She lied on the table with nothing
but a few dried herbs to cover her.
He sat in a chair beside her,
fork and knife ready.
He cut a perfect square from her left breast
and chewed it contentedly.
He cut another chunk,
deeper this time savoring the flavor
as he sipped his wine.
He swirled the fork in her blond curls,
gathering it like pasta, and ripped
it from her scalp, swallowing sloppily.
-Revolution, 13.
but a few dried herbs to cover her.
He sat in a chair beside her,
fork and knife ready.
He cut a perfect square from her left breast
and chewed it contentedly.
He cut another chunk,
deeper this time savoring the flavor
as he sipped his wine.
He swirled the fork in her blond curls,
gathering it like pasta, and ripped
it from her scalp, swallowing sloppily.
-Revolution, 13.
It is commonly known that in recent months, since Queen Diana Wrokford brought the national coffers to it's knees, Cronaal has been suffering economic disaster, job shortages, mass homelessness and famine. This has had an adverse effect on emergency services as well, fire and police services taking up to 2 hours to arrive at a scene due to the roads being blocked by abandoned vehicles and piles upon piles of rubbish, hospitals being unable to hold the hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people that have recently piled up into their waiting rooms because of disease and illnesses caused by lack of food, such as malnutrition. Our citizens resorting to such horribly, disgustingly extreme measures to avoid dying, one of the most globally known is Cannibalism, an act that Lara Kray herself considers one of the most heinous, vile acts a human can commit against another.
In that, we continue to why this is being released. Cronaal needs help, desperately and it cannot hold up by itself, the government has already appealed to the NPTO but it needs more, it needs medicines and food and more, it has been reduced to a third world nation within the space of a year. We call out with all our might to others.
If your nation wishes to get involved, please list what you can offer with great detail.