Motion to Suspend Membership

Just a Lore

Eldritch Horror that Plagues Eras Cartography
TNP Nation
Egalotir has fallen inactive he has not posted in the last 30 days. This means he has been striped of his map spot and is losing his TNP Citizenship.

It is the opinion of the Office of the Speaker of the Democratic Council that this is hurting the DU and is helping stagnate our membership by keeping approval threasholds higher.

This motion shall be in formal discussion for TWO days, then go through a FOUR day Voting period starting 10:00 AM June 14th, 2014 EST.
I support Egalotir's suspension from within the DU. It is disappointing to see such a prominent member of the DU and the North Pacific fall into the realm of inactivity.
I support the termination of his membership. I will point out that his nation CTEd so this is just a mere formality, as there is no nation of Egalotir to remain a member of the DU.