From the Favorite Things OOC Thread:FT: When more of the forum community invests time to play in the OOC. It is almost crucial for building and forging the bonds of fellowship and camaraderie necessary to stabilize a region and make it stronger. The only reason, I believe, we were ever able to overthrow UPS Rail or Great Bight was because we were friends first, and we had something precious to us that was worth fighting for. A region ignores OOC games and RP at its peril.![]()
If I could sum up my NS gameplay philosphy (perhaps even my philosophy for life in general) into one idea, that would be it. Friendship calls the faithful. If you can't make your house - or region - feel like a home, where there is a foundation of affection and respect beneath everyday issues, squabbles, and moods, you'll never feel the true need to protect, cherish, guard, and defend it.
I received a lovely email last week from a dear friend I hadn't heard from in years, a dear friend that I made here, in The North Pacific, over a decade ago. I have a handful of such treasured associations from those days, whom I most definitely don't communicate with as often as I should. I intend to change that, moving forward. That beloved group of compatriots from all corners of the globe, in a very real and indescribable way, became my family. I cherish them, and recall our often ridiculous antics more fondly than I can begin to say.
I love The North Pacific. It feels like a childhood home to me. There are strangers who live here, now. But strangers have the delightful potential to be friends. I want to stick around this time, and give that potential the opportunity it deserves.
In very real ways, that I might one day share, this place, and the people who once gathered here, saved my life. What kind of gratitude have I shown for that? Perhaps not as much as I should. I hope that changes. I owe these e-hallowed halls at least that much.
I truly look forward to getting to know each of you.