Nation Pronunciation Database


A big spoiler with nations names and how you say them.
Please post your nations name and how to pronounce it in a similar way to that of the spoiler.

Cronaal - CRO-NARL
Añola - AN-YO-LAH
Guslantis - GUS-LAN-TIS
Portmantea - PORT-MAN-TEE-AH
Ryccia - REE-SEA-AH
Eirennia - EYE-RIN-EE-AH
Xentherida - ZEN-THER-EYE-DAH
Grosseschnauzer - GROSS-EH-SCHNAU-ZER.
Flemingovia - AWL-MIY-TEE-GOH-DUH
Avalon - AHV-UH-LON
Wolfsea - WOLF-SEA
Gradea - GRAH-DEE-AH
Sadakoyama - SAH-DAH-KOA-YAH-MAH
Plembobria - PLEM-BOB-REE-UH
Sirisea - SEAR-IS-EE
Lancerian [Empire] - LAN-SARE-IAN
Gim - GI-IM
Yeraennus - YER-A-NUS
Melfi - MELL-FEE
Malvad - MAHL-VAHD
Grosseschnauzer GROSS-eh-SCHNAU-zer.

It is a compound noun in German , that is two words used as a single word; the literal meaning is "great schnauzer"
Grosseschnauzer GROSS-eh-SCHNAU-zer.

It is a compound noun in German , that is two words used as a single word; the literal meaning is "great schnauzer"

Name: Xentherida
Pronounced: Zen-ther-eye-da, or Zentherida.

English: Avalon, /Ahv-uh-lon/ [?æv??l?n]
Welsh: Ynys Afallon, /UHN-is Ahv-ah-?ON*/ [??n?s ava????]
Avalonian: Awesöme Island, /AW-sum EYE-lund/, [???s?m ?a??l?nd]

*The "?" mark on the Welsh pronunciation of "Afallon" is there because there's no way I can find an English sound not even close to the Welsh "ll", it's a freaking alien sound... pretty much like the language itself. Seriously.
Updated: Added Avalon, Wolfsea, Gradea, Sadakoyama, Plembobria, Sirisea, Kannex, Lancerian and SillyString.
My entire nation is a butt joke. A well constructed butt joke that manages to remain sophisticated yet crude, but a butt joke none the less. I also couldn't come up with a proper name when I joined, so it happened and I rolled with it.
My entire nation is a butt joke. A well constructed butt joke that manages to remain sophisticated yet crude, but a butt joke none the less. I also couldn't come up with a proper name when I joined, so it happened and I rolled with it.
I usually say YE-REH-NEHS
My entire nation is a butt joke.
Many are, but they call it "RPing a real world country" instead.

edit: also, Cronaal, Isn't it better if you capitalise just the stressed syllables? (AHV-uh-lon instead of AHV-UH-LON... for example, I don't know which syllable of your Country's name is stressed, I assume it's cron-ARL, but I might be wrong)

Also you skipped Welsh and Avalonian pronunciations! Avalonian speakers (all of Avalon, it's the first language) and Welsh speakers (a few blokes and an old lady working in the cheese industry) are outraged!
My entire nation is a butt joke.
Many are, but they call it "RPing a real world country" instead.

edit: also, Cronaal, Isn't it better if you capitalise just the stressed syllables? (AHV-uh-lon instead of AHV-UH-LON... for example, I don't know which syllable of your Country's name is stressed, I assume it's cron-ARL, but I might be wrong)

Also you skipped Welsh and Avalonian pronunciations! Avalonian speakers (all of Avalon, it's the first language) and Welsh speakers (a few blokes and an old lady working in the cheese industry) are outraged!
Maybe I'll revamp today, but right now, I can't be bothered <3