A Royal Engagement

(OOC: XD, just noticed Zara's a female. Pretend I said Salman, Prince of Srinagar.)
(lol no worries, though to be fair would have made for an interesting development since the Wolvesh pretty much have a laissez-faire approach to sexuality in general.)
We will send Virtus Antlerio, son of the current Emperator. He is a bookish person and his father says it will do him good to get out more.
Sebt sighed as he stared out of his window, for the first time in centuries a non-wolvesh would marry into his family, It was a logical step to say the least but this marriage would bind Wolfsea to support whichever nation whose suitor would be chosen. He looked through his own copies of the profiles, it was not his place to judge but he had his eye on suitable candidates.
Aboard the Concorde Monolit L 10-45, Amesir sat at his computer checking up on the latest news coming from home and from within the Confederation. All seemed well and it looked like Duchess Morrigan O'Siodhachain and Lord Andres O'Siodhachain-Sandoval of the Ordú an Ghrá were flying down to Syrixia to give an interview on their order's history. Being a fan of the Confederation's history, he made a note of when the interview was to take place so he wouldn't miss it. A short while later the pilot, Helena, came over the PA system... "Amesir, we are about halfway between Callaici and Wolfsea, is there anything I can get you to drink?" Amesir hit the intercom button in his room to reply, "no, I'm good for now but check with our security detail, I'm sure they could use something to drink." Victoria, the co-pilot got up and came back to the main cabin to check up on the Guardians and serve them any drinks that they requested. The rest of the flight was filled with Amesir and the Guardians chatting about working in the security field after finishing their military career and which politicians they found the easiest to guard and which were the hardest to guard. After a few hours of flying, the Callaician plane started it's descent into Wolfsea.
At the airport Sebt stood, waiting for the Kaltian aircraft to arrive, he stood in the pose he was usually depicted holding in most of his photographs, arms braced in the crook of his back to give him a more imposing stature, at his side stood Zara, in her barrack uniform, she stood demurely, biting her bottom lip gently as she tried to dispel her nerves. It didn't help that her brother was stood so formally but it was expected that, in Wolfsea at least, the Khan had to give an air of dominance to visitors regardless of reason. She stared at the plane as it descended, eying it optimistically as it gradually grew closer.
As the aircraft touched down, Amesir got up so he could be the first off the plane. The head of his security detail, Rashida, urged him to wait and be patient, "Amesir, let us be the first off the plane and make sure the area is secure." Amesir turned to his security groaning, "and I thought my father was being ridiculous in sending me here with this many security guards. Now I realize you are all as paranoid as he is. I'm getting off the plane first since there is nothing to worry about. As you can clearly see, Sebt is here to greet us. He is the Khan of Wolfsea and probably has more security than necessary at the moment." Resigned and realizing that the only way to keep Amesir on the plane was to tie him to a chair, the security guards let him get off the plane first once the pilots were done taxiing. As Amesir walked down the short flight of stairs to the ground, he first greeted Sebt, the Khan of Wolfsea, followed by his sister, Zara.
Sebt smiled, offering his hand "Welcome to Wolfsea Amesir, I trust your flight went smoothly?" the six imperial guards stood by, silently staring at Amesir's guards from within their helms. Sebt indicated Zara "This is Zahara, my sister." prompting her to suddenly realise what was happening "Oh! Hello." she smiled, also offering her hand.
Irwin left for Wolfsea with only a small entourage of guards and two of his closest friends: Peter Edgebridge and Thadius Skywing. The first thing anyone would notice about Irwin is his short stature. At barely 5’ 2” he is the shortest member of the royal family. He is dressed in red and gold, the colors of the royal house, and he carries himself with an air of dignity.

Irwin carries with him gifts for the Khan and his sister. Among the gifts is a Red Highland Falcon, the rarest of Esplandian animals and a symbol of respect and friendship. Irwin was instructed by his grandmother, Queen Catheryn II, to present this most precious of gifts personally to the Khan. For the Khan’s sister he brings a circlet of fine wrought silver inlayed with emeralds and saphires.
<<OOC: Repost since I'll be on again.>>
The noble and royal families of Ceretis present two suitors for consideration:

Son of Archduke Fox and Magnolia Wiggin of house Wiggin; cadet house to the royal family. Andrew is 18 years old, and a very intelligent especially in strategy. Currently serving his compulsory military service; he has chosen the Ceretian Marine Corps and has been assigned to Military Assault Command Operations.
In his spare time among other hobbies, he enjoys writing, martial arts, rock climbing, diving, hunting, and blacksmithing.

Youngest son of Harold and Maggie Callahan and fraternal twin to Morgan Callahan. Owen is 19 years old and is also serving his term of compulsory military service; he sought entry into the air force, but was recruited to serve in the Office of Strategic Services after placement scores showed particular aptitude for OSS work.
He enjoys fishing, electronics, flying, survivalism, archeology, and fencing among other activities in his free time.
The Khan welcomes both the Earl Burgundy and Tsarevich Callahan to Wolfsea and looks forward to their entourage arriving.
Andrew stood in the pitch black morning air on the flight deck of the CS Torquemada; the crew had just finished their combat exercises with their SHAEF allies the day before. It was the first morning he had to truly take a break in weeks and he wanted to enjoy the crisp ocean air and the view. They were making good time headed back home; his mind drifted off in the dark as he watched the phosphorescent algae churn up in their wake like a ghostly green trail. He could see the deck lights of the fleet in the distance bobbing in the waves. The silence was broken by the XO striking up a conversation; handing him a cup of coffee he gave him a nod. "I do the same thing when I get a chance, something about the early morning quiet that refreshes the spirit. But I'm not out here just to chat over coffee. The transport you were supposed to fly out on this morning is grounded, the electronics are down and the chief says it doesn't look good for getting it back up in time... However your meet and greet in Wolfsea is a priority. You and your detail will be flying out instead in F/A-37s. We'll notify the Wolvish so they don't get alarmed when a squadron of aircraft pop up on radar." just after day break, the jets were airborn headed toward Wolfsea.

Driving through the winding streets of Ethereal Avalon's capital made progress slow, but enjoyable. The slight drizzle seemed to make this morning an even more subdued trip. Owen's stared out the window, his mind occupied on the upcoming events, he looked forward to finally meeting Princess Zara. His bodyguard Lucjan sat with him in the back seat double checking the security measures as they made their way to the airport. Pulling through the security checkpoint they made a bee line right to the waiting jet. The weather had started to turn, it was beginning to rain. Stopping Owen looked out at the jet, the sleek lines of the QSST were pleasing to the eye. The door opened, Lucjan stood there with an oversize red umbrella. "Better get going before the weather gets any worse." Stepping out of the car they soon boarded the plane, after a quick taxi to the runway and they we off. Below them the land disappeared as they rose above the clouds,

A few hours later the F/A-37s and the QSST had reached the Wolvish airport, landing they began taxiing to the ceremonial greeting area. Owen retrieved his gift for the Princess from the aircraft. A custom fencing set designed specifically for the princess and crafted by the renown smiths of the Ceretian court utilizing nano metallurgy. The Epee, Sabre, and Foil each optimally balanced, and simply but beautifully decorated. For the Khan, a saddle of handmade detailed Reindeer leather aged for 200 years underwater in black mud. The leather saddle having a texture, color, water, and insect resistance superior to all other leathers.

Andrew retrieving his gift for the princess, brought clothes made of rare vicuna wool, the vicuna's ridiculously soft, and super-light wool makes cashmere feel like a hair shirt. Along with its softness, it's also durable, and provides exceptional but gentle warmth. The fabric made from hairs gathered from a rare animal that lives only in the high Orichalcum mountains of Ceretis and refuses to be farmed commercially. The fabric can only be collected once every three years.
For the Khan, he brought ceremonial artifacts from the nomadic tribes of eastern Ceretis, and a cask of fine aged wine to celebrate the occasion.

Together they proceeded forward to greet the Princess and the Khan with their entourage.
Marcus, dressed in a dashing blue suit, was escorted by Councilor Leng to his family's Thomas Air aircraft. Waiting at the boarding stairs stood a young man with dirty blond hair and a red suit. "Prince Charles, this is Governor-General Justin Hulme of the Colony of Portmantea, he'll be escorting you to Wolfsea," explained Leng. "Yes, the trip will give me a chance to see the region so when the Guslants take the reins off, the state of Portmantea is more prepared," he said to Charles, before looking to Leng for support of his independence comment. She gave none. "Right, so, Marcus, you ready to roll?", asked the governor, patting the adolescent on the shoulder. "I guess, I mean, I'll be picked. Look at this hair," he said, flicking it to one side with a jerk of his neck. "Okay, pretty boy, get in the aircraft, don't want your head to be too big that we can't fit ya through the door," Hulme joked, boarding the plane. Marcus walked up the steps to follow him, and looked back to Leng. "Tell my sister that I'll make her proud," said Marcus to Leng. "Show her that, scout," yelled back Leng as Marcus entered the plane and the door was closed behind him.

The two sat down, and were soon joined by two other men who had just packed up their luggage. "Marcus, these two are members of my cabinet, similar to the system that the Guslants have. It's really all the Portmanteans know. Anyway, my Minister of Foreign Affairs, Grayson, and my Minister of Information, Ellis. "Nice to meet you two, I didn't realize the party to Wolfsea would be so...large," said Marcus. "These two men were willing to share some advice that we hope will be helpful to winning over the girl," said Hulme, smiling. The plane started to speed up, and left the capital city of Pigletville for Wolfsea.

Once the plane reached its cruising altitude, the men unbuckled. "So, why are you guys suddenly experts on being a suitor?", asked Marcus. "Dude, have you seen Justin's girlfriend? She's intelligent, hardworking, and, as a bonus...smoking...," said Grayson, pointing to the governor and nodding his head. "Yours isn't too bad either, Grayson. This man here was a swimmer, attracted all the woman with his...what did you call them? 'Water-graced abs?'", joked Justin. As the two Portmanteans were talking, Ellis just sat quietly. "How about you, Ellis, any sweet girl in your heart?", Marcus asked the minister. "My boyfriend lives in Pigletville. He's something else, I've got to tell you. He was actually wanting to be a diplomat like you, even went to the Academy with your sister. He's settled down now, had some drama this past year with his ex-wife and his mistress. Long story that I'd rather not talk about," he said, nervously.

"Ah, so, what advice do you have?", asked Marcus. The gentleman started to give the advice, and the conversation lasted the rest of the flight.

When the plane landed, the doors to the aircraft were opened and the four men stepped out, with Hulme leading the troop. "Be confident. You are going to be picked, I'm promise," said Hulme. "Make the United Realm proud," said Ellis, smiling. "Show her your abs, boy, it works every time...," said Grayson. Hulme looked around, hoping someone would guide them to the right spot. He'd never been to Wolfsea, so he didn't know what to expect. "Well, here goes nothing," he said.
Sebt waited until as many of the suitors had landed as possible and addressed them as one "Welcome all of you to Wolfsea, you are here for the same reason..." indicating Zara "Princess Zaraha is looking for a husband and you have been sent by your respective nations in an attempt to woo her. I assure you this will not be some quickly-organised arranged marriage, as of dawn tomorrow I shall no longer have any influence over what happens, it is Zahara's decision which of you will be her intended." he explained "Now, there are rules, first, anyone entering the Khanate family must be of solid honour and integrity, therefore you will not interfere with one another in any way, any sabotage attempts will see you immediately dismissed. Secondly, your nation must be willing to accept that Zahara will continue to work in her chosen profession if she returns with you to her nation, and, lastly and most importantly, when you reach the palace the Mausoleum is strictly off limits, there are few places even I require permission to enter, the priests will not be best pleased if disturbed... now, transport awaits to take you to the palace..." leading the parties to the IFV's waiting for them.

It was a short, 45 minute drive to the palace through the serene streets, the people of Wolfsea all wore uniform and, at least on the surface, things were quiet and quite pleasant. As the convoy pulled up outside the palace and the suitors shown to their chambers Sebt met with the ambassadors of their nations "Now then, it is out of my hands whom Zahara chooses to marry but I will be brutally honest with you all, which suitor is chosen will be a member of the Khanate family which means that Wolfsea's entire military forces are bound to assist whichever nation the suitor hails from regardless of cause, put simply this marriage will be a binding alliance as far as we are concerned, you may meet with the suitors and inform them of this if you wish but Zahara will not marry someone using her to strengthen a political alliance... that is my sole influence upon her choice..."
The Khan took out a jar, shaking it before pulling out a name "The first to spend time with Zahara will be... Andrew, Duke of Burgundy... Ambassador Koson, please inform the Duke he may approach the Princess to make plans." Sebt finished, leaving the floor open to questions.
(OOC: I apologize for being so quiet on this, lots of stuff going on in real life and a lot of recent reorganizing of my nation. Amesir is still involved so feel free to draw his name whenever you want.)
(OOC: Just a little background story on what the Callaicians are up to while the Princess is otherwise engaged.)

After everyone in the Callaician delegation was settled in their quarters, Amesir decided to find the Marshal and request her help in practicing his fencing techniques. He found the Marshal with the other Guardian members playing a round of cards. Amesir walked into the room, "Marshal Rashida, I hope I'm not intruding." Rashida looked up from the card game as Amesir walked, "not at all. What can we do for you?" "I was hoping that either you or one of the other Guardians could work with me on practicing my fencing techniques. I know that Princess Zahara fences so I want to get some practice in and then see if I could get in a few rounds with the Princess herself", replied Amesir. Chucking to himself, Seneschal Anatos, second in command of the security detail stood up, "well, well... It seems our charge here has finally realized he needs to brush up on some stuff to impress the Princess." Turning to Rashida, "with your permission Marshal, I'll head out with Amesir and fence a few rounds. It will do him some good to get out and exercise instead of being cooped up in a room all day." After the Marshal gave her approval, Amesir and Anatos headed out to find some open ground that they could fence on and their conversation mainly centered around what sword style they should practice with and what sword style might be the choice of Princess Zahara.

(Note: The Callaician characters I have present are... Amesir, Marshal Rashida, Seneschal Anatos, Knight Myla, Knight Ishtar, Milly Thorvald (Pilot) and Helena Solly (Co-Pilot). I'm only going to role play Amesir with a little input from the other characters to add more context to a situation.)
The suitors had arrived and were being escorted to their quarters, there were a good number who had come to participate, to hopefully win the heart of the princess. Ambassador Ohara Koson has been called by the Khan along with ambassadors from the represented nations. The ambassador was an thin older gentleman, with graying hair and almost imperceptibly thin glasses, and dressed in a charcoal bespoke suit. Pausing a moment from his conversation with the other ambassadors, he surveyed the suitors. In the middle of the group he saw Andrew and Owen; and was glad to see they made it on time, knowing they were deployed before arrival. It was his responsibility to watch over them and assist in whatever way he could while they were here. Having served much of his life in the diplomatic service at home and abroad, he had a lot of experience, but never has he participated in a royal courtship, this was going to be something different. He had met the princess in passing on a few occasions, each time remembering her as a strong, kind, and somewhat reserved young woman. Whomever she chooses will be enviable he thought. His thoughts were broken by the Khan approaching, a formidable man, strong and powerful, but fair. The Khan greeted them and began to speak:

"Now then, it is out of my hands whom Zahara chooses to marry but I will be brutally honest with you all, which suitor is chosen will be a member of the Khanate family which means that Wolfsea's entire military forces are bound to assist whichever nation the suitor hails from regardless of cause, put simply this marriage will be a binding alliance as far as we are concerned, you may meet with the suitors and inform them of this if you wish but Zahara will not marry someone using her to strengthen a political alliance... that is my sole influence upon her choice..."

Koson thought to himself about the Khan's words from earlier and what he was telling them just now. Sebt must be a bit anxious to see whom Zahara will choose, and wondered if it slightly worried him at the same time. Speaking of the honour and integrity of the suitors, and not using this marriage for political convenience; these values were similar among the people of the KRC and especially the royal family. He knew Andrew and Owen would meet the Khan's approval on these counts, having known the boys growing up while serving at the home affairs office at the palace Guell. "Winning' the heart of someone through dishonest means or to use the marriage as a tool of politics would be not only a disgrace, but a vile thought. Who would do such a thing he pondered.

The Khan had produced a jar out of somewhere that contained little slips of paper. "The first to spend time with Zahara will be... Andrew, Duke of Burgundy... Ambassador Koson, please inform the Duke he may approach the Princess to make plans." Koson didn't have many questions at this time, and was a bit surprised and glad at the announcement. He gave a slight bow to the Khan in respect and acknowledgement. "Very good, as you wish sir." Departing from the group he proceeded to Andrews quarters, pausing outside a moment, he knocked, and a reply came. "Enter"

"Andrew, it's good to see you again, I hope your trip was pleasant..." Andrew smiled and began to walk toward Koson who was again in thought. Still the same young man he remembered, somewhat reserved, kind, but seemed to have gained a presence about himself since joining the service. "Though a little issue with transportation, nothing major. Have they announced the order of who would meet the princess?" letting out a slight chuckle the ambassador reponded. "Now that you mention it, they did, or at least the first name... it's you." After a brief conversation catching up, the ambassador proceeded to convey the Khan's message, restrictions, and other points. "He would like you to approach the princess and make plans regarding activities." Giving a few moments to gather his things, the ambassadors guided Andrew to where the princess was waiting. Stopping at the door room in which she was waiting, with a smile and a gesture toward the room, Koson simply said: "Good luck."

Andrew entered the room, it was rather large, and he could see the princess across the room staring out the window as he approached. "Princess, Zahara? My name is Andrew Wiggin, I hoped we might be able to spend some time to get to know each other better." The princess turned from the window, seeing him approach. His file didn't quite to him justice, he was also far more confident than she first expected. With a gentle smile "Good, to meet you Andrew," extending her hand toward his "you can call me Zara." As they shook hands, the thought crossed his mind that they should get out and do something, as sitting around would be awkward and stuffy. "I hear you're into kickboxing and I thought you might be interested in heading down to the training room to start. It'd probably be a bad idea to spar against each other, but nothing says we can't cheer each other on or be on a team. I'm not totally familiar with the rules so you might have to help me there. I've been trained in Muay Thai and Silat though, so I'm certainly not a novice. What do you think?" He said, with a bit of a nervousness hoping she'd respond favorably.
Zara smiled and nodded "Certainly, I just need to go and grab my bag." walking over to the nearby doors leading into her room, she hastily threw her kit into a small hold-all and quickly double-checked Andrews file, he was a marine, meaning that it would, indeed be inadvisable to spar with him until she had gotten an idea of his actual skill but a little training session would give her a rough gauge to work from. She checked her bag again before returning to the room she had left Andrew in "Ok, lets go." she smiled, leading Andrew through the extensive hallways, pausing only to receive a salute from a pair of patrolling Imperial Guardsmen as she led him to the training rooms "I admit I'm a little out of shape, being a nurse doesn't give me much time for fun." she chuckled.
"I can imagine your work must take up a lot of your time, It'll be good having a change of pace for a while" he responded with a slight smile. They continued on to the training room, chatting and joking a bit as they walked. The palace was quite large, as most are, giving them a chance for small talk. He liked that even with the seriousness of her military training and work that Zara kept a free spirited way about her.

With a gesture Zara pointed out the training room, it was well equipped for a wide range of activities, and a few of the trainers were finishing getting everything set up. After taking in the surroundings he slid his pack from his shoulder "It looks like they're almost finished, we'd better get ready..."
Zara shot a sly smile to one of the trainers, it was clear she was expecting to see Andrew put through his paces during their session "I'm guessing you're kept pretty busy doing important state business..." She began "In Wolfsea everybody is expected to start at the bottom and work hard, the Khan's family especially... I've never really had chance to ask how things are done elsewhere." She explained, taping her hands as she stepped up to the punch bag.
"In Ceretis, royal and noble families are instructed in statecraft from an early age along with our regular education. Once we're old enough we aren't just handed the keys, but have to learn the ropes." Between sentences Andrew began to work one of the heavy bags over, at first a couple punches, and then moving into small combinations.

"When we begin our military service for example, we can request a field, but that's not a guarantee. They usually like to vary the duty assignments of the family members and nobles so there will always be someone who has an in depth perspective on a situation that you can call upon." Expounding here and there he added in some anecdotes; the whole time keeping Zara's in sight. He wondered what her fighting style was like.

"Our hands on training starts from the bottom up, we're treated just like everyone else, and have to prove ourselves as we move through the ranks. Only after we have gained experience are we even allowed to cut our teeth on anything of importance. But once it starts, there is a lot of work to do, and you realize how much behind the scenes work it takes to make everything the way it exists."

"Being in such a militaristic society, I have to ask, do they cross train the Wolvish royal family in case... the unfortunate happens?"
Zara delivered a few quick jabs, loosening herself up "There's always two ready to Ste in should Sebt be killed at the front. At the moment its my sister Sera and cousin Marcus who would assume the Khanate, at least until Serena is old enough." Starting to throw a few harder punches, her strikes similar to that of a cat. She was not as physically strong as most Wolvesh so she favoured making up for it with quicker strikes "Other than that the Khanare would pass to Grand Boyarin Goltah but there's not a single member of our family who would refuse to accept the responsibility of being Khan, except maybe Keren." He words punctuated by slight pants as she started exerting herself. "What about you? If you had to take the throne would you?." She asked.
(Ok, I'm pretty much just going to abandon this now, all those participating I shall roll a dice and whomsever this dice shall choose gets to marry into the Khanate)
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the winner iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis

Well done Salman, Prince of Srinagar!
Congrats to Syrixia! You win the hand of Princess Zara, a free iPod, a years supply of crabs eyes, the Rocky mountains, a 17-jewelled half-nelson AND the La Breah Tar pits.
(OOC: I was worried that you'd roll Irwin now that he might have a thing for Sybilla Hakon of Tajis. Anyways congrats Syrixia, and don't forget my invite to the wedding.)