Stelo Casisto's Ask Anything Blog

Hello! Stelo Casisto here! I'd like to make some friends by starting my own blog that's sort of like Tumblr if it didn't have the anonymous option. So, please, ask me anything! I will answer as quickly as possible! :)
What is your name? (you don't have to answer)
What is your quest?
What is your favourite color?
My name is Cassidy. My quest...? I suppose my quest is to get a degree in psychology right now. My favorite color is black. Would you like to answer as well? :)
Do you think this scene should've been cut? We were so worried when the boys were writing it, but now we're glad!
Boy or girl?

We get a lot more boys than girls around here for the most part.
And the award for 'most cautious with making assumptions 2015' goes to Nebula.
I've already awarded Darcania 'Best backhanded compliment'. These awards are highly sought after. Syrixia was quite annoyed when his 'most facepalm inducing' award was lost this year to Sytarenne.
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
Is Monty Python an interesting enough topic to base the majority of a thread around?
Lemme rephrase that for you: How would Monty Python NOT be an interesting enough topic to base the majority of a thread around?
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
Syrixia was quite annoyed when his 'most facepalm inducing' award was lost this year to Unbearable Idiot.
Links to both?
I literally just made that up now. Go with it Cronaal, go with it.

Anyway, we were all thinking it; somebody just had to put it into words!
Stelo Casisto:
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
Stelo Casisto:
Oh my, you all are so silly. XD
Guilty as charged.

My question: Were you not expecting that?
Hahaha! Not really; at least, not here. But oh well. I'll never refuse laughter. ;)
We have our serious bits and we go mad sometimes. You can't post in the out of character forums and expect a logical/cohesive response, though!

Another question (I apologise for monopolising the asking): are you going to be roleplaying?
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
Stelo Casisto:
The Spokesman of Eumenor:
Stelo Casisto:
Oh my, you all are so silly. XD
Guilty as charged.

My question: Were you not expecting that?
Hahaha! Not really; at least, not here. But oh well. I'll never refuse laughter. ;)
We have our serious bits and we go mad sometimes. You can't post in the out of character forums and expect a logical/cohesive response, though!

Another question (I apologise for monopolising the asking): are you going to be roleplaying?
XD Yeah, it's all good. Um, I'm more into different kinds of role plays and I'm not sure how I'd do a country role play. Maybe y'all could help? :)
Or I could just do what I'm doing, which is manipulate my puppets to create a pain in his butt.

We have a long-standing enmity...