Board Game Geek-Out


TNP Nation
Okay, so whilst I was on my most recent NS hiatus, I had joined/created quite a crew of pals IRL(tm) who loved to play board games, and we started having weekly game nights. Little did I anticipate just how much of an obsession this newfound hobby/club/social-activity-thing that I was a part of would turn into. I LOVE board games. Over the last couple years, we have played many, many games and I have established a list of tried-and-true favorites.

Anyway, I am curious to know if any of you also play board games (more intense than your basic Scrabble or Monopoly, etc. - not to knock Scrabble, because I love that game) and which ones you love or are trying out or are curious to try out!

We normally do board games on Sunday night. Last night we tried a new one - more involving cards than an actual board - called Coup.


"In the not too distant future, the government is run for profit by a new "royal class" of multi-national CEOs. Their greed and absolute control of the economy has reduced all but a privileged few to lives of poverty and desperation. Out of the oppressed masses rose The Resistance, an underground organization focused on overthrowing these powerful rulers. The valiant efforts of The Resistance have created discord, intrigue and weakness in the political courts of the novena royal, bringing the government to brink of collapse. But for you, a powerful government official, this is your opportunity to manipulate, bribe and bluff your way into absolute power."

I wanted to share this here, because it's a quick-to-learn and endlessly fun to play game with political elements and lots of drama, intrigue and machinations - a last-man standing sort of game, and a good place to start if you haven't ever veered from the Parker Brothers assortment of board games before. We played about 6 rounds of it in an hour and a half, and could have played it for a lot longer. (Will probably play it again sometime this evening, tbh.)

Here's a link to it on Amazon.

On a scale of 1 to Awesome, I give it a Super-Great. :yes:

Please tell me what you're playing, what you love, what you want to play, and what you would never buy or play again!
I really, really, really, really, want to play the RPG Boardgame version of Dragon Age.
Lord Ravenclaw:
I really, really, really, really, want to play the RPG Boardgame version of Dragon Age.
I've pre-ordered the fancy hardbound edition. I can't wait.

Some of the games we play pretty regularly and are quite addicted to include:
Battlestar Galactica (secret Cylon players! So much fun! So much drama!)
Dominant Species
7 Wonders
Terra Mystica
Game of Thrones
Dead of Winter
Lords of Waterdeep
I'm buying for a small group of friends atm. We get together /super/ infrequently, so chances are it'll be the only time we play any of the games >___>

The wishlist's got Pandemic (which I've played before and love), Dead of Winter, and 7 Wonders. Also got some you didn't list - Betrayal at the House on the Hill, Shadows over Camelot, Mage Knight (a newer game, iirc), and TIME stories.

You've got a bunch of co-op/traitor games - my weakspot, personally :P. Picking up 7 Wonders because ranked it super highly, so I figured it'd be a nice introduction to the more mainstream free-for-all boardgames. The only game I actually own at the moment is the Euro Ticket to Ride. My group used to just play the party game werewolf, or some of the smaller pick-up-and-plays like Munchkin and Fluxx.

Recently though, we've gotten into a print-and-play called Kingdom - story builder, the mechanics mostly surround who tells what part of the story, no competitive element (not even against the deck or anything). I don't know where my friend got it from, though - top result for print-and-play Kingdom on Google isn't it. It's super barebones, but great for a group that pretty much just wants DnD without numbers. Still, I figured it wouldn't hurt to get back to some of those more rigid boardgames, if just as a session opener.

It's a three-to-five, six at best man group, so Coup + Resistance were unfortunately out of the running, as was Secret Hitler.
My son has something like a hundred board games. Betrayal at the House on the Hill is one of my faves, as is the Firefly board game, Dungeon Dice, Catan, Evil Baby Orphanage, King of Monsters, this Japanese city-building game the name of which escapes me, and an obscure game that was an insert in the old Dragon magazine called Elefant Hunt.
Probabably Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls, originally just for the premise. It's a bit simple but it's one of those games you play when you're a bit drunk and wanting a laugh.
i enjoy a bit of zombiecide, and i dont know if this counts, but i play warhammer 40k a bit
I'm really glad there are other board game enthusiasts here in TNP. My two favorites are Dominant Species and Twilight Struggle.

I think my top ten would have to be:

1. Twilight Struggle
1. Dominant Species
3. 7 Wonders
4. A Game of Thrones: The Board Game: 2nd Edition
5. Egizia
6. Star Wars: Rebellion
7. Blokus
8. Tzolkin: The Mayan Calendar
9. Arimaa
10. Scrabble

You can find my account here.
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