ARCHIVED: Great War Negotations

"I agree." said the Prime Minister. "But that brings up another question, who shall lead Cronaal? Nebula will probably pick a leader for the North, but what about the South?"
"All parties must oversee that a Cronaal leader is democratically chosen." replied the Prime Minister, "Only that will give the government any legitimacy."
"We would also like to raise the issue of military bases--- specifically, would each occupying power n be able to claim a small amount of land to set up a military base there, in order to protect Cronaal until both sides have sufficient armed forces to protect against attacks by rogue nations?"
"If they are temporary there is no use putting in the effort to construct them." noted Minister Vist. "Naval garrisons stationed at major ports would be better."
"Who is it?" answered the Prime Minister. "If your name's Chester Kray, come in."
Chester smiled slightly at Nursson's remark, he entered the room. There was no way the only person representing Cronaal wasn't going to be a part of this!
"I am Chester Kray, the previous NPTO Representative of Cronaal, I am also the last closest thing to a government official and I don't trust General Martin Rose, who's in Anchor, to make competent decisions" Chester announced as everyone stared at him with curiosity, wondering why he'd entered midway. He clapped his hands together as he motioned himself to a spare seat, making sure it was away from any leader that he wished to not offend, he was no leader but he'd made decisions on Cronaal's behalf before... Before Diana went insane.
(OOC: Syrixia, you do realize that there are several world leaders on one room. There's going to be security.)

"Welcome, Mr. Kray." said the Prime Minister, slightly annoyed at Kray's late arrival.
(to be fair he probably did have ID on him)

Sebt nodded "I agree with Mr Nursson, naval garrisons make more sense from a logistical perspective, movements of supplies and peacekeepers will be far easier and more efficient."
"However, logistics are not our only concern. The recent war showed us very bluntly how much our military must be improved. The only reason Nebula was not invaded was that Cronaal provided a convenient way for the warring alliances to make temporary peace."
"In order to prevent further attacks on Nebula from the southwest, we would need to annex a small territory and establish a military presence there."
"We've alreqey proposed slightly less than half of Cronaal." said Sirus. "What more could you want?"
"We need to annex a few of the outer islands in order to prevent further threats. The longer you v continue this argument the less likely the terms will be in your favor. Accept or we walk out."
Chester rose up slightly, he didn't want the Nebulans to leave the discussion.
"Sirus, I believe this is fair exchange for Nebula, they're willing to help support half of Cronaal and you wish to turn them away." Chester spoke calmly, trying not to laugh in nervousness or make an incorrect move, he was truly terrified but did all he could to hide such. Slowly, he moved back down to his seat, it was unusually comfortable.
"Well, if you think it's right for Cronaal, who am I to oppose you? You are a Cronaal." said Sirus, sitting down, with a grumpy yet mature expression. "But I warn you, something smells fishy around here."
"Excellent," said the Emperator, although his expression had congealed slightly. "We will mark the small group we are interested in.
"In other news, the provisional government has been set up in North Cronaal. The transition of power will take place soon."
"Now then, I don't think this leaves much else to discuss except South Cronaal's leadership. We know who North Cronaal will be led by, but not the South." said the Prime Minister. Minister Atlas then stood up and said firmly, "I nominate Mr. Kray to be the leader of South Cronaal."
"On this topic, I personally vote Harrison Burkley, they're a Cronaal appointed Prime Minister of a small nation North of Rhuvanland, Deib. They have adequate experience and they're an economic mastermind who's brought the small nation from shambles to paradise, which would highly benefit South Cronaal at the current moment. Of course, I could run for Vice uh... leader, if you wished so." Chester said, he was inexperienced for the place of a national leader and knew this but wished to not say it.
"Perhaps he can be your Vice President or Deputy Prime Minister, or whatever," said Atlas, "But Syrixia wants you to be the South Cronaal leader. You have more of a public image. You have charisma. You're just the executive leader South Cronaal leads. Leave the crazy, confusing stuff to the legislation."
"Perhaps he can be your Vice President or Deputy Prime Minister, or whatever," said Atlas, "But Syrixia wants you to be the South Cronaal leader. You have more of a public image. You have charisma. You're just the executive leader South Cronaal leads. Leave the crazy, confusing stuff to the legislation."
Chester backed up in his chair slightly, he clearly felt uncomfortable about such.
"Surely the leader should be one who'll be able to positively contribute to the nation, not somebody who posted on Fluttr a few times?"
"And that's you, Mr. Kray." said Atlas, with a smile on his face. "And you've done more than post on a social networking site a few times. You're practically the only major Cronaal leader left, and if not you're at least the most charismatic one." Atlas then paused. "Cronaal needs you, Mr. Kray. Don't back down, stare life's lemons in the face and kick them up to the Moon!"
"I'm not telling him. I'm asking him. I think we should let Mr. Kray think it over. In the meantime, is there anything else we need to go over?"
"May I remind you that this conference is for the reunification of Cronaal." interrupted Prime Minister Briggs. "If the southern occupiers believe themselves to be guardians of democracy, I suggest that you hold an election for a leader. In the meantime, are there any other objections to the mandates. If not, this conference can conclude."
"There aren't many people to have elections from, if not any. All the key governmental officials except Mr. Kray and one or two other minor politicians were killed by the Smithworks explosion."
Briggs pounded her fist, lightly. "Then have an election between the three! I'm quite certain some civilians in Cronaal are interested in running for office, after the current leadership completely screwed them over. In the meantime, are there any objections to the mandates as they stand?"
The Emperator produced a map of North Cronaal. "We've marked the islands that we wish to annex in dark red," he said.

"That shouldn't be too much, hopefully. What do you have planned for their name to be?
The Khan cleared his throat "Mrs Briggs, until such elections can be held it would be unwise not to have an interim leader... Mr Kray, you have served your people well, right now they need you to serve them again, my sister Keren speaks highly of you, I believe you are more than capable... beleive me if she has a good word for you she must have been impressed."
"Under the Nebulan government they will be the Kalinin Islands."
"I must note, the upper islands you chose are the Anchor Province and the lower island is part of the Balle province."
"Perhaps they should be called the Kalinin-Anchor Islands, as a compromise?"
"The islands will retain their old names, but the group itself, including the outlier, will be renamed as a whole. It's mostly just for administrative purposes anyway."