Hello. I'm guessing that I need remasking and permissions to post in the RA Forum? I've received my confirmation TG, and still get the permission error. Just curious, not complaining. 

And you've now been remasked!falapatorius:The Speaker did post, but it was just a little while ago. No biggie. Thanx DD.
Moved LR to citizen.Zyvetskistaahn:Tyler Kazakov and Libetarian Republics have both missed four legislative votes and failed to vote in that last 20 days in the Regional Assembly, Libetarian Republics should be remasked as a citizen, I am not sure this would affect Tyler's masking.
Z, you musy have missed the memo. Tyler's account has been permanently banned based upon his history for forum crashing, posting pornspam, and other conduct that violates the ToS and ToU both elsewhere and here. The announcement is pinned in this subforum, and explains his status (in the banned group and without any access under that account or any other past or future account.)Zyvetskistaahn:Tyler Kazakov and Libetarian Republics have both missed four legislative votes and failed to vote in that last 20 days in the Regional Assembly, Libetarian Republics should be remasked as a citizen, I am not sure this would affect Tyler's masking.
For all practical purposes, Tyler was removed from the RA when he was banned.SillyString:Zyvet didn't miss it - a ban is insufficient to trigger removal from the RA, and he had to wait for either thirty days or twenty days and four legislative votes to elapse.
doneGladio:Can i get a security check for TED 4355 ?
Would you be amenable tor3naissanc3r:Can you please arrange the Embassy forums in alphabetical order? Definite articles should be treated as part of the regional name for ordering purposes ("The South Pacific" goes after "Taijitu").
Thanks in advance.
Done.Gladio:I need NPA masking for TED 4355
Ok, no problem.r3naissanc3r:I prefer purely alphabetical. It makes my life easier when maintaining the various diplomatic rosters. Same reason for articles being included in the regional name for alphabetical listing. Thanks.
Done.r3naissanc3r:I prefer purely alphabetical. It makes my life easier when maintaining the various diplomatic rosters. Same reason for articles being included in the regional name for alphabetical listing. Thanks.
Should be good.r3naissanc3r:Everything seems fine, and "embassy applications" at the top works. Thanks.
I had two more embassy-related requests:
1) Can you rename "the FRA" embassy into "Founderless Regions Alliance", and re-order it appropriately?
2) Can you create an embassy for the "Global Right Alliance", and again re-order it appropriately?
Thanks for the clarificationLord Nwahs:Heya Admins, avati and Myriadia have not logged in for 30 days, they should be remasked as citizens.
Also, since Mr Insanity has left the region, he should be remasked as a member, not as a former citizen. That distinction is for nations that have CTE'd within TNP.
r3naissanc3r:Can you merge the Regional Updates forum into the Diplomatic Corps forum? Thanks.
Gladio:Thanks for the clarificationLord Nwahs:Heya Admins, avati and Myriadia have not logged in for 30 days, they should be remasked as citizens.
Also, since Mr Insanity has left the region, he should be remasked as a member, not as a former citizen. That distinction is for nations that have CTE'd within TNP.
So remask Mr Insanity as a member, and do a security check for The Democratic Republic of Tomb if he passes give him NPA masking.