August Involvement in Rhuvanland is Retconned

If you agree with me so much, why did you bother even making it in the first place, or keeping it once you did?
I wanted to use it as a way to do an RP expansion back in my noob days, hence the nature of the Rhuvish situation and why it began with Syrixia annexing it. Once it turned into a crazed shitstorm and became a bellus ex machina, it became too intertwined in the histories for me to delete. It was more of an awkward point for me. I've been waiting to delete it for a long time and thanks to the map reset, I can.
I don't mind I only used Rhuvanland as a way to set up the relationship between Tajis and Esplandia and as a way to get into RPing.
If Rhuvanland was merely a MacGuffin, I think that Grim's RP turned it into something more. I was saddened to see him retcon it and I am sadder to know now that everything was all for naught.
If Rhuvanland was merely a MacGuffin, I think that Grim's RP turned it into something more. I was saddened to see him retcon it and I am sadder to know now that everything was all for naught.
St George:
Considering that our RP rules are screwed up in such a way that I have the right to not accept the existence of a certain action
Ok, I'm gonna take the bait. Just what exactly is wrong with allowing roleplayers to decide to ignore an action?
It just creates too much inconsistency to me. Creating an RP that everyone can reasonably agree on as non-canon like Xen's asteroid one makes sense- it doesn't have to fit in the canon, therefore we can be more open about it. I know for sure canon Nebula wouldn't devolve into the totalitarian madness it hits in that RP. But for me to say "Yes, Nebula's old rivalry with Syrixia came about from the now-defunct state of Rhuvanland" and Syrixia to say "What Rhuvanland" just destroys all of the context of our old animosity.
So what are we to do? Do we create Rhuvanland again, or call it a collapsed state that no longer exists, or what?
Hadn't you been at war with Syrixia prior to that though?
St George:
Considering that our RP rules are screwed up in such a way that I have the right to not accept the existence of a certain action
Ok, I'm gonna take the bait. Just what exactly is wrong with allowing roleplayers to decide to ignore an action?
It just creates too much inconsistency to me. Creating an RP that everyone can reasonably agree on as non-canon like Xen's asteroid one makes sense- it doesn't have to fit in the canon, therefore we can be more open about it. I know for sure canon Nebula wouldn't devolve into the totalitarian madness it hits in that RP. But for me to say "Yes, Nebula's old rivalry with Syrixia came about from the now-defunct state of Rhuvanland" and Syrixia to say "What Rhuvanland" just destroys all of the context of our old animosity.
But Nebula's old rivalry with Syrixia didn't come about from the now-defunct state of Rhuvanland. The two states had been opposed to each for far longer than Rhuvanland existed.
St George:
St George:
Considering that our RP rules are screwed up in such a way that I have the right to not accept the existence of a certain action
Ok, I'm gonna take the bait. Just what exactly is wrong with allowing roleplayers to decide to ignore an action?
It just creates too much inconsistency to me. Creating an RP that everyone can reasonably agree on as non-canon like Xen's asteroid one makes sense- it doesn't have to fit in the canon, therefore we can be more open about it. I know for sure canon Nebula wouldn't devolve into the totalitarian madness it hits in that RP. But for me to say "Yes, Nebula's old rivalry with Syrixia came about from the now-defunct state of Rhuvanland" and Syrixia to say "What Rhuvanland" just destroys all of the context of our old animosity.
But Nebula's old rivalry with Syrixia didn't come about from the now-defunct state of Rhuvanland. The two states had been opposed to each for far longer than Rhuvanland existed.
^this. It was more Syrixia being Joseph McCarthy than it was Rhuvanland being unstable.
Yes, but Rhuvanland was the spark behind the Great War. Nebula wasn't going to attack Syrixia, considering the nuclear aspect, but Rhuvanland was a safe target.