26th June 2016
Magicality City, The North Pacific
Magicality City, The North Pacific
Opening Statement and Roll Call
Hello everyone, I am Praetor and I am the new Minister of Foreign Affairs for The North Pacific. I joined the region in February and a while later, I joined the forum. I am readily willing to admit that I am inexperienced, however, I am committed to learning about The North Pacific's Foreign Affairs and getting this Ministry running again. I am learning quickly of the characteristics needing for the individual undertaking this role and Lord Ravenclaw, Bootsie and the rest of the team have been remarkably helpful in assisting me adjust to the position.
In the past while, our diplomatic service has suffered a lapse of activity and subsequently, our embassies have suffered. I aim to set up a system where by the end of this term our diplomatic service is running smoothly again and will perpetuate itself.
My two main priorities for this term are to restructure the organization of Foreign Affairs (hierarchy, roles, embassies on our forums, communication, etc.) and to create a monthly activity for the nations in our embassies to complete. These are absolutely necessary tasks for us to complete to ensure that Foreign Affairs runs smoothly and that our embassies will always be active. I would also like for us to create community-wide events but that is not the priority as of now.
The immediate focus for now is to restructure our internal organization. I have some initial thoughts on the matter; I would appreciate feedback and any other ideas. I'd like to expand the variety of roles available. Here is my proposal.
As a member of the Executive Staff this would be your default role. Your job here would be to contribute to the Ministry by providing new ideas and feedback. Most members would not remain simply a member long as they progress onto another role.
As an Ambassador, you will represent The North Pacific in other regions with which we have an embassy. Nothing changed from the previous role of an ambassador.
Chargé d'Affaires:
As a chargé d'affaire, you represent The North Pacific in regions with which we have established formal relations but we have not yet decided to create an embassy with them.
As a consul, you represent The North Pacific in regions with which he have not yet established formal relations but we have an interest in improving our relationship with.
Senior Diplomat:
A Senior Diplomat is experienced in the NS affairs and diplomacy. A senior diplomat will have had experience working with a wide variety of regions in NS. They most likely have had significant experience handling crises. They are responsible for assisting the Delegate and the Minister in handling major crises, resolving crises and overseeing minor crises.
A Diplomat is a position inferior to the Senior Diplomat. They most likely have had experience working with a variety of regions and have minor experience handling crises. They will observe the resolvement of crises, and participate in resolving crises with oversight from a Senior Diplomat.
Junior Diplomat:
A Junior Diplomat is the most junior position in the Diplomatic Corps. They most likely have worked with a few regions. They observe the resolvement of crises of Diplomats but do not participate. This is a training role with promotion to Diplomat.
I also am mulling the creation of a support staff who would assist the Ministry in various ways such as the drafting of documents but would appreciate initial feedback on my proposal first.
I'd like to know which of you are active and who isn't. As well, I'd like to get some initial ideas from you all, as well as some background about your history in diplomacy. If you could all fill out the form below, I would very much appreciate it. If you do not respond to this, I will assume you are inactive. If you are unsure of the answer to a question or do not know, please just write that. There are no wrong answers.

[b]Length of Service in TNP Diplomatic Service:[/b]
[b]Length of time in diplomacy and where:[/b]
[b]Regions you have positive relations with:[/b]
[b]Regions you are ambassador for and length of time in each:[/b]
[b]What are your thoughts on the internal reorganization?[/b]
For those of you with extensive diplomatic service (you most likely know who you are) I do not need an answer for the third and fourth questions.
Finally, I would like to encourage all of you to join us on the Discord Ministry of Foreign Affairs Channel on the Executive Server. I've found that while the forum is useful for issues like this that Discord complements it nicely for instantaneous conversations that are saved.
I look forward to working with all of you!
Thank you for your time,