Repeal "Nuclear Arms Protocol"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#308
Proposed by: Plessur
Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #308: Nuclear Arms Protocol (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: Recognizing that it is the foremost duty of this World Assembly to preserve the peace that allows this organisation to arbitrate between the nations of the world and create greater happiness and fulfilment;
Noting above all that it is the risk of total war that ultimately hangs over the international community and is the principal enemy of peace and fulfilment; in particular, the further expansion and use of nuclear weapons does not minimise this risk and the damage of war but in fact aggrandizes it;
Realising that not only do forces against international cooperation strengthen this threat, but also well-meaning acts that in fact stand between this World Assembly and greater peace: namely, legislation of the General Assembly that does little to confront this issue and rather prevents any real actions being done to confront the issue, on the basis that this legislation nominally accomplishes what is required;
Thus recognizing that if we wish to achieve real action against aggressive stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons by member states, repealing GAR#308 will be a step in the right direction, due to a number of key and disturbing defects in this piece of legislation, namely:
I: The exact circumstances defined in Item 2 remain distinctively unclear, and can allow belligerent nations to target civilian areas with nuclear weapons on the basis that any military assets are situated there, with no way of establishing whether the other nation deliberately established a policy of concealing ‘key strategic military assets’ within civilian areas;
II: Furthermore, the repercussions of this flaw affect Item 3, which removes all the restrictions provided in this Act in the event of one nation breaching them by deliberately targeting civilian areas, thus creating the potential of both sides being restricted in no way in their use of nuclear weapons in the event of such an incident described in Article I;
III: Above all, this legislation – though no doubt proposed with noble intentions – provides no way of enforcing the rules set out post facto, in the event of one of the accords being breached by a belligerent, particularly if it was breached under circumstances which are unclear whether they are permitted under Item 2.
Above all, this World Assembly must recognize that repealing this faulty piece of legislation will allow nations to establish new rules of warfare in a real and genuine effort to end international conflict, in an effort in which clearer terms may be set down.
Therefore, this World Assembly shall repeal General Assembly Resolution 308 "Nuclear Arms Protocol".
Please vote: For, Against, Abstain (you want the Delegate to abstain from voting), or Present (you personally abstain from voting).
As a reminder, a vote For this repeal means that you want to see the original stricken from the books.
As a note, The North Pacific was in favor of the original resolution, by a vote of 6-1.