic" era. I would prefer to refer to it as the Golden Age of Osynstry - the age in which we built upon the lessons of the past and the rest of the world, the era in which our collective defence of our freedoms has inspired and been inspired by the world - many of whom have changed dramatically since I have been first monarch in the late 1940s - and in which Osynstry has slowly built itself into the nation which safeguards democracy, human rights and freedoms worldwide. I truly wish that I could live another eighty-nine years to serve over this great people, however of course I regret to inform you that I cannot, lest there be some miracle. I have served over 20 Senates, 12 Prime Ministers and a plethora of ministers in my time - all of whom have in some way impressed me with their devotion to the nation and co-operation, despite all their flaws, and I congratulate the current Prime Minister Jeremy Wilson for both winning the last election, and inhibiting the very qualities that a politician should preside over - integrity, a staunch defensive stance on freedoms, and a globalist viewpoint. I truly wish the nation the best of luck for the coming year, whatever happens, and I will do whatever I can as King of Osynstry and Cymbria to aid this development and transition into the new decade. Aether be with you."

The King has been reigning since March 18, 1949, a reign of 71 years and 251 days. His father's death, the wreck of the Athelia, and the effort of presiding over 12 Prime Ministers of "varying competence and allegiance to democratic institutions", as he puts it, has shaped him into the monarch that the nation reveres. He has also been known as the "peoples' King", due to the distancing from other monarchs whom he often calls "stuck-up upper-class tyrants suckling off their own exponential egos and equally exponential courts who serve under them to keep their equally exponential power under locks", and his disdain for the term "Your Majesty" out of law.

Ghost of Prydania's Richard VI haunts institution of constitutional monarchy

Xiuying Ren
2020-26-11 15:46:31


"Realm of Madness: The Prydania of Richard VI and the Fascist Wars" by Hallvarður Ektavon.

DISCLAIMER: This article is about institutions claiming to be "constitutional monarchies."

While the origins of "constitutional monarchy" are disputed, it is indisputable to note its two leading pioneers: Goyanes and Saintonge. But before they kickstarted this movement, they needed to answer very difficult questions. One big question placed a spotlight on the already precarious position of hereditary rule, "What exactly distinguishes monarchy from a mere dictatorship?"

Nepotism, absolute power, and the primitive doctrine of "might is right" used to define monarchy in its beginnings, which made it very easy for them to be compared with dictators.

What dictatorships will never have, no matter how they try to live and act like kings, is dignity. The unbending principle of hereditary descent in monarchy is characterized by the annals of their history. The very stuff of which fairytales were made, told by commonfolk throughout the ages, overlooked due to its childish notions of heroism, actually brought monarchy the legitimacy it needs. Famed-men of legend such as Vortgyn I, first Prydanian monarch and "patron saint against werewolves," and Chief Corentin of the Santones who was promised victory by God in the conquest of Saintonge.

As time passed, as politics continued to allow monarchs to decide on national prosperity and stability, it quietly cost them their own prosperity and stability. Gnawing on these ancient institutions like rust on metal, slowly rotting them away. But it makes sense. Hence the phrase, "What touches all must be approved by all," said Gatin Bulalakaw in his 1948 book "Der Großer Kompromiss." Otherwise, the one man who owns the only right to touch all will be smacked by all.

So Goyanes and Saintonge elevated their royal institutions to an ideal. An ideal to which all people, regardless of their politics, could respect and celebrate where they could unite under as one. They accomplished this by giving up politics and embracing their storied pomp. They were transformed into a strange hybrid system of balance where monarchy and democracy co-exist. They compromised.

Soon, between the 19th and 20th centuries, other forms of constitutional monarchies emerged. With new technology and more educated minds came more egalitarian and forward-thinking attitudes. Out with the old, in with the new. They had to accommodate the growing population within prosperous sectors of this new society, whose influence and wealth became crucial in every meaning of national success. But progress is not achieved without setbacks.

The first victim of this long string of setbacks was Prydania, under Richard VI's reign. His great-grandmother, Queen Alexandria followed the example of Goyanes and, especially, Saintonge. Queen Alexandria's older sister, Luta, was Queen of Saintonge. The Prydanian monarchy was on its way to become a symbol of unity and for its people to become capable of complete self-governance. Alas, Richard VI was also Dick Loðbrók. He was 43 years-old when he came to the throne in 1937, the same year when the Fascist War broke out. Touched by the divine in his coronation, he was still a man at the end of the process.

With additional titles such as Defender of the Faith and Lord Protector of Austurland, any man who found himself in his position, as he had when he ascended the throne, would not ignore the itch of doing something as head of state ought to do. Dick's itch was more of a life-long rash after he was overwhelmed by modernization. It made him sympathize with the Social Commonwealth. Fascists who felt their country should not sacrifice in the name of progress, willing to forgo egalitarian Prydania to restore "Old Prydania." Like them, Dick, seeing the instability of his country and the world as it spiraled into world war, felt he should not sacrifice in the name of constitutional monarchy. He was determined to use his voice even if it meant destroying his great-grandmother's legacy.

Easy like snapping his fingers, Dick overturned years of established precedents that built the young democracy in Prydania and dragged his own country to war to aid an ally's invasion of another country, all in the same year. He violently suppressed freedoms, turned democratic institutions into personal apparatuses of power, and ruled Prydania like a dictator he eventually became one.

Dick's reign ended in 1956 and was succeeded by his son, Robert VII. Although he restored parliamentary democracy in Prydania, his father's actions have made deep repercussions in Prydanian politics. The rot has set in.

Robert never truly survived the turbulences of the 1960s and 70s. Commitments to political freedom prevented Robert and his allies in government from stopping the Social Commonwealth and other emerging underground movements. It was an uncertain peace, but peace nonetheless, and Robert blindly juggled it until his assassination in 1984. He was killed with his wife, Queen Loke, and his heir, Crown Prince Baldr. Robert's second son, Anders III, admired his grandfather. He was also rumored to dislike his own father, which would help contextualize Anders's motivations to bring the Social Commonwealth back to power.

He was also Andy Loðbrók. Both he and Dick were overcome by their rashes. But Andy's tragedy may not be just inheriting his grandfather's insecurity. If old Prydanian tabloids are to be believed, Andy had mental health issues.

Andy's rule sped up the rot, disintegrating the weakened foundations of his country's stability by repeating Dick's dictatorial policies with almost the same venomous bigotry. From that point on, Prydania was set on a path of death and destruction. In 2002, a civil war erupted as soon as the syndicalists took over. Andy and the Prydanian royal family were almost exterminated. Only one of them would survive. 15 years of syndicalist dictatorship killed 4 million people, banned religion, and took control of the economy, turning the country upside down and almost destroying Prydania.

It's been two years since Prydania was once again restored to parliamentary democracy. And despite its tribulations, the suffering, and the tragedies it cried out to the world, troubled institutions of constitutional monarchy have been led to great danger and may threaten the future of other monarchies.

Andrenne was the latest victim. In July, Grand King Lukas II, outing himself as Old Man Lukas after personally declaring war against Dučrijeka in the absence of a functional parliament. Empowered by the Dawn Contigency, until the wounded prime minister returns, Old Man Lukas led the government. The prime minister recovered and Old Man Lukas remained in command. Civilian casualties rose in Dučrijeka, refugees poured into Hessunland, and it took a while for some allies to question the Andrennian war conduct. But the old man was relentless, unleashing brutality upon innocent lives, convinced he was doing the right thing. He wouldn't dare make any personal sacrifice in the name of constitutional monarchy. Clearly overtaken by fear and paranoia after the Riksane Massacre. It was vengeance above all else.

This threat might as well be present in Prydania. Without heeding to speculations surrounding constitutional negotiations between the government and the monarchy, it should be clear that, although the King of Prydania is fully-entitled to participate in the re-writing of their country's constitution after winning a civil war, he was just a symbol during said war. Take his titles away, he is just Toby Loðbrók. Credit for the victory should go to William Aubyn, leader of the Prydanian liberation forces and elder statesman. He has been a parliamentarian long before the syndicalists came to power. Even though he is out of the picture, it should still be clear who should lead charter change. There are duly-elected members of parliament. Not to mention the multitude of elected local officials.

But Toby is not his uncle, Andy, or his great-grandfather, Dick. And it would be misleading and an injustice to underestimate what a symbol can do. Toby's presence in the Prydanian Civil War demonstrated the greatest strength of constitutional monarchy. He didn't need to strategize, plan rations, or enforce disciplinary action to assert power. Because the authority of constitutional monarchy stems from heritage, the power Toby used was the "power to do nothing." His survival alone championed the spirit of an ancient kingdom, an unbroken lineage of monarchs, and a people fighting to take back their country. Power is nothing without authority. Something the syndicalists desperately needed but were too vengeful to even notice, among the atrocities they committed.

Earlier this year, Toby also demonstrated the weakness of sturdier constitutional monarchies. While an occasional blunder is unavoidable, much is left to be desired when a constitutional monarch speaks out on political issues. Especially when a constitutional monarch undermines a democratic institution. A low blow to consider when this democratic institution isn't even in Prydania.

This involves the ailing constitutional monarchy of Malor-Kanada. Days before Toby's blunder, intervention by joint Malor-Kanadian monarchs Emperor Marten and Empress Grace led to the unilateral dissolution of a duly-elected parliament. It was won in last year's general election by former prime minister and current minority leader Anne Ulburg. She was the subject of Toby's controversial RUV interview. Toby not only attacked Ulburg on her anti-monarchist views, but also compared her to Prydanian syndicalist dictator Thomas Nielsen. Ulburg was greatly affected by this to the point she felt obliged to explain herself to Toby. It faintly, though admittedly bare, alarms me of the dangerous, self-righteous populism exhibited by his great-great-grandfather, Dick.

Speaking of Dick, there is another. Richard V of Osynstry (Not to be confused with Prydania's Richard V) has just celebrated his 89th birthday. An eccentric man, since the beginning of his reign, loudly sharing anti-establishment sentiments despite standing on the very same establishment. Right in the center, grandstanding. Over the course of his 71-year reign, he has made grandiose, comical statements against the upper class and has rejected the use of "Your Majesty." It's confusing whether the people called him the "People's King" or if he, at some point, gave himself the nickname. The latter would make sense, as well as the likeliness of his "humble" gimmick.

In 1985, in the middle of an election, Osynstryian Dick effectively condemned a prime ministerial candidate in a speech to the Elder Council:

"[Charlotte] Greenwood is a serious and undeniable threat to the nation. Mark my words, she will be the death of me. I'm an old man and she is threatening to take away the very last patience I have. She will attack people [and] the foundations of the nation. You must do everything in your power to stop it."​

Apparently, a "non-partisan" group, the Elder Council has the ability to remove a sitting prime minister. For a man who rejects the vestiges and appearance of power, Osy' Dick wields it like a child playing with his new toy. Even at the age of 89, subtly boasting a name the press used to call his reign, "The Ricardian Era." If there was any real semblance of humility in his life, it was when he cowered like a young boy in 1985 and assembled a group of old men, whose fading years were better spent elsewhere, just to tell them they should punish a middle-aged woman for making him feel uncomfortable. In comparison to other constitutional monarchies, at least Richard VI of Prydania had the initiative to do it without wasting other people's time. He swiftly shutdown entire institutions and took away people's rights. If you're going to subvert the democratic will, at least be blunt about it so people could retaliate meaningfully.

It always starts with an itch. Just once, a constitutional monarch would say, to save the day. A second time to ensure it never happens again, a cautious monarch would say. Third time's a charm, and it'd be too late before anyone discovers the king became an absolute monarch. Perhaps, they'd be too busy repeating the monarch's defense, "I'm speaking up because I believe in democracy." The people's trust in the democratic process must not be misplaced, no matter how well-meaning a constitutional monarch can be. If people started to look up to the monarch as an answer to political problems, the rot sets in and it will eat the constitutional monarchy inside out.

The moment a constitutional monarch speaks out, they have declared a point of view. How can they then be a symbol of unity? What was once impartial has become partial, divide the people, and the whole thing falls apart. If the monarch's façade of divine right, hereditary descent, and national heritage were to fall, what will you get? An ordinary man, or woman, with the same emotions and the same needs as any other person. Nothing will set them apart from vainglorious dictators, presidents, and prime ministers. All majesty, glory, and divinity of a symbolic and monarchical head of state devolves into mere pages on history books. In their moments, Grand King Lukas II reverted to Old Man Lukas, Tobias III reverted to Toby, Richard V of Osynstry reverted to Osy' Dick, and the joint Malor-Kanadian monarchs reverted to Marten and Grace.

Constitutional monarchs should be careful. Make sure, whenever they see their reflection, that Richard VI is not staring back at them. I am confident to believe, if Dick were haunting people, Grand Emperor Anthony I of Goyanes and King Thibault II of Saintonge are the only constitutional monarchs who could smile while looking at their reflection.
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Statement on Osynstric Allegations of Interference

Your Excellencies, it is clear that the statements from the Analytics Bureau of the Ministry of Finance need clarification. It is the belief of the Ministry of Finance and several independent analysts, that due to Osynstry's isolation from the international trade network, the level of economic growth is impossible. Additionally, assuming that the level of development is true, population growth of that level is essentially impossible without large immigration. Even Saintonge, with one of the highest levels of population growth in the developed world, has had significant amounts of immigration in recent years, helping the population to grow. This means the following: Either the population growth figures are faked, or the economic growth figures are faked, likely both.

Osynstry's statistics remain almost certainly tampered, in order to impress the rest of the world. In spite of evidence, the Government of Osynstry refuses to acknowledege this, a counterproductive measure, that helps nobody and hurts them. The United Kingdom of Osynstry and Cymbria accuses the Most Serene State of Predice in "interference", a ridiculous claim with absolutely no merit, as Predice has merely uncovered the lies and deception Osynstry has been throwing at the rest of the world.
The Government of the Most Serene State of Predice will not issue an apology, nor will any statements be retracted.

As far as continuing down a "less favourable path of diplomacy", Predice will not back down against thinly veiled threats from any Government in order to muffle its voice. Osynstry should stop in its path of threats, lest it isolate itself from the international community further.

Alessandro Emmanuele Gorganzolo
Gonfaloniere of the Most Serene State of Predice
Umberto Allighieri di Giugini
Minister of Finance of the Most Serene State of Predice
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Prime Minister's Questions - 23 Aldertury, 1094
In today's PMQs, Wilson faced questions on the economy, the continued "Statistics Standoff" with Predice, and his entrance into a group of Workers' Party members that many see as a step to full-scale socialism.

The main 5 questions from today:
12:23 - The Economic Indices
Albert Charles:
"The services and manufacturing indices appear to be reversing - with the manufacturing index once again appearing to show more resilient data than the services. Despite its buoyant effects upon the pound sterling and the stocks, this could be a serious disruption to the country's economy. Are we to expect a phenomena of our own invention, the reverse industrialisation, or is there another reason for this?"
Jeremy Wilson:
"Of course there is another reason, and as my Right Honourable Friend knows, I would not keep anything to do with such a brash plan under wraps. I would imagine that the services index and the manufacturing index reversed due to large corporations despairing very much at the re-appointment of my administration - and by the margin that we were re-appointed by - thus lessening the services index, but industrial unions and the largely nationalised industrial sector rebounding from a relatively stagnant year upon word of our victory.

Under no circumstances will our economy deindustrialise. Rather, the tertiary and quaternary sector are both entering stages of partial nationalisation, in our "Mixed Economy Plans 2021", and the Green New Deal. The pound rising and the stocks being firmly in the green this morning as a result of these results shows that attempts from large businesses to voice their discontent at their own responsibilities is futile and is wearing thin with the people and with the economists of this nation."
12:29 - Predice
Harold Osborne MS:
"Just minutes ago, we heard from your office that you had received an official response to the allegations of "statistical wrongdoing" - and it did not look at all veiled in its threats. What should the country do to counter threats as futile yet destabilising as this?"
Jeremy Wilson:
"I think responding with much more than an official condemnation would defeat the point of our diplomatic methods.

As a democratic nation of many centuries, we owe the world something as a token of our very stability to help ratify conflicts and be a beacon of diplomatic success for the globe. To engage in a conflict as petty as this with a country which is clearly squaring up to a fight with the wrong country, would prove their misconceptions correct. I have indeed heard that you are planning to engage in writing a short, clear response back to the Predican government that an attempt to gain the support of the global community in a metaphorical fight that it has decided to start against a country more stable, more liberal and more robust than itself shall not be in any way accepted, nor shall we stoop to such a low level as to respect it as a conflict. Attempts to jeopardise the Osynstric co-beneficial plans with the global community to open up, to engage in greater peacekeeping missions, to support democratic institutions and aid the persecution and removal of attempts to lessen these - as well as of course opening our markets to the global community slowly - will meet swift and undoubtful response.

Treat these as the Osynstric government's final message - unless Predice wishes to step down and recommence constructive talks, or wishes to take this to another level, for reasons that are genuinely beyond my comprehension."

12:37 - Joining Movement
Anthony Black MS:
"Over the past four years, I have watched your administration - there is no other word for it - make history. But with your entrance into the Movement group, with your increased affiliation with openly extreme ideologies and those who support them, and your frankly brash and potentially once-in-a-generation reforms to the Osynstric economy; do you fear at all that this history could not be a positive one?"
Jeremy Wilson:
"Not at all.

By heeding the lessons learnt by the elderly generation, especially from Bloody Friday, which we should never as a civilisation forget the presence of over us - and the late Greenwood's grave and devastating mistakes by taking on the working classes in a war of her own creation - I am merely guaranteeing that Osynstry's economy stands strong, robust and well-positioned against the ideology that our economists increasingly call neoconservatism - or often known in economic terms worldwide as neoliberalism.

And about your point - no, socialism is not inherently evil. You yourself identify as a social democrat - and we pursue similar aims, just my government is far more equipped with its own confidence of its alignment to tackle the real inherently "evil" aspects of a Keynesian capitalist society such as pre-1990s Osynstry. As much of the world privatised and sold the peoples' assets and the very reasons they pay taxes to large corporations, to family units and to people who now pose a serious risk to the legitimacy of their administration's leadership - we prevented such so-called reforms and went down a different path. You stand by that, every Prime Minister in history since Greenwood stood by that, and I would be foolish not to join Movement and advocate forcibly protecting the nation's assets from being sold off."

12:49 - Aurorian Economic Alliance, and Osynstry's position in Auroria
Howard Stewart:
"We have agreed to joining the Aurorian Economic Alliance and got behind your second reading - however we wish to clarify; what is the perceived target or achievement from attaining membership within this Alliance? And with the Imperium - are you not worried that they could be exerting their power over potential regional threats - specifically the rising power that is Osynstry, which I think we both are aware that you are the Prime Minister of?"
Jeremy Wilson:
"Regrettably, we cannot trust any foreign power at this moment in time. With allegations of wrongdoing - somehow in an independent organisation, something that will never cease to confuse me - and now the union in Auroria, I think I would not be wrong in saying that perhaps this Alliance is a good sign of co-operation within the continent growing. However, we must keep our guard up at all cases - the nation will not have its influence over continental affairs simply thwarted by Imperial interests, and I can assure my Right Honourable Friend that in the case that the Imperium attempts to claim or legitimise claims of hegemony over the continent, that will be the day that we would leave the Aurorian Economic Alliance.

However, as I would imagine that a move as brash as this would be beneficial to nor us or them, and that distrust between nations erodes into conflict, I say that the Imperium has the best interests at heart about the new alliance, and I wish all members of the AEA the best over the next few years and hope to co-operate with all in due process."

12:58 - Death of Ian Palston and election of a Movement member
Howard Stewart:
"Next, I would like to join with all members of this Parliament in sending our deepest condolences to the family of Ian Palston, a member of this Senate who has stood for his constituency of the Thurrish Valleys - as well as his party - strongly and with no efforts to stop the people of this constituency's voice being heard, upon his unfortunate and untimely passing.

We wish to address the election of a new leftist member of the House, who I congratulate sincerely on their victory earlier this week. Is this the final reason that you, the Prime Minister, joined a socialist organisation?"

Jeremy Wilson:
"I too wish my deepest condolences to the late Member of the House, Ian Palston. He represented his people and his party robustly, and with an attitude and resilience in the face of a turbulent era for decades which endeared him and his party to the rest of the nation.

As per usual, you're about fifteen percent correct. I will not deny that the by-election of the new member of the House has opened my eyes and has shown that the people of this country truly do believe that the values of socialism have become mainstream and that the mandate for a socialist reform and thus socialist Prime Minister have been compounded and strengthened in a manner that must intimidate all among your ranks of Conservative aristocratic and upper-middle class members of these Parliamentary houses.

I believe the reason that I joined Movement are as follows - the nation requires change, the people demand change, my party stands for change, and I am going to implement change. The result? Movement is now in the driver's seat of our nation."

In other news:
- Conservative Party Leader Howard Stewart publicly backs Jeremy Wilson's position in the "Statistical Standoff", calling Predice's allegations "preposterous" and stating "we must stand as a nation, united, against threats from abroad".
- The Elder Council has expressed discontent at the treatment of the ISAO by Predice, and has - for the first time since 1993 - offered Wilson "co-operation"
- Economic preliminary forecasts for Q3 show the economy grew between 0.76% and 0.89% between and including the months of July and September, as the economy continues to rebound from a dismal 2019.

- Harold Osborne has chosen "not to dignify the Predicans with a letter", and instead made a speech upon the issue:
"How the international community can seriously consider the allegations of government interference in an independent union of economists astounds the Osynstric nation - and the only such solution would involve the government interfering in their statistics to artificially lower them; what kind of preposterous suggestion is this? Does Predice expect us to take this seriously?

To insult a nation once is shameful. To directly call out a nation for malpractice, threats and yet still tip-toe around diplomatic options is a cowardly assault on globalism.

Who does the global community seriously consider would have more of a grasp on the Osynstric situation? Mysterious unnamed analysts and economists from the government of Predice, who clearly - if they are actually analysts and economists - only have the government's intentions and positions at heart; or independent statistics from the organisation that has regulated and monitored statistics for generations? The very idea that one should seriously consider the first option over the second once again astounds us.

We will not dignify such brutish, primitive, childish conflicts with gratification - we will give the Predican government three options. Back down, accept your mistakes and open diplomatic talks - our preferred option, obviously. Continue hiding behind unnamed analysts and statisticians to prod and poke at democratic institutions, and fail to disrupt the Osynstric economic processes, out of fear of being laughed at by the international community for backing down, or of conceding their mistake. Or, of course, if one really does lack the very intellect to know when to back down from a simple conflict - one could take this further down the line, but as we are not afraid of you, I really wouldn't consider this one. Surely this choice is obvious? The first respects democratic institutions, the second insults them like a cowardly politician hiding behind friendly press, and the third attacks them with a firearm.

This will be our final official statement on the issue. All party leaders stand by the ISAO, and its found statistics - and recent preliminary estimates show that these appear to have predicted quite aptly what the economic situation is currently like - and your attempt to destabilise the Osynstric people has proven futile, by virtue of the unresponsive nature of the pound's largely uninterrupted, steady gains over the past week, and the recent economic indices showing continued resilient recovery from relative stagnation last year; and the global community should not and I imagine will not respect such meaningless allegations.

If we are compelled to partake in another official statement, it will signal a dark day for diplomacy between our two nations. I wish that we will not have to come to that, and I imagine your nation does too. Thank you."

Statement from the Mondic government on the issue of Osynstry
Upon hearing of the economic reports coming out of Osynstry, Mondari's Department of Economic Affairs (DEA) spent the last few days reading over the numbers and looking at past figures from the Independent Statistical Agency of Osynstry (ISAO). The D.E.A has determined that the growth rates put out by the ISAO do not line up with what is possible for the upcoming year if their government keeps going with their isolationist foreign policy. A growth rate of 2.9% for a nation with as large of an economy as the ISAO is incredibly optimistic to say the least. If the government keeps on their isolationist course then we will have to corroborate the 1.1% growth rate projection from the Predicean government. However, the D.E.A has also determined that if Osynstry opens up, makes a rapid push into global economic organizations such as the Aurorian Economic Alliance and the International Economic Forum, or opens up their economy to the global market, a figure of 2% could be attained. Mondari would be willing to work with Osynstry on that end, there is a strong possibility that our two nations could become valuable trade partners. However, the figure of 2.9% is unrealistic if they do not open up their nation to foreign economic cooperation.
Bernard Roman
President of the RM
Jackson Campbell
Secretary of Foreign Relations and Trade
Kristen Alsoth
Secretary of Economic Affairs
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Wilson: Move to globalism "in jeopardy", and more
As an air of distrust opens between Osynstry and an increasing number of foreign nations, the Prime Minister has held a conference and made clear of his doubt on the move to globalism
- The Peoples' Telegraph, 24 Aldertury, 1094

As a growing number of countries have "cast doubt upon an independent statistical organisation", the Prime Minister has made clear his position is "immovable", stating:
"We will not conduct further investigations into the issue, neither will we respond more unless these respective countries decide to take such petty matters further, nor shall we take retaliatory action unless necessary. We stand by the findings of the independent organisations, and the idea that foreign nations would know or indeed care so much about Osynstry's economic status is both a waste of time that could be spent on greater issues, and nurturing a sense of distrust between our nations. We urge nations to cease and desist; but it is your choice whether you want our relations to be forged from tension and distrust. This will be my final statement on this frankly trivial issue, unless foreign nations wish, for reasons that are beyond our comprehension, to take this further."

He has also stated that "moves to open out to the wider world have been compromised widely", and proposed a slower transition period, as the "2016 plan" continues to work towards greater co-operation into the world economy. The ISAO has found such recent uncertainty has proved "divisive and potentially damaging" in the economy, so much that the pound stopped rising for several hours on the release of this information, stocks were at first weighed down with the possibility of a complete halt of Wilson's globalist plans, and the ISAO has published a study into the effects of this uncertainty - so much so that the economy could only rise by 2.8 instead of 2.9% this year if it continues, with the Q4 rates being reduced by 0.3% in a worst case scenario. They have also released a statement upon the issue:
"We risk ending the recovery period from the 2019 stagnation early, and turning a bullish, strong recovery - particularly in the public sector - into a more subdued one, especially in private sector companies and corporations. With 2021 being forecasted at between 2.3 and 2.7% and 2022 at between 1.9 and 3.1% depending on the trajectory of Osynstry's globalist transition, this uncertainty could prove damaging if Wilson decides to change potential plans."
Wilson has stepped up exports for the next week, as a weak pound makes Osynstry a more desirable location to import goods from, and has denied "a step back to full-scale isolationism", calling the move to globalism "the future of the Osynstric economy".

With the Conservative Party, and the liberal parties all behind Wilson's position of adamant dismissal of wrongdoing, the political "unity and certainty" has however proved decisive in turning the pound and stocks back into the green, with Wilson's "Green New Deal" from last year also proving critical in ending the stagnation from 2019 and continuing to prove decisive in keeping the economy in the green.

In conclusion, the ISAO's releases show a tentative warning of what uncertainty has the potential of doing, and with Wilson - despite publicly shown doubt - refusing to turn back on plans of opening up from and for the previous 4 and next 5 years, they do not pose a serious danger to the current growth in the Osynstric economy unless the current administration wishes to change its path on the back of it.
A Message From the office of Foreign Affairs:
Written by the assistant to the secretary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Dated: 11/28/2020

To the Prime Minister of Osynstry, we have not made any actions against you. We invited you to join our sphere of economic cooperation, we did not act as Predice spoke out against your economics. Now we must ask, what do you seek to gain from claiming that we can not act as the hegemon of Auroria? Who is it that keeps the waters clear of pirates? Who's banks will give generous loans to you should a company or government ask for them? The Imperium, that is who. You're attempts to nudge your way into international politics are commendable, however you made the mistake of biting the hand that feeds you. If you are so against having Imperial influence in your nation then by all means. We will no longer patrol your waters, legionaries will not be at the ready to defend you. We do not want to abandon our neighbor, however these attempts at strong manning us will not go the way you and your government want them to. This can be forgiven, all that need happen is a formal apology be made to the Imperial Government and this little incident can be put behind us. His Imperial Majesty does not want there to be strife in Auroria. These lands are supposed to be seeing a new era of peace and prosperity, there are threats abroad that need to be dealt with. Come back to the family little brother, life is better when we all work together.

Signed: Marco Flavius Constantus (Writing with the power invested in the Minister of Foreign affairs, who derives his power from the Senate, who rules in the name of His Imperial Majesty the Imperator)

Statistics War in Osynstry and the hidden agenda on both sides

Jon Yihui
2020-28-11 19:40:17


Osynstry, a nation of many layers, too good to be true?

It was on Wednesday last week when the Analytics Bureau of the Predicean finance ministry published a series of controversial findings. Their research casts significant doubt on statistics provided by the Independent Statistical Agency of Osynstry (ISAO) regarding the country's socio-economic data. The bureau pointed out numerous discrepancies and statistical errors, accusing ISAO of fabrication. Prominent ISAO data in question shows Osynstry has 165 million people and an 8 trillion IBU economy, which makes the country the third most populous nation in the world with the second largest GDP.

Osynstryian Prime Minister Jeremy Wilson denied the accusations two days later and demanded the Predicean government to retract their findings. Wilson went on to claim it has caused "needless tensions" between their two countries and blamed Predicean economy for being too fragile in comparison to Osynstry.

But the ongoing statistical-turned-diplomatic row between Predice and Osynstry, which now includes Midir and the Epiphani, is starting to look like a distraction.

While there is not yet a particular explanation, it is very likely no coincidence the governments of Midir and the Epiphani has joined Predice in its Statistics War with Osynstry. Especially the Epiphani due to its leading role in the Aurorian Economic Alliance (AEA) as its founder. Osynstry recently joined the economic organization in its bid to move away from its long-standin isolationism. At present, AEA has five signatory countries. The Epiphani, as the AEA's founding nation, possibly considers the AEA as its "sphere of influence," no matter how it the Ephinani government denies it. Because of Osynstry's size and economy, and its AEA membership, they are a potential challenger to Ephiphani's influence in Auroria. Based on the strongly-worded reaction from the Epiphani foreign ministry, they accused Osynstry of scheming to become "hegemon of Auroria."

The Epiphani government continued its verbal attack by claiming they have been keeping Aurorian seas `"free from pirates" and insisted their "banks will give generous loans" to Osynstry if only they were not against "Imperial (Epiphani) influence." The statement also reveals the Epiphani does see Osynstry as a threat to their influence. They threatened to withdraw their protection and prevent economic opportunities if the Osynstryian government confirmed the Epiphani's accusations. The statement concluded with a demand for an apology from the Osynstryian government, and, at the same time, promised economic cooperation in exchange.

It is interesting to point out the official statement noted the Ephiphani government did not act when Predice published its findings against Osynstryian statistics. The subtext seems to indicate a coded, layered understanding between the Epiphani and Predicean governments. In international disputes, the swift recognition and support for one side may strongly suggest collusion.

But this can be disproved by the fact that the Midranian government has done its own research on the allegedly fabricated Osynstryian statistics. In a statement, the Midranean economic ministry confirmed the statistics did not add up due to Osynstryian isolationism. It offered its own economic forecast by suggesting Osynstry should join the AEA (Although they already did) or the International Economic Forum, and open the country to global markets to achieve true economic growth. The Midranean government concluded the statement by proposing closer economic ties and eventually becoming trade partners.

Noticed the common theme in these official statements? Both the Ephiphani and the Midranean governments offered closer economic ties. Osynstry has maintained its isolationist policies for more than 30 years since they ousted Prime Minister Charlotte Greenwood from power in 1989. With its large population and market, Osynstry will be a golden opportunity for global investors once it finally relaxes its restrictions on foreign investment. Because of the aggressive diplomatic stance Predice has taken on their findings, it is not difficult to believe they might share the same motivations as the Epiphani and Midranean governments. Maybe, even the same goals.

Or, maybe, that is what Osynstry wants the international community to believe.

According to Wilson's PMQs on November 20, so much is at stake for his government when the country opens its doors to the global markets. There have been talks of modernization, alliances, and standing up for freedom in the world. It seems to paint a picture of, not only an enlarged global role in Wilson's vision of Osynstry, but of a global power like Saintonge or Malor-Kanada. But they have neglected to assure foreign investors and potential business partners that existing nationalization policies will not threaten international economic activities in Osynstry. Apart from nationalized industries, Osynstry has very punitive taxes, and will likely impose further taxes to build a grand army for their "peace-keeping missions and increased presence on the world stage." With these at stake, it is understandable to believe they might have faked their statistics to boost confidence in the global markets about Osynstry as an exciting new frontier.

The real question for Wilson here is how much of the Osynstryian economy is owned by the government and what is left for scraps in the private sector? What is the state of private enterprise, both corporate and small businesses? Will taxes and regulations make foreign entry into the Osynstryian market difficult an idea? Will foreign businesses be able to survive Osynstry's unfriendly-business environment? What is stopping Osynstry from nationalizing foreign business when they established operations in their country? Is there even such a thing as economic freedom in Osynstry?

Until these questions are answered, it would be madness for any foreign investor to consider Osynstry—a radically-socialist country under the guise of a constitutional democracy. Memories of nationalization, collectivization, and the elimination of economic freedom in Syndicalist Prydania are still fresh.
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Rebellion in the Backbenches, and more
As Osynstry's continued entry into the world stage is uneasy to say the least, Wilson struggles to control growing unrest in his own party
- Peoples' Telegraph - 25 Aldertury, 1094

As the Kingdom of Osynstry continues to "lurch its way from diplomatic turmoil to diplomatic turmoil", an increasing minority of Workers' Party members are calling for the "end to Osynstry's end of enlightened isolationism", and "a cessation and desisting from any potentially damaging proposals of globalism". In the Senate today, relations between Wilson and half a dozen of his Senate MSs were frosty to say the least, as Wilson's "Co-Prosperity Amendment" - demanding that Osynstry's constitution adds "to co-operate with other nations and movements to ensure democratic freedoms, institutions and rights are not infringed, as long as Osynstry is able to do so" - is only approved with help of the Social Liberal Party, as fifty-seven of Wilson's bench abstain and six vote against.

As the Imperium and Lanorth in particular draw controversy over Wilson's statement on the 23rd about the Auronian Economic Alliance, Osborne - increasingly looking like the Deputy Prime Minister - is compelled to write the following:
"We are not your enemies, we are not your adversaries. However, we are also not your puppets. The idea of "them or us" is both damaging to the world economy, damaging to Auronian relations and not a real choice - we can assure the Imperium that we are happy to co-operate over safeguarding Auronia's independence from the rest of the world, and remind them that keeping our nation as a co-operative ally rather than a rival will benefit us all, however we will not be silenced for the sake of hegemony over Auronia. The Kingdom of Osynstry does not claim hegemony over Auronia, and acknowledges all that the Imperium has done for this continent we reside on, especially considering the relative isolationism that Osynstry has partaked in as a foreign policy for centuries - however the proposal that the Imperium is somehow in control or influencing all nations in Auronia and therefore should too influence us shall not be tolerated, and our sovereignty is not for sale. Co-operating, we can begin a new age for this continent, as Osynstry finally enters the world stage, one where the Imperium no longer has to fend alone for peacekeeping in Auronia - but if we must leave as adversaries, it could plunge this continent into tension not seen since the Fascist Wars. Thank you."

Wilson also made a statement "sending Osynstry's sincerest condolences" in the recent terrorist attacks in Cojedes, saying:
"In our modern world where democracy is under threat, where tensions are high and where terrorism is rampant in many nations, we must take a moment to remember the lives lost and the families broken apart by such deplorable attacks on the societies of this world, and thus we send our sincerest condolences to the nation of Cojedes. Despite our distance, and despite the relative lack of knowledge shared between our two nations, we share the people of Cojedes' disgust and collective solidarity towards and against terrorism respectively. We send our deepest condolences to the one thousand, two hundred families who have lost family members, and the countless thousands more affected by this cowardly attack on Cojedan society."
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Violence breaks out in Qvashuria during Akhalishuk Celebrations!

Reports of terrorist activity in the Qvashuria region have flooded in, reaching places as far as the capital of Yeghvadzor where there are currently four fires believed to have been caused by homemade bombs. Authorities have stated that they believe the attacks to have been orchestrated by separatists after nearly two weeks of nonstop protesting with ethnic tensions in the nation flaring at an all-time high following the controversial passing of the Resource Act, opening up the sacred Garsevanishvili Mountains, significant to the Metsevanian minority, for resource exploitation. Almost $110 billion in hydrocarbon resources were recently discovered in this low-populated region, with multiple corporate figures already carving up the rights to this vast underground wealth. However, locals have been avidly unhappy with this, arguing that the Garsevanishvili Mountains are holy to their people and should remain a national treasure. A court ruled against the Metsevanian people last Monday, sealing the fate of this bastion of natural beauty to become nothing more than another industrial site. An unofficial organization called the Metsevania Freedom Front has claimed responsibility behind the several bombings in the nation, where a public declaration from their disclosed leader stated that Metsevania would now be independent from Jvafoni, though no significant action has been taken in the region since. Currently, Jvafoni has been placed under a state of temporary media blackout and the military has mobilized into Metsevania to quell any possible uprising. Anxious Jvafonians watch the events unfold from all over the country. More on this crisis to come later this evening.

Essalanean aid goes ahead as planned

By: Arda Yavuz
According to Grand Vizier Riffat, the Imperial Government of Aydin has decided to go ahead with plans to send economic aid to the neighboring nation of Essalanea. This according to the Grand Vizier involves an increase in assistance with infrastructure projects across the nation as well as assisting them with basic sanitation issues in villages and towns across Essalanea. This the Grand Vizier says is to "Bring the nations of southern Craviter closer together and strengthen the bonds between southern nations just as the northern craviterian nations have done." This does not come as a surprise after the recent aid and investment put into our western neighbor Keltivir a few months ago.
The Peoples' Telegraph - the voice of Socialism in Osynstry

"Wilson's Twenty" appointed; not so new?

WORLD NEWS | Politics
- 22:45, 26 Aldertury, 1094; Arthur Wesburn

As the events of the day unfold, it appears clear that Wilson has chosen a cabinet purposed almost entirely for his objective of showing that this administration will be new, revitalised and no longer torn between the left and centre so much as the administrations of the past - perhaps even his own over the previous four years. With a not insignificant number of the members of the cabinet being under 30, and a clear purpose of showing both gender and regional diversity within his "team", it seems clear that Wilson's old cabinet also did not live up to standards. Despite the accolades that the Prime Minister does not refrain from repeating, it was clear that over the last four years, he had appointed conflicting choices in an attempt to appease all involved - and the consequences were a mixture of civil war, and deadlock. He knows not to make that mistake twice.

Anthony Black, the former Prime Minister now known well as the long-standing Foreign Minister, has been one of the few reappointments of Wilson's new cabinet. This perhaps signals that under the surface, Wilson's choices aren't quite as radical as you may think from glancing at them. Emily Adams, the former Deputy Speaker for the House, is now the Minister for the Youth; an example used by the right and centre to convey how the PM's appointments have been radical and overly progressive - but having served under the Wilson administration of 2016 to 2020, and having been a member of the Osynstric Workers' Party for eleven years, she isn't exactly the newest and most inexperienced of candidates possible to be chosen. The favourite for the Deputy Prime Minister role has won it, Harold Osborne - and he is renowned for being a long-standing trade unionist who has served as the Union's "voice in the Chambers" for over a decade, and is several years Wilson's senior. This cabinet appears to convey that, yes, maybe these ministers are mostly new; but are they really that unique? All have served under the 2010s administration, and most have served since the early 2010s in some form - it appears experience overrules a clean track record in Wilson's Osynstry.

However, maybe that's the right thing to do. This is the Prime Minister known both nationally and worldwide for his unpredictable nature, for his outspoken left-wing views that intimidate, if not seriously concern, foreign administrations and ministers, and for his rebellious attitude that has seeked to inspire civil movements worldwide - with a reckless disregard for foreign relations, the Prime Minister known for fighting fire with fire, and by reshaping the nation - while also keeping the old ministers close. Perhaps the phrase "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" has a special place in Wilson's administration, as he has certainly appointed a plethora of ministers who have had internal conflicts with him in 2016 - although this time, he appears to have mellowed and appointed relatively "borderline socialist" ministers, like himself, to the top roles. This approach could perhaps even be a way of signalling worldwide that Wilson can conform to tradition - and centrist Workers' Party fears that he would pack the Cabinet with Movement members are only really half-true, with 12 of the 20 ministers being Movement members, up from 5 last administration, but far lower than anticipated by many.

Of course, these little details are easy to reside upon but hard to react to. The Prime Minister clearly has larger problems than how far left-wing his Cabinet is - as long as there is no serious threat to his authority within his own ranks - and his fairly subdued announcement of his cabinet, merely updating the government webpage and publishing a relatively standard government message, which constituted of some empty words and a general explanation of each one's roles. One large and possibly crucial reason why the Prime Minister may have perhaps, behind closed doors, focused hard on his choices is that the Northern elections are coming up quickly over the horizon - and a poor performance in his home county and home region, as well as in the very close race for the Cymbrish devolved First Ministry, would signal turmoil within his own party and internal weaknesses developing in his administration that could take much of his effort to deal with. He has much to be afraid of - but there is reason for optimism among Workers' Party ranks; polls show he remains a few points ahead of centrist-progressive-regional Cymbrish Democrats, whose current sole purpose and message is for the right and centre to unite behind them - despite clear allegiances with the left on certain regards - to deny the left another chance at taking more power within modern Osynstric politics; he has a commanding lead in his home county of Weskershyre, as the polls corrected after the election to a range of about 50% to 55% - easily ahead of any competition, as well as the North, at 40 to 50%. Wilson clearly doesn't want to lose any of these chances to perhaps give himself the mandate to take the helm for the next five years across the nation, and this is reflected in the fairly mundane but still progressive and increasingly left-wing administration he has appointed for his second term.

Disquiet on both sides of his party are clear as Wilson seems to stick to his home ground at the centre of his own party, between social democracy and socialism. Social Democratic Co-Operative leader Michael Kingston, who holds the leadership of a group of about one in four of ministers in the Workers' Party and perhaps five percent of the voters, has called him out for "bludgeoning the last remaining fragments of post-liberalism, which has guided this country's prosperous and liberal path for the decades since the days of Grantham; and trying to finish the mission that Grantham set out to do - to force the centre to get behind the left with no returns" - however has "commended Wilson for his refusal to give in to Movement and appoint even more socialist ministers". This conflicted sentiment of "eh, could be worse" appears to have happened across the centre-left, centre and right, with most political parties staying deadly quiet on the issue, and the Social Liberals placated with their former leader being put in charge of the Foreign Ministry once again. However, on the hard left, expectations of a near-entire socialist cabinet have fallen short. Harold Osborne has called Wilson's new administration "baby steps to socialism, when it could have been so much more", and said "we can't just wait another five years for a chance to change our nation - and we implore Wilson to reconsider at the closest interval possible, before it is too late to rectify", however has stated "we are heading in the right direction, and we can see the goal over the horizon, and these new appointments - as disappointing as they may be to many - are a definite step from post-liberal to socialist Osynstry, for the people." This feeling of betrayal is marginal but not uncommon, with Movement membership jumping several percent with more socialist members who have called for a "united mandate to lobby the Prime Minister to re-consider the Cabinet". Osborne has promised to raise this issue up in private meetings and in the Senate in a vote later next month. Wilson has managed to both force outrage and yet succeed in at least partially placating both factions; maybe this is his lasting achievement, of being just far left enough to satisfy Movement, while not being far left enough to cause rebellion within his own party's ranks?

The final message: Wilson has a lot at stake for the next year, and appointing radical socialists would both conflict with his own views which sit somewhere further to the moderate side of his party at times, as well as cause serious discontent within the centrist wings of his party - which he has increasingly worried with his growing allegiances to the left of his party - and his hopes to win the Northern elections ride upon making sure he doesn't encourage centrist voters to switch to the liberal parties like they did in the late 90s. Conservatives and liberals - particularly the first one - have been disquiet about these appointments, however their relative silence seems to convey the fact that they were expecting more radical appointments, which in turn would have fuelled their fire, but this did not come to fruition. These signal to a new kind of Osynstry, one where socialism is mainstream - but the idea that Wilson's cabinet is packed with communist progressives is far from true, and experience means more than allegiance to the left in Wilson's Osynstry, or at least for his cabinet.
An awful out of tune intro plays and the camera pans around to an older man sitting at an oddly oversized metallic desk. 30 years he’d worked at Maloria Today and how did they repay him? By firing him and forcing him to go to local news. When he could be covering the actions of the National Diet he was stuck covering some charity. When he could’ve been interviewing the consuls of the nation, he was stuck interviewing mayors of towns with two thousand people.

With sad eyes and a sad voice he said “This is

Adam Ostapenko and you’re watching Zhizn News.” More out of tune music played before the camera finally set on him once again.

“Yesterday in the town of Ukrposhta their annual celebration was held for the overthrowing of Count Ivan the Wicked. Count Ivan was overthrown in the 1300s after a reign of tyranny from himself and his family for generations. After the execution of a local priest the peasantry rose up and overthrew him, forming a small commune that has lasted even up into the modern age.”

“In other news, pharmaceutical giant Alveks just released a groundbreaking new cancer treatment drug which will be open for patients to use in the following months. Research began under almost 6 years ago with it just being approved by the Ministry of Public Health.”

“Now, to our weather correspondent Stepanova Vadimovna. Stepanova take it away.”

A cute blonde girl preceded to ramble on about the weather patterns in surrounding regions while he exhaled deeply. It was going to be a long day.

To What Tune do the People Sing in Osynstry?
A Sitdown with Prime Minister Brandt to Discuss Foreign Affairs in Auroria

by Ulrich Kildal

Býkonsviði- Auroria gained a prominent place among the government's Foreign Affairs portfolio when a deal was struck to send Prydanian agricultural goods to the Imperium at FSO rates. The Imperium became an important market for Prydanian agriculture, even as the Imperium itself became embroiled in a war with Yamantau and a dispute over Yalkan ports with Goyanes, Saintonge, and Predice.

"The conflict in Meterra does not involve Prydania, and the FSO remains neutral on such matters. We will continue to sell food to the people of the Imperium" Foreign Affairs Minister Maríanna Toft remarked.

The dynamic, however, changed with the United Kingdom of Great Osynstry and Cymbria applied for FSO membership. How did such a move effect how Prydania saw the "Golden Continent"? It was simple- if Osynstry was to join the FSO suddenly they become a potential market for Prydania. And any other FSO nation. Which is how the complications started.
Predice- also a FSO voting member- saw the same potential Prydania did and conducted an analysis of Osynstry's economic marketplace. The results, the Predician government insist, show that Osynstry's reported economic growth is artificially inflated. This created a diplomatic rift between the two nations that saw Osynstry's government claim that Predice was not a "democratic" state, among other insults flung back and forth.

Osynstry also created a rift with the Imperium, due to concerns that the Imperium was using the AEA to establish hegemony in Auroria. This causes further concerns for Prydania due to the after-mentioned trade deal.

It is against this backdrop that I met with Prime Minister Magus Brandt to discuss the events in Auroria and how they effect Prydanian interests.

UK: Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Prime Minister.

PM: You're welcome.

UK: So let's cut to it. Auroria. How is Prydania affected by all of this?

PM: Presently? Not all that much at all. Our agreements with the Imperium- and our ties with Predice through the FSO and LP- remain intact and nothing so far as disrupted any of those relations.

UK: So it's fare to say the Prydanian government sides against Osynstry in both disputes?

PM: I suppose it depends on how you define 'sides against.' We aren't actively backing either Predice or the Imperium in any of this. We are simply continuing our own relations with them. Yet if you want a stark, honest answer? We sell goods to the Imperium. It's been a boon to our economic recovery. And Predice has been a steadfast and loyal ally. One we have shared experiences with. So if you're asking who His Majesty's Government is likely to sympathize with, then yes. It's going to be Predice and Imperium.

UK: Shared experiences with Predice? You mean the communist regime in Predice and the Syndicalist regime here.

PM: Yes. Both our peoples bare similar scars. Predice has still not recovered from communist rule, and for us the road to recovery from fifteen years of Syndicalist tyranny will be long and difficult. So when we speak with the Predicians about such things, we understand each other.

UK: You mentioned that we export agricultural goods to the Imperium. Wouldn't we do the same to Osynstry if they join the FSO?

PM: Yes, we would. Which was what the Predicians thought when they did their economic analysis, by the way. Our concern is pricing. Osynstry has a notoriously protected economy. Prime Minister Wilson will have to find a way to square this with FSO prices for this conversation to be meaningful. No one government imposes FSO price tables on anyone else, you see. All full members vote. The price tables are arrived at to secure a price that is fair to the farmers and food producers, as well as fair to the consumers. They aren't negotiable. We abide by them, with both imports and exports, and so does every other FSO member. Osynstry can't be any different. Everything else is just posturing. The Kingdom of Prydania is concerned with the cold economic facts. If Osynstry is ready to play by the rules the FSO asks all member states to play by then we believe everything else will sort itself out in due time.

UK: Do you think that rifts like the one between Osynstry and Predice can be solved by Osynstry agreeing to FSO guidelines? The language seems bordering on provocative.

PM: Yes, I do. Predice's concerns- which on the face seem very valid- ultimately involve economics. If Osynstry's government agreed to FSO pricing tables then Predice could be assured there's a desire to act in good faith. And many of the complaints tossed against Predice from Osynstry are rather ludicrous. Claiming Predice isn't a democratic state? Come on now. That's just incorrect, on a factual level. And such statements fall by the wayside when economic co-operation becomes a reality.

UK: Where do these statements come from though? As I said they border on provocative.

PM: You need to ask Prime Minister Wilson that. He's a stubborn sort who fancies himself a guiding light of the socialist cause. I don't think I need to explain to anyone why such rhetoric is like dust in the wind in Predice. Or Prydania for that matter.

UK: Are you suggesting then, Mr. Prime Minister, that Jeremy Wilson is trying to impose himself and his world view on Predice?

PM: It's one way to look at it. His party's propaganda arm -The Peoples' Telegraph- calls him someone who 'seeked to inspire civil movements worldwide." There really isn't much grey area there, is there?

UK: There doesn't seem to be. Does His Majesty's Government view Jeremy Wilson as a threat?

PM: To Aurorian stability, perhaps. Which is our primary concern. We do business with the Imperium. We would love to do business with Osynstry to be perfectly honest, if they agree to the terms all FSO members must agree to. Prime Minister Wilson seeks to assert Osynstry's place in Auroria, and we must act responsibly to ensure that our own interests with our trading partners are not threatened.

UK: Is Jeremy Wilson's rhetoric dangerous for Prydania, Mr. Prime Minister?

PM: No. I would say, in my humble estimation, it is not dangerous for Predice either. We both wear similar scars, as I said. Those scars have imparted lessons. While Jeremy Wilson was attending readings at socialist books clubs I was working as a diplomatic agent for the Front of National Unity during the Civil War. Most members of the Alþingi and military were either involved in the Civil War, or were somehow affected by it. You can draw those lines upward to His Majesty and downwards towards every man, woman, and child in the country. Predice, as I said, is not so different. Those scars are still there for them as well. So Jeremy Wilson can say what he likes, but I can't imagine anyone in Predice or Prydania looks at his desire to play rabble rouser with anything but distrust and annoyance.

UK: Does Jeremy Wilson's outspoken nature make positive relations between Osynstry and Prydania or Predice impossible, given the histories with tyrannical left wing regimes?

PM: Absolutely not, no, it's not impossible. Prydania and Skanda have mutually beneficial trade deals through the FSO. We count the Stan Yera, Korova, and Cogoria as allies through the Bergum Pact, Craviter Economic Association, and Yellowtail Economic and Engagement Treaty. All of these are socialist states to one degree or another. Most of them more-so than Osynstry, to be frank. Yet we come together and work in the name of mutual interest and mutual respect, regardless of political ideologies. The notion that we must draw lines in the sand and declare this or that untenable because of ideology is being left in the dust, and good riddance too.
So Mr. Wilson's government will find a willing partner in Prydania if he is, himself, willing to act in mutual interest and respect. I suspect he'll find similar sentiments in Predice and the Imperium as well.

UK: Thank you for your time, Mr. Prime Minister.

PM: Thank you for having me.

And so concluded my discussion with Prime Minister Brandt. The vote on the United Kingdom of Great Osynstry and Cymbria's admittance into the FSO as an observer state is scheduled for the near future.
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The Peoples' Telegraph - the voice of Socialism in Osynstry

Tensions reach the surface between the ISAO and Wilson

WORLD NEWS | Politics
- 19:08, 26 Aldertury, 1094; Arthur Wesburn

A phone call has been released, by Harold Osborne - the Deputy Prime Minister, in a move called by many as "a blatant attempt to force Wilson to change path".
It was one that took place on the 23rd of Aldertury, 1094, and between the Prime Minister and the ISAO's leader, Frederick Anderson:
Prime Minister Jeremy Wilson: "Good evening-"
ISAO Leader, Anderson: "Yes? Prime Minister, you called?"
Wilson: "Indeed. I have called you with the sole purpose of discussing the recent... problematic situation arisen by your findings."
Anderson: "And what do you want us to do about it?"
Wilson: "My administration has largely trusted your findings on the last four years, however the administration of Predice has raised sincere, serious concerns. Yes, the economy is looking more positive than it was this time last year - but your findings need to be backed up, and we will launch an investigation into these if you don't."
Anderson: "So why call us?"
Wilson: "I am going to give you forty-eight hours to either clearly back your findings with indisputable evidence, or retract and revise them. I will be launching an official government investigation into your findings after this deadline if you do not do either of those options, and this is not negotiabl-"
Anderson: "You're going to what?"
Wilson: "You heard. Our government has put a lot on the line for your backs, and if you don't make sure your side holds up, then I'm not falling with you. That is an immovable position - we are not sacrificing our reputation for you, as we are already putting our relations with the world under serious jeopardy for this."
Anderson: "Right."
Wilson: "I don't mind what your response is, because the ISAO has either caused this problem and will be forced to solve it by either me or you, or has justified statistics which will have to be reinforced."
Anderson: "I won't take such a threat on our independence, we will not be investigated, and we are not going to co-operate with a government that both refuses to stand by transparency, and refuses to support the findings of our association."
Wilson: "We maintain transparency for the sole reason that you should not be requiring our efforts to defend your findings. As much as Predice should not have raised the issues with such poor sources and with little provocation, you also should not have counted on our backing to safeguard potentially forged data. I expect to see your decision within two days, should you not wish for there to be a serious lack of trust between our administration and your organisation."
The phone call ends.

Wilson has also released a statement, clarifying:
"In response to the Prydanian interview, with the understandable view that our government stated that the Predican government was not democratic, we do not maintain such views. We have checked through our records and I have no record of saying this exact statement, however as a result of unfortunate remarks by myself towards the Predican government which could have easily been mistaken for such an accusation, I solely apologise sincerely if this appears to be the case. Any equally unfortunate remarks made are also retracted for I shall not sacrifice my relations for findings that my government's investigation will be closely, forensically checking and thus ensuring that the ISAO are maintaining adequate levels of transparency, and that we have serious doubts in that we had not had the ability to garner before."

As the Prime Minister has agreed that "the Deputy Prime Minister Osborne's claim that I have indeed pushed on with the aforementioned investigation into the ISAO's findings is true", this very public blunder for the Prime Minister has left his "squeaky clean" new Cabinet and new administration very much in the forefront of politics, as they managed to make sure this mistake was only temporary and perhaps insignificant - but failed to notice how delinquent the ISAO would become. The Deputy Prime Minister is also quickly making his position as very rational and maybe even in a boring sense of common-sensical leadership, as he retains his Chief Whip position and thus has a strong hand in much of the government that only the PM himself can overrule.

This recent schism between the Prime Minister and Deputy, against the ISAO, shows that the current administration has possibly learnt three valuable lessons:
- 1: Don't back things without making sure they're justified.
- 2: This is a serious argument against private business, the idea of a lack of transparency and co-operation between state and business.
- 3: This will be a close escape which will haunt Wilson for the following weeks as his administration begins to steer the country, somewhat tentatively now, towards the world stage.
The Peoples' Telegraph - the voice of Socialism in Osynstry

ISAO "complete overhaul" after investigation ends

WORLD NEWS | Politics
- 16:34, 2 Swyntury, 1094; Arthur Wesburn

As the month comes off to a start, the Prime Minister has made his opinions clear on the ISAO scandals - which came very close to tearing rifts in diplomacy - after an investigation has found that the ISAO "acted outside the boundaries of transparency", he has taken this one step further.

Anderson, the Chairman of the ISAO, has found he no longer has the top role, in what the government's letter called a "involuntary resignation", and instead the ISAO will be forced to elect a new Chairman. The investigations by Prime Minister Jeremy Wilson and Deputy Prime Minister Harold Osborne found:
1) The data alleged to be justified and correct by the ISAO has large discrepancies with the findings of our own government, including a gap of nearly six million people between the government's "95% confidence interval" median, and the ISAO's supposed findings.
2) The conduct by Anderson has been found to be prohibitive and overly unco-operative, and as a result of his refusal to admit any responsibility in any form, he has been told to hand in his involuntary resignation by the 5th.
3) The ISAO, as a result, must elect a new Chairman. Anderson is ineligible for any form of administrative post in the ISAO for 5 years, and the Chairman role indefinitely.
4) The government, as a result of this saddening betrayal of our trust in their ability to act within the bounds of reason and the law, must - for an undefined period of time, but at least up to 2025 - maintain a higher level of monitoring and a government watchdog will therefore be created specifically to make sure the ISAO is remaining within the bounds of transparency.
5) This investigation has found, undeniably, that the ISAO's administrative team acted outside the boundaries of transparency, and thus the preceding methods have been, unfortunately, the only path forwards.
6) Any further similar breach of our trust, and the world's trust, will not be tolerated and will result in the complete dissolving of the ISAO.
7) On a separate note, the courts will hear of a new case that involves the suppression of different data from the ISAO by Anderson, and the abuse of economists and statisticians at the ISAO, which will have its case commencing sometime in early 1095 (2021).

As the investigation also had its findings approved unanimously by a new council running the ISAO, new statistics have been released for the United Kingdom of Osynstry, projecting "far more modest population growth, the removal of 6 million people who were apparently born, and lower estimates for the economic output of the nation.". The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister have both made a joint statement on the issue:
"We am sorry to have had to make such punitive and quick decisions that will almost certainly disrupt the ISAO for the foreseeable future - however it was our only remaining option. With the now previous leader of the ISAO refusing to co-operate or give any indication at all of their sources, and with the investigation finding that not only did the ISAO act outside of the boundaries of transparency, making a mere mockery of all that Grantham set out for the reputable and prestigious Association that Anderson has seeked to disrupt, in a deplorable attempt to corrupt our administration, but that serious accusations and leads of abuse within the ISAO against many members of the Association by Anderson have been proved at least somewhat true - we were left with no choice. As a result of the recent scandals, we have proven that we will not back down to petty corruption, and we will defend transparency and independence of statistical organisations and associations from political interests to the hilt. This incident has also highlighted the corruption facing much of the world - and in many instances, corruption that is endorsed by governments."

Two questions remain; firstly, has this damaged Osynstry's reputation on the world stage? Secondly, it splits. First, if the answer is yes, will Wilson be able to succeed in his continued task of fixing it, and his globalist stance in general? Second, if the answer is no, will Wilson be able to manipulate this potential blunder into a success for the nation? All answers appear to be valid at this point in question, but time will tell whether they remain so.


Mærett Fjellsjårnbaner opens to public

A picture of Mærett's Festøgenjansstasjon on opening day.​

MÆRETT, VIELLENBURG - The long-awaited day has passed: Mærett Fjellsjårnbaner reopens to the public!

The old narrow-gauge mountain railway that spans and links the towns of Mærett, Nysgorvadts, and Nykelsbørg, has finally reopened its doors. After months of endless works, the Viellenburg government held a ribbon-cutting ceremony this morning, formally opening the heritage railway. When asked with the rather huge delay from November 11 to December 5, Viellenburg's regional governor Rik ven Næfelst stated:

"Problems arose with the Ministry of Transport and maintenance. The regional government had to re-file the boiler certificates for the locomotives after one of them had an issue during our late test runs. Thankfully, nobody had an accident."

ven Næfelst apologized on behalf of the railway and regional management, and personally paid for all expenses involved. Festøgenjansstasjon, the site of the ribbon-cutting ceremony, was filled to the brim of many railfans and residents alike that wanted to take a sweet ride of their life.

"It's so majestic," Oskar Nyketsfålen, a railfan hailing as far as Æstfolzea, told Die Volkshärälds. "I'm a hardcore fan of most of our trains straight out made with the help of our Goyanean brethren, but seeing something ethnically Alliaronian of origin is a different experience."

A local, Annika Vyksfæroy, stated: "When I was a child, we often played around at the abandoned tracks here. Now, looking back, it's so astounding to see that those tracks are useable once again."

The management has stated that starting tomorrow, fees of 250 drams (∆250) per person, 125 drams (∆125) for students, and 75 drams (∆75) for children and the senior citizenry will be implemented. Neither residents nor tourists have complaints with said fees, as it is "perfectly reasonable". Operating hours of the railway start at 08:00 to 20:00 at the weekdays, and 07:30 to 21:00 at the weekends, with maintenance at every midnight, following standard railway procedures with the rest of the country.

Balanced news. No fear or favour.
Marntinettalle 27, Uhramatzbezirk, Æstfolzea​

Police foil attempted bombing of HHT in Dagenfjord


KRP detectives and special operatives were seen taking evidence from the townhome leased to the suspects Sunday morning.

December 6, 2020

DAGENFJORD – The sleepy Hassenbæk suburb of Dagenfjord, Sørnen was woken up early Sunday morning by yelling and flashbang grenades as KRP and Railway Police raided a townhome, arresting fifteen people suspected of plotting to bomb the Høyhastikettog Monday at the peak of rush hour. The Dagenfjord Bureau of the Railway Police and the KRP later confirmed the arrests at a public press conference, where they announced what had occurred.

Police found packs of C4 and electrical equipment that is believed to be for bombs, as well as several suicide vests and a large amount of guns and ammunition. The raid resulted in no casualties, and the suspects were shipped to the Dagenfjord Municipal Jail. It is expected they will be charged Monday for terrorism and attempted sabotage of a railway, as well as for various other conspiracy and attempted murder charges.

Terrorism and Sabotage of Railways are capital offenses in Goyanes, and if found guilty, each faces a maximum punishment of death, however it is more likely that they will only be given to the leaders of the group.

Prime Minister Norberg released a statement condemning the plot as “an attempt to destroy one of the greatest symbols of Goyanean society,” and as “a despicable attack on not just our transportation infrastructure, but our heritage.” Interior Minister Siegmund Valther said that had this plot not been foiled, “Goyanes would become a very different place tomorrow.”

Goyaneans took to Twitcher to express their feelings on the raids as news broke Sunday morning.


Paul Eisenberg @pe10342 30m

This has to be the end of New Sunset. The prosecutors should show no mercy to these communist traitors!

#HHT #Dagenfjord

220k Retwitches • 321k Likes



Johan Bonder @bondebonder 1h

We can’t forgive those who help destroy railway tracks.

442kRetwitches • 550k Likes


Furthermore, the Imperial Government has declared a temporary State of Emergency nationwide due to the threat that public infrastructure is facing. Military police and army soldiers are expected to be stationed at various large train stations and airports Monday and possibly through the rest of the week.

The Høyhastikettog was the world’s first dedicated high-speed railway, opening in 1964, building upon an already impressive railway network, connecting Gojannesstad with Naderfjord and Hosen Sæg. The system has since been expanded, and now connects much of the nation and even other countries. It has a perfect safety record, and the trains are famed for never running late. It has become an icon of modern Goyanes, and a point of national pride.

Director of the Imperial Security Service, Goyanes’ domestic counter-terrorism agency, Karlheinz Nordesson said that they believe the arrested terrorists belong to a group known as “Nyå Solnedgang” (New Sunset), a violent leftist organization that arose in 2016 as Goyanes became involved in toppling the Syndicalist Prydanian regime during their civil war.

Nyå Solnedgang has been accused of leading and partaking in numerous incidents since 2016, including the murder of Nyhett Tech history professor Anthony Edelstein in 2017 for publishing a paper about the horrors of Syndicalism and the vandalization of a Prydanian Community Center in Hofsvægr, also in 2018, for a charity drive for Prydanians affected by the war.

However, this plot is by far the most egregious act the group is accused of committing, placing several thousand lives in danger as well as attempting to cripple Goyanes’ most important transportation artery, causing cascading effects across public transportation all over Western Gothis.

It is expected that the Imperial Security Service and the KRP will conduct more raids as the week goes on against suspected members and accomplices of Nyå Solnedgang. Stay tuned to GRK for more updates on this story.
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Epiphani Hodie

a: Theodora Misticus

His Imperial majesty will be announcing the offer the Imperium will make to Yalkan today. We have been given a look early to see what the offer will entail, the port will be leased for the duration of the war in Yamantau. The price is very flexible and the initial offer would be 500 million Aureus. Yalkan companies would be contracted to build the port, thus creating thousands of jobs for Yalkan. Any resources needed would be provided by the Imperial mining company, and equipment will be shared. When questioned the head of the Imperial treasury department said:

"The goal of the Imperial government is to assist the people of Yalkan, and end this war as quickly as possible. We will be handing the keys of the port over to Yalkan, the size of the port will allow for trade to increase to Yalkan. The jobs created would allow for revenue to flow into Yalkan and not further their debt instead it will be helping to erase it, our counterparts in Saitonge and Predice seek only to shuffle around the debt and not help Yalkan get out of the present situation. This deal will continue the wonderful relations that Yalkan and the Imperium has, proud Epiphani citizens with Yalkan names serve in the legions and in the senate. This deal would allow for Yalkan to move forward, and lives to be saved in Yamantau. Epiphani e Yalkan, atque in amicos!"

Epiphani e Yalkan, atque in amicos!- Epiphani and Yalkan are friends!
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The Peoples' Telegraph - the voice of Socialism in Osynstry

Adams defeated in OWP selection, OWP edges ahead of Cymbria

WORLD NEWS | Cymbria
- 09:39, 5 Swyntury 1094, Arthur Wesburn

As the election nears, polling suggests Wilson's party has recovered - mostly - from its fairly dismal month, and one surprise has fuelled their victory. Adams has been defeated by a Cymbrish local within her own party, from the Wilsonian branch of the OWP - not quite as far left as Adams and Movement, whose members boast the recent domination of the Cabinet and the Deputy Prime Minister's leadership, but not as far to the centre as Grantham and the Social Democrat OWP dual membership contingents. Elizabeth Wetherby has risen in the past few days as the "best candidate to beat yr Llanydd", and her victory has bolstered Workers' Party demands that Cymbria must be represented by a local, rather than Adams - an Athersbury-centric candidate.

The effects of this has been that the OWP has edged ahead by two to five points in the race for the First Ministry, with just 10 days remaining. Wetherby, 26, has demanded that "Cymbria be represented properly, respectfully and independently from the Crown, the Senate and House". By distancing herself from the competitor she called "ardently and outspokenly radical socialist", and advocating incremental reform on the same level as the 2016-2020 Wilson administration, she has shown potential to sway potential swing voters.

The Cymbria Party has serious challenges ahead of it. A big-tent party, yr Llanydd has proven controversial on both wings of the party, and with the Workers' Party unleashing a far more feared candidate than expected, swing voters are far more likely to vote OWP than their first intended party - meaning although Cymbria is not falling, the OWP is quickly gaining. Her Cymbrish heritage, and accent, and ardent defence of the state's devolution and "co-ordinated government" has "proven crucial in swinging urban voters in the key two urban areas of the nation, and even eroding Cymbria's hegemony of the hills in ways never seen before, all in a matter of days".

The Peoples' Telegraph has its own polling agency, and our poll from yesterday seems to back this hypothesis:
POLL - 3-4 Swyntury, 1094 (change from 24-25 Aldertury)
Wetherby (OWP) - 42% (+3%)
yr Llanydd (Cym) - 38% (+1%)
Gwyddeth (Con) - 6% (-2%)
White (SLP) - 6% (-)
Jones (Ath) - 5% (-1%)
Richards (OLP) - 2% (-1%)

Chance of victory:
Wetherby (OWP) - 60% (+8%)
yr Llanydd (Cym) - 39% (-7%)
Gwyddeth (Con) - <1% (-1-2%)
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The Lanorthan misconception of "Lanorthan technocracy"

Mao Anying
2020-5-12 16:33:32


No, not that technocracy from Call to Power III.

Yesterday, Lanorth's Electoral Council voted to abolish Lanorthan technocracy. So the peculiar Aurorian democracy rolled up the red carpet for undemocratic bureaucrats and, consequently, disbanded most government agencies, abandoning the idea of a professional civil service forever— Wait. So this wasn't Lanorthan technocracy?

Okay, let's try that again. Dr. Mémoire, world's leading neuroscientist with a power to manipulate minds at will, mind-controlled the Lanorthan government to establish "true technocracy" under a towering AI entity. Mémoire programmed the entity in his vision: "Perfect machine, perfect justice. Without good, no evil. Without want, no lack. Without desire, no need. The circuit is one, and one is the machine." After a series of battles between Mémoire's robot army and the human liberation forces, Captain Saintonge cornered Mémoire in his tower lair. When a jittery mad doctor failed his aim at Captain Saintonge, the crimson-white hero smugly replied, "Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window. You, on the other hand— " Are you kidding me? This wasn't it either?

Then...what was Lanorthan technocracy?

To answer this question, technocracy must first be explored. Technocracy was a growing movement in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries when the welfare state had only begun to take form, among numerous services, and dramatically increased the need for experts in government to provide these specialized services. Thus created the need for a streamlined, professional bureaucracy. Some people, like Lanorthans in the 1950s, took it to the next level by replacing elected officials, seen as only motivated by partisan interests, in comparison to experts ready with solutions to every problem.

Nowadays, the word technocracy has been used to mock powerful civil services of developed democracies, or any country with big government services. Bureaucrats under scrutiny (or simply caught underdressed) would be attacked for their unelected yet very powerful positions.

It is strange though. If you ask the average Lanorthan, they would most likely say, "We were a technocracy because we focused on technology."

Although technocrats are, indeed, engineers, doctors, and specialists. But not all of them. More so since technological advancements have nothing to do with technocracy. Just because the government is administered by technical experts, even if they're in a scientific field, doesn't specifically contribute to the advancement of technology in any country. At the very least, the government would zealously serve in the interest of their specialization. Not in the payroll of corporate lobbyists or influenced by divisive ideologies.

But for the people of Lanorth, technocracy certainly did.

So what did Lanorthan technocracy look like?

At the apex of this system was an undemocratic institution ironically called the "Electoral Council" under an ancient, more undemocratic relic from its autocratic past, called the "Lanorthan monarchy." Although the latter was arguably less powerful than the Electoral Council, that Lanorth is a constitutional monarchy, would be a misdirection. Yes, Lanorth could and still be a constitutional monarchy by definition. But nothing was democratic about a group of elected, so-called "experts" from various "fields of expertise," apart from the act of voting needed in an election. Further explanation is left to guessing games as to what "expert," what "fields of expertise," and what made them all qualified. Overly abundant details too far in between the already localized systems, no overall feature can be used to describe the selection process.

Meanwhile, the Lanorthan legislature in this system was (somewhat) transparent in comparison to the Electoral Council. It only admitted representatives from, again, selected fields of expertise such as the military or architecture. Still, and again, no overall explanation as to what qualifies these people. To say it's complicated isn't enough. Truly, this was a dictatorship by the bureaucracy. A run-down version of Dr. Mémoire's "True Technocracy." Why manipulate memories when you can just confuse them to conformity?! How apt to apply here the phrase ignorance is bliss. People didn't need to know this system when it was admittedly undemocratic. This was just as bad as the caste system, which can be examined in pre-colonial Makopa.

Actually, you don't need to read history books when the real thing can be seen. The caste system is still very much alive in Astragon. Both Astragonese government and Lanorthan technocracy are socially stratified, which limits the voice of the people by means of radical elitism. Although not hereditary, Lanorthan technocracy, or Lanorthan pseudo caste system, is characterized by gaining power through occupation and exclusive hierarchies without exception. All careers are inherently meritocratic and ladders aren't two-way. And success doesn't trickle down all the time. Either be top dog or be dogged-down. That's the way life is too!

Now, about the connections between technology and Lanorthan technocracy. The explanation to this is entirely feasible: Propaganda. In the early 20th Century, fascist movements such as the Social Commonwealth in Prydania and the rest of The Dominion alliance printed out mass falsehoods about the reality of their situations. Making up problems that never existed in place of real ones. Some to inspire, some to subjugate, and some to make them look and sound more stupid. Information wasn't readily available and allowed opportunists to fool more people than internet scammers ever could, picking digital pennies from every lonely retiree waiting on the dial. The Lanorthan government, facing economic downturn at the time in a war-torn world, wouldn't be a saint in doing everything they can to maintain precious order.

The fruits of Lanorthan technocracy could qualify as nationwide placebo effect.

With so many things going on in this system of governance, each more confusing than the last, it's no wonder the Electoral Council voted to essentially fire themselves out of work. Just to get rid of it.

Fortunately, councils near and down to the municipal level have always been elected by the people. At least they have some minute democratic routine to help them transition to parliamentary rule.
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The Peoples' Telegraph - the voice of Socialism in Osynstry

It's not over; until the North says it is

WORLD NEWS | The North
- 19:59, 6 Swyntury, 1094, Arthur Wesburn

With the Cymbrish elections nearing, on the 15th, and the Weskershyre and the North elections both taking place in the next month and two months, this seems like a pivotal moment for the Prime Minister. There are multiple possible outcomes - but first, let us first address recent trends, of course.

If you would have asked me about two months ago whether Wilson had a chance in Cymbria, I'd have laughed at you, and said "No" in the kindest way possible. But with his election campaign proving far more effective than expected, and gathering net gains giving him an effective "controlling, safe majority" of 2/3rds of the Senate and 1/3rd of the House; this seems far more probable. Chances of Wilson's candidate winning Cymbria in early Lyscetury were short of 30%, but now they are rising above 60%. Wilson trailed 10 points in Cymbria, but with the selection of Williams, they now lead by up to 5 points, perhaps more. Recent trends show serious potential for a second election upset - just as centrists get over lamenting the loss of the second easily attainable election in a row to the same man who has proven the thorn in their side for years.

Now, let us go through the potential outcomes. First, let us go through the supposed outcome I would have given you about 2 months ago, with some explanation. To win Cymbria, you should also win the North. To win the North, you must win Weskershyre. If you win Cymbria, you are likely to win Weskershyre and the North - as a leftist candidate, anywho. If you would have asked me two months ago, I likely would have told you that Wilson's home county would have proven tough to flip and would likely remain loyal to him, the North would have been a close run race, and Cymbria would have easily elected yr Llanydd. This would prove devastating to the Prime Minister - and his legitimacy as Prime Minister would be heavily challenged. The relative harmony in his party could be easily disrupted by poor election performances in strongholds, and liberals would finally - pardon the expression - rise from their lengthy slumber and begin to seriously contend against the left. This, coupled with perceived rises in conservatism in the wake of the election, and it could prove fatal for the Prime Minister, whose own party could easily vote to call a vote of no confidence. We could then see Prime Minister Osborne if that happens, but this seems unlikely. What is sure is that if this, or anything even worse happened - if Weskershyre's left failed, then Wilson's legacy is as good as gone - then the PM would have some serious trouble ahead.

However, now it seems clear that the North and Weskershyre are poised to vote Workers' Party in a similar trend as previously seen nationally just months ago. Pollsters are likely to try and make up for the polling error that catapulted Liberal parties from victory to defeat in a matter of hours, however bear in mind that the only way of truly knowing who will win is to wait until the election takes place. Having this firmly in the back of our minds, Cymbria is a fairly close race - but one should concentrate on the trends, not the difference. If they are relatively close and one is "catching up" or "gaining" away from the other, then that one is likely to win, considering how close we are to the election. Wetherby's appointment rather than Adams, as well as Osborne's appointment as Deputy Prime Minister, a relatively popular and comparatively centrist Cabinet, and the apparent integral peace within Wilson's party at the moment has led to both stronger stocks and the strengthening of Osynstry's pound sterling, and a clear edging ahead in the polls. Should Wilson and Wetherby win in Cymbria, it will likely signal as a belwether that the public still backs the OWP - and it is unlikely that the administration will let this message go unheard. It would also strongly hasten efforts from the central administration to bolster devolution in a way not seen since George Asmont - and many think that, as with much Wilson does, he is trying to live up to Asmont's legacy.

Should he win, Asmont will be looking from beyond the grave in approval, and with his gathered support of the nation, Wilson will likely imprint his legacy into the nation's institutions in a way not seen since the Asmont-Newbury era. Should he lose; Wilson will be forgotten and lost to time in coming years, or remembered merely as a narrow winner in 2016 and the PM who destroyed his own majority in the early 2020s - but Osborne could appear on the political stage much earlier than first predicted. The message is: just because he won the Prime Ministry, doesn't mean he's won the country round. However, he and his party seem increasingly likely to achieve this previously near-unattainable goal with ease. Time will tell if our predictions come true.
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The Advent Executions: Five Years Later
by Sölvi Buhl

What more can be said about the Advent Executions of 2015? The solemn speeches and the memorial have said so much about the dead. How their faith was carried to the end, how they prayed for peace in a time of war. We are at peace now, and we all pray that the evils that strangled our country will be banished forever. We pray that the dead will be at peace in the afterlife, knowing that those they left behind know peace now.

What hasn't been said, but what we should talk about despite how hard it is, was how pointless the executions were. The dead- the innocent victims of it all- suffered and died purely for the sadistic impulses of a criminal regime. Their deaths have meaning, to be sure. To friends, family, to everyone who took inspiration in their dignified deaths in the face of spiteful indignity.
The executions though, served no purpose for the regime that carried them out. They were, as I said, killed to fulfill a sadistic impulse. By examining this we can learn just how morally bankrupt the Syndicalist regime was, despite their desperate attempts to claim a perpetual moral high ground.

Marching Through Hadden

The Front of National Unity (FRE) broke out of the backwoods of Austurland in 2013, having amassed a growing army over the previous decade. By March of that year Haland to the Norsian border- including Stormurholmr- was freed from Syndicalist Republic control. Eiderwig would be liberated by the summer.
A separate FRE offensive westward to Alaterva and across southern Vesturland in 2014 split Syndicalist Republic military forces, and pressed many a People's Militia member into actually fighting trained soldiers as opposed to terrorizing civilians. It also made a FRE offensive north, aimed at capturing Hadden, possible. Especially with Goyanean and Andrennian military aid.

Nearly two years of fighting across the border between Austurland and Midland brought the FRE to Hadden's doorstep. The Syndicalist government, convinced that the farming communities around the city were aiding FRE agents, conducted the Harrying of Hadden in October of 2015. Farms burned. Innocents were hung or shot. There are towns that no longer exist thanks to the Harrying.

It didn't stop FRE advances though, who were within shelling distance of Syndicalist lines outside of the city by early December. Andrennian and Goyanean landings on the mainland made the Syndicalist military position in Hadden even more precarious. The Syndicalist government was feeling the pressure. They would be hammered at Hadden, and soon Prydania's second largest city- long a hotbed of Syndicalist sympathy- would be in FRE hands.

Sadistic Impulses

The Syndicalist regime in Býkonsviði watched the military situation around Hadden with what can only be described as panic. And it is here where we have to examine the pointlessness of the Advent executions.

The Harrying of Hadden didn't stop the FRE's advances, but it did at least serve a certain sick and twisted logic. The Syndicalist government, convinced that rural areas of the country were finally rising up after over a decade of abuse, looked to make an example of them. It was utterly barbaric and indefensible, but it made sense from the perspective of an authoritarian state that placed ideological purity and and revolutionary fervour over human life.

The Advent Executions, however, don't even meet that very disturbed and low bar.
Would the public humiliation and murder of Courantists have aided the Syndicalist war effort? No.
Would it have made an example of a group that was believed to have aided the FRE in said war effort? No- unlike the people and farmers of Hadden and its surrounding townships the Courantists of Býkonsviði were nowhere near the fighting.
Would the execution of Courantists have changed anything about the way the War was going? No.

The Harrying of Hadden was a twisted regime none the less following its own internal, yet mad, logic. The Advent Executions, however, were pure sadism.

Their military situation was degrading. Their ability to strike at the FRE was lessening- not just around Hadden, but in the hills of Krummedike.

So what did Thomas Nielsen do? He ordered his Militia to strike at the meek and the vulnerable. Courantists who were doing nothing but practicing their faith.
Father Salvar Hesketh, Styrbjörn Granseth, Kristfinnur & Finnbjörn Skaug, Björnólfur Rössvoll, and Gabriel Bokn all died to appease the sadistic flailing of a regime that wasn't even following its own deranged logic any longer.

They were tortured, humiliated, and killed because fanatics needed to hurt someone. No matter how nonsensical it was.

Making Sense of the Madness

How do we understand the tragedy that these executions were?
We have already been doing that on some level. As mentioned at the top of this article the commemorations and speeches celebrating the lives, faith, and hope of the dead give us meaning. We work towards a better future. A future that the dead prayed for and a future where such tragedies will no longer occur.

We can also look at the executions as another sobering reminder of Syndicalist barbarism.
The Syndicalist regime was not a government that looked to better its own citizenry. It did not care for building a better future. It cared only about anger, about rage, about rhetoric, and about the violent impulses these fed.

Those six souls lost their lives because ideological thugs wanted to hurt someone. May their deaths serve as a reminder of why such movements cannot be allowed to rise to prominence ever again.
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Article by Sarah Lindermann


A months-long investigation undertaken by both Franktorf police and Federal Security drew to its conclusion today as the dock of the Albrechstrasse courthouse was filled to capacity by over 100 members of a far-right organisation. The so-called "Gaucheis Youth Culture Movement" started life in 1997 the brainchild of Herman Schneider, a former militiaman in Gaucheis Himdachs now-defunct black shirt paramilitary forces. The group's online manifesto calls for the eradication of so-called "impure" elements of Gothis such as Frisians, Ducrijeckans, Ivarans and Goyaneans via a mass uprising by Hessunlands youth. In an amusing twist, Federal security has discovered that the median age of members of the far-right group was 35 and over, evidently the youth part of the equation is still a work in progress.

Over the course of November, multiple properties and commercial warehouses were raided by local police under the command of Federal security agents, notably a farmhouse on the outskirts of the capital was searched and revealed to contain an extensive cache of ammunition and automatic weapons. The group first came to the attention of national law enforcement following a series of demonstrations in majority Ducrijeckan suburbs of Franktorf by members of the extremist movement. The decision to take action came as the group's social media was found to contain several encrypted chat rooms in which members actively plotted to engage in acts of violence against government officials and ethnic minorities.

In a packed courtroom, Justice Helga Voigt handed down harsh sentences with the group's ringleaders receiving 10-year sentences without opportunity for parole and the rank and file getting up to five years for their role in the groups attempted activities. in a hearing that took just under two hours to conclude the judge was quick to sternly reprimand the neo-dachsis for their actions:

"Hessunland is a tolerant and law-abiding society, we do not want or need your vile rhetoric, just as your misguided love of a tyrant brought ruin to this nation thirty years ago the price of your actions today will be much the same. Your actions are deserving of the highest sanction and condemnation, my only regret is that I cannot add further years to your sentences"

Community leaders from across Franktorf welcomed the laws decisive action on the matter with Gadol Martin Bohm of the Shaddaist community expressing his approval:

"This sends a strong message to both Hessunlanders and the wider continent that minorities are embraced and protected in the Royal Federation and that we are not the shameful society that was deposed thirty years ago"

The bulk of the newly incarcerated group can expect to spend the better part of the decade housed in Krenzenplatz State Prison, the group's removal bringing the hope that the nation will sleep a little easier.

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The Peoples' Telegraph - the voice of Socialism in Osynstry

With the polls opening in hours; should Wetherby consider herself the victor already?
With just hours remaining of the election campaign, Wetherby's surge appears to have slowed dramatically - should she really consider herself as safe as many OWP members think?

WORLD NEWS | Cymbria
- 04:48, 13 Swyntury 1094, Arthur Wesburn

If there's one thing time has told time and time again, it's that the polls are very, very often wrong. Just over a month ago, Jeremy Wilson was re-elected by a landslide - as the polls were forced to hang their heads in shame over their predictions of "a slaughter for the Prime Minister" just days before the polls closed.

And here we are again - or are we? There is one defining factor that Wetherby has seen differently to Wilson - her polling figures appear to have stalled. Polls are far better at showing trends than they are at showing the actual representations - and it appears she has stalled, at about 45 to 47%. Although her margin against yr Llanydd has seemed formidable - at 11% - it has closed a point since two days ago. Should we really consider Wetherby the guaranteed winner, considering this? The obvious answer, regardless of the polls; of course not.

We have had the privilege of conducting an interview with the Deputy Prime Minister, Harold Osborne, over these issues.

"I am Arthur Wesburn of the Peoples' Telegraph newspaper. Thank you for joining me today in Athersbury - for we have a very important matter to discuss."
"Of course, the Cymbrish election."
"Yes. First of all, what do you think of the candidates involved? And by the candidates, I mean Cymbria's appointment, yr Llanydd, and your own party's choice for this election, Wetherby."
"I hold both in high regards. I know John yr Llanydd well, and know he is an intelligent, skilled, just and efficient politician. Aside from our political differences, we do indeed have a good working relationship, and should he win, I look forward to working alongside him. However, I of course support our Party's choice in this election, Elizabeth Wetherby, for the First Minister role. I know she is a fellow Movement member, and is looking to co-operate with the Prime Minister in far more than yr Llanydd would, for their priorities differ. I trust that should she win, Cymbria would have made the right choice - but I urge all eligible voters involved to vote, regardless of their political leanings, for making your voice heard is the most important thing one can do."
"Thank you. Next, what of Wetherby's chances? We have seen her polls become impressive - but then they appear to have stopped short of the 50% mark. Can she pull another rabbit out of the hat and win?"
"I believe she can. I cannot, however, say that she will - complacency and assurance of one side's victory usually leads to a surprise defeat, and I for one do not wish to contribute to that. As Brandreth found out in 1945, or Lansbury in 1925, or Greenwood in 1989 and 1993; being certain of one's own victory, or even trying to fix an election in the latter cases to get said outcome, will very often lead to your adversary's victory. I trust that she is more than capable of winning the election, and that she is more than capable of leading Cymbria to a new age that we are living in currently - however, I do not guarantee anything at this point in time."
"Finally, do you think that the polls will be wrong? They were last month - but do you think they will be again."
"I can simply say this - it is not a matter of whether they will be wrong, it is a matter of how wrong they will be. All polls will be somewhere off from the election result, just sometimes they will have predicted fairly accurately, and sometimes they will be adrift from the real results. It is more important to watch the trends than the numbers themselves - and Wetherby has risen 16 points in six weeks."
The Peoples' Telegraph - the voice of Socialism in Osynstry

The polls are in; so what now?
Wetherby has outperformed expectations - so will Wilson take that a step further?

WORLD NEWS | Cymbria
- 01:39, 14 Swyntury 1094, Arthur Wesburn

After several hours of counting, it appears inevitable that Wetherby has won the Cymbrish election. With 93% of the votes counted and Wetherby enjoying a lead of 15% (51%-36%), the election is largely over, with all that remains being the size of Wetherby's victory.

So now, of course, we arrive at the point that for the first time since the 1940s, all of Cymbria, the North and Osynstry as a whole are controlled by Workers' Party candidates. This bodes well for Wilson and his successor - which at the moment, appears to be Osborne - and not so well for centrist and rightist opposition. Swings and roundabouts.

It seems highly likely that with a greater premise, and after the successful election of an OWP member for the 201st seat, Wilson's second term administration will be one on the same level as Grantham's second term, or Brandreth's first and only term - the term which shapes a generation, or at least helps to. However, this makes mistakes more costly - this is a serious mandate for Wilson and he will make sure foreign nations and his own Opposition know it; however should he fail to stick with the public, he risks a return to post-liberalism and any OWP appointment to be a centre-left social democrat.

Wetherby has already been certified and sworn in as the First Minister of Cymbria - the first since the 1980s to be as openly left-wing as she is - and has quickly begun a supply and confidence electoral pact with the Greens and Progressives. With 101 members of the Senedd, the Workers' Party controls 79 - a momentous victory for them. However, a much stranger victory took place - for the new Liberal Conservative Party that has formed in Cymbria but not yet in Osynstry, which has won 5 seats; a clear third alternative to Cymbria, who got 10, and the OWP. Next were the Social Liberals on 2, and the Liberals on 1 - the other three to get seats was a Communist, a Green-Progressive joint candidate and a National. With the OWP firmly in the driving seat of both Senates - it appears that my path of socialist reckoning has taken place.

However, it is very easy, as a socialist, to be celebratory today - but we should caution any politicians that these election wins must translate into diplomatic and political strength, should they wish for extended support. We can all remember how Greenwood went from a unifying force to one that fought against such, how Evans' support fell apart and with it his place in the Athersic Democrat leadership, and how Black found himself propping up a failing party in the wake of the 2013 crisis. Should Wilson wish to usher in a new era, and the end of post-liberalism - he must ally with Wetherby, and ally with socialists regardless of whether they are in the OWP or not, and lead effectively. This is Wilson's opportunities to become the new Asmont - or the new Howard Edwards, a candidate that became so liberal that he polarised both centrist and leftist voters, and was so ineffectual in the public's eyes that he gave Liberals and Conservatives the driving seat for the following three decades, despite his landslide victories in the election that gave him the chance to carry out the Party's proposals.

Only time will be able to tell us whether the Prime Minister and First Minister of Cymbria can come together and cement their place in the history books, and with it their legacy within the Osynstric institutions - or whether they will be known, should you even could call it that, as just another mediocre leftist Prime Minister.
One for the Future

Tony Skozen, now the youngest player in Ulstome’s Seapion Ligithe having just turned 17 years old, signed for Rotslo FC, nicknamed “Lancers”, near the end of the leagues last season from Starvo FC, only a month before the start of the 2020 Odinspyl in Pataliputra in Syrixia. What has brought this young player to potentially start for the current Seapion Ligithe Champions? What made this player so attractive to the top teams?

Tony was born in 2003 to Margaret and Gary Skozen in Jasolin Hospital in Goe, part of the Capital City of Krimielstein. He was the youngest child of three, having two older sisters, Hannah and Tina, aged 24 and 22 respectively. As the youngest child and only son in the family he received lots of attention from his family, he spent a lot of time visiting and spending time with his grandparents, in particular his grandfather George Starvo who had been a defensive midfielder for Meilst FC when it had been part of Ulstome’s 3rd division. He would often go with his grandfather to watch the matches of their local club Goe FC. According to Tony his grandfather was the one who introduced him to football and made him fall in love with the game that he would later go on to play professionally. They would often play in the local park or in his grandparents small garden when he was younger.

He attended The Alexander and Isaac Primary School before moving on to attend East Goe Secondary School. He often would run from his home to his schools and he would often run home after the days schooling had finished rather than use public transport. Academically he was average for his year, neither excelling nor struggling in his studies. He played football at lunchtimes and during PE lessons like most children across the country and was seen as individually being able to play better than many of his fellow students by his teachers but he wasn’t able to manage to break into his schools football team until the age of 10 as he liked to hold on to the ball rather than play as part of a team until that point. After he broke into his school team he performed well, playing as a defensive midfielder like his grandfather had professionally, against local schools and helped them to win many local games. Although his school performances were good it was not them that attracted the attention of the nation’s professional clubs.

Outside of school he joined several local Sunday league teams, playing for Ketrin Park until he turned 11 when he then joined Danley before he lastly joined Goe Hall at age 13. At Goe Hall he was put on the team comprising of 15 year olds whilst he was only 13. His Sunday league teams did well against their local competitors and soon Tony found himself playing against teams made up of people 2 or 3 years older than himself once he joined Goe Hall. It was during his games with Goe Hall that he was gradually moved further and further up the pitch from his preferred defensive midfield position and soon he was playing as a forward for the team. It was during this time that he gained attention from several scouts as despite being several years younger he was able to compete with the older players he played against, able to get round them and create chances for himself and his teammates.

He was approached by numerous scouts as he grew up who offered him trials in their youth academies but they were rejected and continuously turned away as Tony’s parents wanted him to focus on his education with football being a side focus for him. However as he finished his secondary education he was approached by Gregor Moser from Starvo, a team recently relegated from Ulstome’s Seapion Ligithe, who convinced Tony and his parents to let Tony to join the club.

Over the following months he played for Starvo’s Under 23’s team, debuting with a hat trick in the team’s 4-0 win against Smoge. Over the course of the first half of the season he was a regular starter and he had caught the attention of the first team staff as he had scored 22 goals in 12 appearances. After the winter break he started on the first team’s bench, coming on in the 80th minute for his debut against Skorgenes where he scored a last minute winner in the team’s 1-0 win. For much of the remaining season he was brought on as a substitute rather than as a regular starter but despite his lack of minutes he gave good performances, scoring 12 goals and 9 assists across 16 appearances for the club.

Starvo were going through financial troubles by the end of the 2019/20 season and Rotslo FC pounced on it. With the clubs financial difficulties Rotslo were able to convinced them to sell Tony for ₲8.5 million. This transfer looked to be good for Tony, the young talent joining the current Seapion Ligithe Champions and CEFA Champions Cup Quarterfinalists would be an excellent opportunity for his footballing career. He will play alongside experienced and talented footballers but he will need to compete against strong competition if he wants to ensure he gets game time.
He has yet to play for Rotslo but all eyes are on him if he is picked to start in any games next season.

Internationally he had his debut in the 2020 Odinspyl in Pataliputra in Syrixia, starting as the main Ulstome forward of the competition. Despite the doubts over his lack of professional experience he was able to secure himself his first two international goals on his first international campaign. A success that shows good signs for the young starts future.

It is yet to be seen how he will perform in the future for his club and country but based on his past performances we are hopefully that he will become one of the biggest players of the league.

CornHub Purges all Unverified Content from its Platform

SALURONG (Makopa) – after changing its policies to ban unverified producers, CornHub had purged millions of tonnes of content from the platform. “As part of our policy to ban unverified producers, we have now also suspended and disposed of corn content that was not created by verified producers or members of the FSO,” said Col. Cornelius Cornwall, CornHub’s chief.

The CornHub, the trading hub for corn under the Food Security Organisation (FSO), took the drastic step after being accused of selling young corn and baby corn. “This is abuse!” Mo Ralistić of the pacifist-environmental organisation Green Peas. “Corn should be of legal age before being harvested! They did not even let the corn grow up!”

“Young corn and baby corn are a waste of perfectly good corn! It is very wasteful to grow that plant, only to harvest it early when the full potential of the plant has not been reached,” commented the organisation Free-Gish, “it’s like aborting foetuses!”

Under the new policy, CornHub will only be accepting content from verified corn producers and members of the FSO. Any prospective corn producer needs to apply with CornHub and submit documents proving the identity of their corn – including the breed and the type of corn. Once reviewed and verified, the producer can put up their content on CornHub.

Corn prices were affected by the move. The price of the benchmark CornHub Premium, the highest grade of corn, rose to 203.65 IBU per metric tonne. All other grades of corn, such as UCorn, also similarly rose in price.

OOC Note: Post approved by @Pikabo .
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