Explain Your Avatar

It is the fleur de or di lis with a purple background which was like my first flag with a purple felur di lis and a black background
It's a Desert Woodrat.
Ironic since I hate most rats, the property damaging bird food stealing degenerates.
I Photoshoped the purple background on because I like purple that is why he has purple hair
Mine is The King of Draconics. Although I like to think this as a forced image of him as the backstory is that his father Arobol wanted him to be as true of a dragon as possible so he had to pose like this the entire length of the painting. This character is also me in every aspect so whatever decisions he makes is what I would make ^w^. He is also very kind and extremely overprotective of friends, family, citizens, etc. and is quick to make decisions but will take blame and accept fault and correction if he has made a drastic and horrible mistake.
This is going to take some doing.
So, back in the day, in the North of England, there were two sides, Lancashire and Yorkshire. The war was the 'War of the Roses' after the roses they sported. The Lancashire people (gr) had red roses, the (good ol') Yorkshiremen had the white rose (WOO!). So yeah. And I'm from West Yorkshire, so I have the white rose. to have the red rose would annoy me like idk what.
so ye
My avatar is basically what appears to be a machine-gun or a Thompson pointed to a spider that’s in the toilet bowl with the words “ I tried fire. If this doesn’t work, I’LL NUKE IT FROM ORBIT "