

Nickname(s): Lucifen
Main Nation: Ars Britannia
RL Country: Philippines
Favourite Colour(s): Violet, Black, Silver
Do you use IRC: Occasionally
Political Ideology: With most issues that deal with people I simply believe that we should allow individuals to mold their self-image and lifestyle according to their desires, as long as it is not harmful to society. (Is this liberal or conservative? Can someone please help clear this up for me :3)
Do you enjoy Roleplay or forum games: Quite (I enjoy reading the posts and would love the chance to participate and integrate myself into the community)


First of all I'd like to express my genuine appreciation at the TNP community for being so stalwart roleplayers, it makes the game* a hundredfold more entertaining when everyone really acts like a leader. Kudos!

This is the first time I've played something online that is so detailed. Currently trying to wrap my head around the rules and the procedures on how to play my part as a member of TNP and the WA. Nevertheless everytime I understand something new I just keep being amazed.

Definitely going to be staying.

~Ars Britannia

*I'm wondering if I have to change the "game" moniker soon, honestly this seems much more serious and detailed than a game
Political Ideology: With most issues that deal with people I simply believe that we should allow individuals to mold their self-image and lifestyle according to their desires, as long as it is not harmful to society. (Is this liberal or conservative? Can someone please help clear this up for me :3)
Sounds Libertarian to me! (I'm a Libertarian, so I might have some bias... ;) )

Greetings, and welcome! :hello: Please let us know if you have any questions, or need direction toward specific information. We look forward to getting to know you!