The Emperator spoke.
"I am not sure about the necessity of the third clause in the proposed draft. It is too vague in my opinion and leaves us vulnerable to external threats. My agents inform me that members of the Democratic Union are beginning to worry about our militarization, and we fear that if we are seen participating in military action in other countries--- even if we have their permission to do so--- they may think it necessary to launch a preemptive strike. In the event of any conflict with the DU, or a member nation of such, I believe that we would need as much of an advantage as we could get.
"In addition, I am pleased to announce that we have begun production of our own military aircraft. Although we are building factories for the production of tanks and other military necessities, these are not yet complete. These aircraft are fairly low quality, but very inexpensive. You may wish to purchase some and resell them for a large profit, or modify them for your own uses. However, we will not have enough ready to begin sale for another week, as our own military needs come first."