People who refuse to let go of grudges.
Ornge Registered TNP Nation Religioncord Discord Ornge #9476 Jun 9, 2016 #41 People who refuse to let go of grudges.
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jun 9, 2016 #42 People who are clingey and way too attached.
Ornge Registered TNP Nation Religioncord Discord Ornge #9476 Dec 14, 2016 #46 The spam pyramid crashing chrome when I try and open it
Ornge Registered TNP Nation Religioncord Discord Ornge #9476 Dec 17, 2016 #48 People who don't like geometric patterns YOU SUCK!!!
Sankami TNPer Dec 22, 2016 #49 I literally can't post in Spam Pyramid because: Your post contains 0 emoticons. The maximum allowed in a post is 40.
I literally can't post in Spam Pyramid because: Your post contains 0 emoticons. The maximum allowed in a post is 40.
Frozentophat TNPer Dec 24, 2016 #50 people who don't understand how to disable emoticons... you kinda suck
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Dec 24, 2016 #51 People who leave the community after making just one single post.
Syrixia The one, the true, the great. - TNP Nation Syrixia Discord TrialByDance#0419 Dec 30, 2016 #52 other spammers
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Dec 30, 2016 #53 you wouldnt be able to spam if we weren't here, so get rekt
Syrixia The one, the true, the great. - TNP Nation Syrixia Discord TrialByDance#0419 Dec 30, 2016 #54 fite me irl
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Dec 31, 2016 #55 k meet me
St George RolePlay Moderator - Deputy Speaker - - - - Pronouns He/Him, They/Them Feb 11, 2019 #56 It sucks that neither @Syrixia or @Kasch fought irl
Syrixia The one, the true, the great. - TNP Nation Syrixia Discord TrialByDance#0419 Feb 11, 2019 #57 he chickened out
Janus Eh? [HA and Culture Staff] - TNP Nation YetiNation Discord Janus#1875 Feb 15, 2019 #58 For taking the Computer Chord and not saying "Herro, ISAAC!" €£?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Apr 4, 2019 #59 People who do not know how to drive
Great Bights Mum Grande Dame - - - - Apr 5, 2019 #60 There is a small town near me where the drivers habitually pull out in front of you and then stop at the next block to make a left turn. THEY ALL SUCK! The whole town.
There is a small town near me where the drivers habitually pull out in front of you and then stop at the next block to make a left turn. THEY ALL SUCK! The whole town.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Apr 6, 2019 #61 People who do not know that green arrows at traffic lights mean that you can go
IndieGirl TNPer TNP Nation IndieGirl Jul 24, 2020 #62 People who clean the lint trap out of the dry and leave the lint ball on top of the dryer instead of throwing it away immediately.
People who clean the lint trap out of the dry and leave the lint ball on top of the dryer instead of throwing it away immediately.
Arichia Definitely, not a crow. TNP Nation Arichia Discord Corvidae#1168 Jul 27, 2020 #65 Messing up the last move on a Rubik's Cube sucks.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Sep 26, 2020 #66 The person below me