ZentheridaToday at 1:03 AM
Per my discussion with the Moderators, all of their rulings, in pertinence to their respective RP organisations, in their latest edition, are indeed all up-to-date.
Also, and this is a good thing of note, although I authored the Treaty of Vivere Recte (Right to Whine), that does not mean I am a mature human being.
Please check your knowledge of the rules, its community, its policies, and leadership before reaching out unnecessarily like this.
I am by far one of the nicer members. How can I assert as such? Because I took the time to craft an off topic whinge to a message I am not obligated to respond to.
As for who I am now...
I am Tails.
Former Vice Commander of what is now a garbage fire, formerly the Attention Seekers' Alliance; one of the worst, if not, the worst alliance once upon a time in all of TNP. I am a former founder of the sonic fandom.
And above all, a veteran whiner of the community both in relation to the RMB RP Community, and The North Pacific as a whole.
Speaking to me as if you were disdaining upon the attention seeking that by my hand, to an extent, that I have wrought, is inconsiderate, uncouthly, and above all, extremely disrespectful. Fellow children whom waste Moderators' time, are often irritating members of the community, whom understand more so than most, the guidelines by which this community expects members to interact and live by. You asserting that they would dare allow that which they mark their success by, is disqualifying in both your own merit and your ambition to partake in our world.
This might be the internet, but know your place. And maybe in return, you might learn a thing or two about the community you wish to enjoin yourself to.
Know your place. Or someone, much less kinder than I am, will put you in your place. Either way, do not speak to me in such a way again. Or you will know more than just the wraith of my words.