ARCHIVED: Great War Negotations



The leaders of Rhuvanland, Wolfsea, Syrixia, Nebula, Kannex, and Guslantis are summoned to the King's country resort in Midcastle, Clethelbend. Here they wil negotiate the reunification of Cronaal.

Prime Minister Briggs, Defense Minister Crowly, and Foreign Minister Stein will be present.

Welcome, leaders.

Briggs addressed the leaders "Welcome to Plembobria, the King sends his best wishes from Rethel where he is indesposed. Today we are here to negotiate the reunification of Cronaal, a nation stricken by war and instability. I ask that we put aside our differences and work together for the good of the Cronaal people, who, of no fault of their own, have been forced to endure tremendous hardship.

First, I'd like to ask each leader here to give a short opening statement."
The Kannexan Reich has considered the Plembobrian king's request. We have resolved to attend the conference. The Emperor of Kannex will be represented by Colonel Alexander Torsten of the Imperial Army.
Our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Christopher Williams, would also like to attend the event. Whether as merely an observer, or to actively take part in the conference, we do not mind.
The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia gladly accepts His Majesty, King Tozian I's request. We will be sending Shaw Atlas and Auel Vist, our Ministers of Foreign Affairs/Culture and Defense respectively. The Prime and Deputy Prime Ministers, Alfred Nursson and John Sirus, will also be coming.
"We were shocked to see the Cronaal betrayal of its allies and subsequent declaration of war against nearly every nation participating." said the Prime Minister. "We are glad to see the Helmebaine Alliance endured and Cronaal is now on the verge of reunification. Peace once again reigns in the North Pacific, and we will gladly take part."
Colonel Alexander Torsten began, addressing those assembled. "The Empire of Kannex wishes for nothing but peace. But you cannot have peace without security. The Kannexan Empire is proud to declare that it has accomplished its goals of defending Rhuvish sovereignty in this conflict, and that the Imperial Armed Forces suffered relatively low casualties." The colonel nodded towards the Emperator. "We are also glad that the Nebulans see the error of their ways and now return to serving as respectable members of the international community." He shuffled his papers. "The Reich wishes for the reunification of Cronaal in the soonest possible timeframe. A free, democratic government must be set up in Cronaal to ensure that this unfortunate event never happens again."
Guslantis will be represented by Governor Mikita Nowe and Duchess Leah Charles. They will be arriving soon and will be giving a joint opening statement.
"We are glad for the return of peace. However, the end of the occupation cannot end until rebuilding efforts have been completed."
"What do you mean?" said Atlas. "Is there not a reason why Cronaal should not reunify and establish a government? We can still help it and send it aid. Why do you insist on retaining the occupation?"
The Khan discretely sat at the table, his wounds had been dressed and he had had time to change "Emperator, we are not conquerors, the Cronaal people have no need of armed troops or armour to remain in their country."
As both Cronnal and Nebula are near the Federation of Kalti, the Estate will be sending Councilor Isaac Laux, Kaiwhakawa o Te Wairua Moseya and Consul Spiritus Sora Vassidia as observers to the reunification talks. If called upon, they will give council and advice but that is not their primary reason for attending.

"While myself and my fellow Council members, and our colleagues from Tir na Andalucia and Callaici, are dismayed at the reckless use of weapons in the destruction of the capital of Cronnal, we hope that peace will now prevail and the country can get back on its feet. As the three of us have no stake in the outcome of these talks, we shall sit in the back quietly and observe. If you do wish the advice of the Confederation, feel free to address any of the three of us."
"The people of Cronaal need stability at this point. Our soldiers can provide that stability until the rebuilding efforts can be completed, and a provisional government set up. As part of the strategy we used, the Nebulan armed forces destroyed major industrial centers and plants in order to cripple Cronaal's ability to make war. It will take time for these to be rebuilt, and until then, the economy will be in shambles, and looters will run rampant. We must maintain some military presence in order to minimize the unrest."
Debate cannot begin, until each representative has given their opening statement. We will have structured resolutions and structure debate.
The Plembobrian Defense Minister rose, "I present the following resolutions for your consideration."

  1. The Parties agree to unify the land of Cronaal under a single government.
  2. The government of Nebula agrees to limit its military presence to a maximum of 20,000 soldiers.
  3. The governments of Syrixia, Guslantis, Wolfsea, and Kannex agree to limit their collective military presence to 20,000 soldiers.
  4. All medical aid workers shall be allowed to continue their operations in Cronaal until the government of Cronaal shall no longer deem their presence necessary.
  5. The government of Cronaal must have democratic legitimacy by being formed in a democratic manner to be overseen by the parties.
  6. Upon the commencement of the government of Cronaal, all foreign military presence shall cease, unless sanctioned by the legitimate government of Cronaal.

"I understand that many of you disagree with these points. Each resolution will be debated one at a time. We will start with resolution 2, since number 1 is understood to be the purpose of this conference. Please state any objections to resolution two, and your reasoning. Keep debate civil"
Defense Minister Crowly continued, "The Nebulan-occupied zone has to maintain its occupation until a provisional government is set up. Lack of any power is going to lead to anarchy. Military occupation, unfortunately, is a necessary evil. Nebula does not wish to impose martial law on the citizens of Cronaal indefinately.

The Plembobrian government beleives a maximum of 20,000 soldiers is sufficient."
Sebt got to his feet "Prime Minister Briggs we see no issue with these conditions however many of our Medical staff wish to remain behind to care for the survivors of Smithworks, we wish to apply for a mandate to keep engineering and medical staff in Cronaal until such time as they are deemed no longer necessary by the Cronaal Government. Also two of our vessles, the Osprey and the Falcon, are currently in drydock in the harbour town of Porthgyryn, it will take time before either are seaworthy again... We also wish for permission to build a memorial in said town for all lost in his senseless war."
"Preposterous! 20,000 is not enough to keep order. We need numbers more along the lines of 50,000, unless you want us to set up some kind of provisional state in the north."
Governor Nowe entered the negotiation chambers with Duchess Charles right behind her. They both took their places at the Guslant section, and Leah spoke first. "Nothing is wrong with Cronaal. Their culture, their way of life, their flag, their people, should all stay how they were. Aggressive nations...," she looked to the Nebulan representative subtly and continued. "...don't seem to understand this, but what is needed when a leader goes down is not a radical change in government, or a huge revolution. What they need most is *interim* leaders to guide them until a new leader is chosen. Our armies don't need to do anything for that to occur. My proposal is for the occupation zones to stay active as long as there is not a leader, and as soon as the new Cronaal head-of-state is chosen, we should back out of Cronaal,"

Leah sat down, and let Governor Nowe speak. "Of course, I concur with Leah," she joked before continuing. "Because of my valiant efforts during this war, the King instructed me personally to oversee the Guslant occupation zone and these negotiations. What I find to be a disturbing fact is that Rhuvanland and Nebula, who are already combatants and the reason behind this war, are in charge of keeping peace in an occupation zone," she began, looking to the Nebulan representative. "Your threats of more troops only shows my suspicions are correct. You have already ruined enough, we are being nice to let you keep twenty-thousand, fifty-thousand is a real joke," she stated, before sitting down.
Sebt nodded "It will take time to withdraw the 2nd Legion, we can hold the 5th and 9th divisions in Cronaal to assist with peacekeeping if Syrixia and Guslantis are comfortable with that."
"A provisional state in the north, as well?!" noted the Deputy Prime Minister. "Apologies, but that's absurd. That would not unify Cronaal at all!"

"Governor Nowe is right." the Prime Minister then chimed in. "Nebula should feel lucky that we're mandating 20,000 and not a total demilitarization."
"If I may, Imperator," said Foreign Minister Stein, "If we intend to leave here with an accord we will have to make some concessions. The other parties need to make sure that you will not use your occupation force to invade their zones during the transition period. Only enough soldiers to ensure domestic tranqulity temporarily are necessary."
"Prime Minister," Briggs interrupted, "please carefully use the term 'we.' The government of Plembobria is not mediateing this matter to ensure the benefit of only one side. We will are interested in protecting all national interests equallly."
"I was referring to Syrixia and Guslantis, Mrs. Briggs, however I apologize anyway."
"The alternative to 50,000 soldiers is a Nebulan-assisted provisional state--- essentially, we select a few regional politicians and give them the resources to run a very temporary government. At every level, Nebulan officials monitor the provisional government for corruption and abuse of power. Corrupt officials go to jail. Yes, it's highly imperfect, but it's no better than the current situation, and allows us to have fewer troops stationed in Cronaal."
"As long as it's temporary and it prevents lots of troops from coming in, it just might work." said Minister Vist. "But we'll have to see it to be sure."
"I am rather suspicious of the notion of politicians being closely monitered by the Nebulan government. While the northern government will most certainly be a puppet state, Nebulan interference must be kept low."
(OOC: All things not taking place in the negotiations room should be posted in the Great War main thread. The RP is not over, remember. The Cold War will be taking place there too.)

"Syrixia's cartography bureau has drafted this proposed map of Cronaal." said Atlas. "South Cronaal will be the free zone, while North Cronaal will be the Nebulan-assisted temporary provisional state. We moved some land around so that the newly proposed Cronaal capital of Ganjarius has a decent amount of land around it, and swapped that land with some land on the western coast."

"We also propose, as you can see on the map, to turn the ruined city of Smithworks into a joint-occupation zone between the free state and the provisional state. That way, no one state has symbolic supremacy over the other, which will make reunification easier."
"It seems we have neglected something important," started the Plembobrian Defense Minister, "Nebula needs to be assured that the occupants of South Cronaal will not have an excessive amount of troops on the island as well. This arrangement needs to be reciprocal if we are to prevent further armed conflict in Cronaal. In total, south Cronaal occupants must not have more than 20,000 troops as well."