Etarr is seeking trade & commerce

Attention companies of the north pacific,
The department of Etarri Trade & Commerce is seeking to expand its regional trades with the nations.
We formally invite nations of the north pacific seeking to expand their trades on International scales to take their part in the cultivation of Etarr and place their companies within Etarrs importing and exporting partnership company - ImpoExpotia.

We determine to strength the sites in the region in interest of pushing companies into the international market.

-Julina Fredson head of the Etarri trade and Commerce department
-Benny Fineman CEO of ImpoExpotia Etarr

The Khanate's vehicular manufacturing industry is open to trade in exchange for resources or gold bullion, whichever is preferable. We have a number of all-terrain land vehicles, aircraft and a few small patrol vessels available for purchase.
Seeking to implement your companies in Etarr or take part in the cultivation of Etarr?
Fill in the form:
Company Name:
Company expertise:
Company Owner and Management board names:
Is the company nationalized or privatized?
In what other places the company work?
Leave an official signature at the end of the form.

The Khanate's vehicular manufacturing industry is open to trade in exchange for resources or gold bullion, whichever is preferable. We have a number of all-terrain land vehicles, aircraft and a few small patrol vessels available for purchase.
To: The Khanate's vehicular manufacturing industry
Subject:Opening a trade route
in matters of trading, we are willing to invest in importing enviormental friendly vehicles and aircraft to implant in tourisim and airline industry for Etarr in exchange for our mining resources.
Please fill our form with information of your companies that seek to dive into the Etarri Market

Seeking to implement your companies in Etarr or take part in the cultivation of Etarr?
Fill in the form:
Company Name:
Company expertise:
Company Owner and Management board names:
Is the company nationalized or privatized?
In what other places the company work?
Leave an official signature at the end of the form.

The Etarri trade and Commerce department
Company Name: Blaidd Transportation Technologies
Company expertise: Vehicle production, research and development
Company Owner and Management board names: Legate Aaron Forrest (Commanding Officer)
Is the company nationalized or privatized? Nationalized (Military Branch)
In what other places the company work? None
Company Name: Nebulan Chemicals
Company expertise: chemicals, fertilizers, explosives, industrial feedstocks, etc.
Company Owner and Management board names: The Watching Nebula
Is the company nationalized or privatized? Nationalized.
In what other places the company work? Galacta, the Kalinin Islands, the northern parts of Cronaal
Company Name: Blaidd Transportation Technologies
Company expertise: Vehicle production, research and development
Company Owner and Management board names: Legate Aaron Forrest (Commanding Officer)
Is the company nationalized or privatized? Nationalized (Military Branch)
In what other places the company work? None

The Govermental company of ImpoExportia Respectfully welcome
Blaidd Transportation Technologies into the Etarri industry.
With their entrance into the Etarr Colonies they are hereby respecting the Enviormental laws and development of Etarr,
The department of Etarri Trade & Commerce will be seeking new nations to import Blaidd Transportation Technologies to and new opportunities on their behalf.

- Etarri Business seal of approval-

Company Name: Nebulan Chemicals
Company expertise: chemicals, fertilizers, explosives, industrial feedstocks, etc.
Company Owner and Management board names: The Watching Nebula
Is the company nationalized or privatized? Nationalized.
In what other places the company work? Galacta, the Kalinin Islands, the northern parts of Cronaal

The Govermental company of ImpoExportia Respectfully welcome
Nebulan Chemicals into the Etarri industry.
With their entrance into the Etarr Colonies they are hereby respecting the Enviormental laws and development of Etarr,
The department of Etarri Trade & Commerce will be seeking new nations to import BlaNebulan Chemicals to and new opportunities on their behalf.

- Etarri Business seal of approval-
Company Name: Tristar Electronics
Company expertise: Production of Mobile Phones, TVs, Appliances, Computers
Company Owner and Management board names: Ban Ho Young
Is the company nationalized or privatized? Privatized
In what other places the company work? Just Gim.