Your Flag on the Union Jack

I would sooner have my spleen removed with rusty spoons than have a union flag anywhere near mine...
Yeah, while I can understand why a few people want a new flag for NZ, none of the proposed designs is in any way better than the currently official NZ flag, nor any more meaningful. Most proposals suck from all points of view, except maybe the laser kiwi flag:


It would've been even better with a Union Jack on it, but that might be just me.
There was an actual proposal for the new New Zealand flag that had the Union Jack. Though it never got voted into the options. By the way, the referendum failed. The current flag stays.
There was an actual proposal for the new New Zealand flag that had the Union Jack. Though it never got voted into the options. By the way, the referendum failed. The current flag stays.
There was an actual proposal for the new New Zealand flag that had the Union Jack. Though it never got voted into the options. By the way, the referendum failed. The current flag stays.
that curly Union Jack is actually kinda cool. I might try some finicking and seeing how it looks as the British flag.