[REOPENED] Results: July 2016 Judicial Election

[REOPENED] Results: July 2016 Judicial Election


The Election Commission has counted the votes in this Judicial Election and now publishes these results, attesting they are true and correct.

Candidates[c]Votes[c]Elected[c]Gracius Maximus[c]22[c] Yes [c]Yuno[c]3[c]No[c]stalin1943[c]3[c]No[c]Eluvatar[c]24[c] Yes [c]Yeraennus[c]15[c]No[c]Kialga[c]16[c] Yes

Candidates[c]Votes[c]Elected[c]Sasten[c]10[c]No[c]SillyString[c]15[c] Yes [c]Proxy of Demescia[c]0[c]No[c]stalin1953[c]1[c]No[c]Guy[c]1[c]No

Zazumo's vote was discounted because his citizenship lapsed.

A detailed breakdown of votes and results can be found in this spreadsheet.

Election Commissioners: Lord Ravenclaw and Bootsie
Congratulations folks, I have to admit that I was surprised at how the votes ended up as I totalled them up.
What's worth noting is the 22 "Abstain" votes for Justice and 8 "Abstain" votes for Attorney General.