Passed: Amendment to Section II of the DU Charter

Just a Lore

Eldritch Horror that Plagues Eras Cartography
TNP Nation
Section II
Legislative Branch

The Democratic Council shall henceforth be the unicameral body governing the Democratic Union. The Council consists of representatives from each Member State of the Democratic Union. This Council writes and codifies new laws and treaties within the Democratic Union. The Council is headed by a Speaker who shall be elected every four months. This speaker organizes votes on laws and treaties. In the absence of the Speaker the power of the Speaker shall shift to the Deputy Chairperson.

Section II
Legislative Branch

The Democratic Council shall henceforth be the unicameral body governing the Democratic Union. The Council consists of representatives from each Member State of the Democratic Union. This Council writes and codifies new laws and treaties within the Democratic Union. The Council is headed by a Speaker who shall be elected every four months. This Speaker organizes votes on laws and treaties. The Speaker shall also be tasked with tracking the activity of the Democratic Union Members and shall be granted the power to bring votes to remove members to the voting floor due, only on the issue of activity. In the absence of the Speaker the power of the Speaker shall shift to the Deputy Chairperson.

Summary: This would grant the officially Speaker the ability to bring votes to the floor to remove members based on inactivity.

Voting will last until 5/12/2015 at 9:22AN UTC -5 (aka. Est) and needs 10/15 votes to pass. If the vote reaches 10 approvals before the 12th the the amendment shall automatically pass.

Aurora Orb
Republican Pacific Islands
The Republican Pacific Islands Congress has voted on and approved this amendment.


David Price
RPI Representative to the DU

In the Absence of a Judiciary the DU Speaker's office has judged that the final clause of the charter means a 2/3rds majority of all votes at the end of a voting period can amend the charter as well as a immediate passing on the approval of 2/3rds of all members.

~Administrator Olenia of Silena, Speaker of the Democratic Council.

For - 8 (80%)
Against - 2 (20%)
Total - 10

The amendment passes and the Second Article of the DU Charter shall read.

Section II
Legislative Branch

The Democratic Council shall henceforth be the unicameral body governing the Democratic Union. The Council consists of representatives from each Member State of the Democratic Union. This Council writes and codifies new laws and treaties within the Democratic Union. The Council is headed by a Speaker who shall be elected every four months. This Speaker organizes votes on laws and treaties. The Speaker shall also be tasked with tracking the activity of the Democratic Union Members and shall be granted the power to bring votes to remove members to the voting floor due, only on the issue of activity. In the absence of the Speaker the power of the Speaker shall shift to the Deputy Chairperson.