Would you rather.

3 kiddos

Would you rather dance to Nigerian dancehall or Nigerian R&B?
the best. no need for foolish incorrect terms like the "bestest."

Would you rather be president or have trump be president?
Truth, preferably whether I ever thought I'd make it into the Top 10 Posters List, in which case I'd respond with a swift 'no'.

WYR play WYR or T/D?
I like both, but in my opinion ToD is better.

WYR leave your current country and never return OR stay in your country forever.
Stay in my country forever.

Leave your country for 10 years or have to stay in your own for 25?
Stay. I like it here.

Would you rather lose your hands or lose your hearing?
Never log into NS again. I barely do it anyway.

Would you rather drink coffee or dank memes?
drink coffee I hate dank memes how are they funny

would you rather have chips and gravy for the rest of your life or steak
Never talk again. Thoughts suffice.

Die knowing the ultimate truth about reality and everything or continue living without knowing?
Die knowing the ultimate truth about reality and everything that way I will know the answer to the universe and everything.

have little money and a happy life or have lots of money and a sad life
my arm amputated I can replace it with a hook that would be awesome

Go to prison for 10 years or get your Leg amputated?
Get my leg amputated.

Start back at 0 posts or your current post count never increases again?
start back at 0 my posts never going up is way too scary for me too handle

have to post everyday for the rest of your life or only getting to post once a week for the rest of your life
live by the sea I hate cities there are too many people and no one stops to look around and they are always in a rush, the sea is much more beautiful

live in the snow or in the desert?