Second recession?

It seems that the Hong Kong Stock exchange is continuing its terrible slide downward since April or May, and nothing has been able to stop it. The Chinese Government isn't exactly making it any better...

Should we be prepared for a second recession? Are we screwed? Discuss.

EDIT: I accidentally posted this in Real Life and not Current Events. Oh well. If someone feels like moving it, that'd be cool.
I think a recession in China would be devastating to the American supply of cheap plastic crap. :)
We're screwed! Every man for themselves! *Eats Nebula alive and runs off making caveman noises*
*uses demonic witchcraft to repair self*

*sits on toilet*

*prepares to flush Nebula down toilet*
Greece and the EU are having issues, too.
It seems that the Hong Kong Stock exchange is continuing its terrible slide downward since April or May, and nothing has been able to stop it. The Chinese Government isn't exactly making it any better...

Should we be prepared for a second recession? Are we screwed?
Empire of Narnia:
I have fond childhood memories of the last recession. Still had money in the bank and Transformers were big.


In all seriousness, though, how badly will this affect the US? The EU? The rest of the world?
underlying economy is still great... even china's GDP is projected to grow by 7% this year... equities were overpriced but post-correction p/e ratios are more in line with historic averages now... earnings might decrease somewhat as wages rebound however, but overall the economy is great.

thanks obama!