Sorik's Introduction


So it looks like there was a introduction thread set up, but its closed, and it also appears that people have just been posting their own individual introductions. If this is wrong, feel free to correct and delete this. Ill just use the format that was in the original still stickied thread.

Nickname(s)?: Sorik, Kaleva
Main Nation?: Sorik
RL Country?: US
Favourite Colour(s)?: Green
Do you use IRC?: No
Do you use Discord?: Yes
Political Ideology?: This is a tough one for me. I don't personally identify with any particular political train of thought. I more decide based on the issues at hand what I think would be best. So.... I guess Moderate? Traditionalist?
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games?: I am more into role play myself, but forum games aren't bad. I would like to know what the best way to get into RPs would be though.
Claiming a spot on the map. I have been inquiring about that lately and am very interested in it. I think that it will add something to the RP to be able to have an actual land to call my own within the region. I guess I need citizen ship first though? Easy enough I suppose. I am sure I will pass the security process and the like. I will be seeing you all on the RP side very soon!
Claiming a spot on the map. I have been inquiring about that lately and am very interested in it. I think that it will add something to the RP to be able to have an actual land to call my own within the region. I guess I need citizen ship first though? Easy enough I suppose. I am sure I will pass the security process and the like. I will be seeing you all on the RP side very soon!
Looking forward to it!
What, like the ones Gladio has? Those are for completing military operations in the North Pacific Army.

EDIT: Which you can join here.