ARCHIVED: Political Upheaval

The Emperator's Offices
"The situation continues to be dire, Your Excellency."
"I'm honestly not surprised."
"DavidLand has sent forces to attack ours in addition to the Syrixians already pinning them down. And our agents inform us that Plembobria is considering supporting Syrixia."
"Prepare for Operation Sirius."
"Are you sure, sir?"
"If I weren't, would I have brought it up?"
"Your point is well made, sir. I must add that General Thalos thought it prudent to begin preparing for the operation."
"Good man. Have the Foreign Affairs Department send out a message to Syrixia. Something along the lines of... we'll hit them hard, if they don't surrender the capital to the socialists."
"Hit them hard, sir?"
"The Department Head will know what I mean."
"Yes, sir."

Secret Bunker Under Nebula
"Are the missiles ready?"
"Yes, commander."
"I'll input the coordinates myself."
"Of course, sir."
There were several beeps.
"May I ask what the target is?"
"No, lieutenant, you may not. Apologies, but this is classified. I received this target directly from High Command."
There was a pause.
"Should I fire the missiles? They're primed."
"Not yet. I was ordered to wait until the order came in. Something about a message going out to Syrixia."
And if they don't take it, the commander added to himself, there'll have a bit of trouble. Cruise missiles crashing through the windows of government buildings tends to get people angry.

Nebulan Airbase
Five men were affixing a strange, gun-like object to the bottom of an airplane. Another two were wiring it up to the main controls. And an eighth was driving a forklift carrying several crates. These were marked with warning labels and bright colors.
"What's in the box?" asked one of the men jokingly.
"I'm not at liberty to tell you that right now," the forklift man replied with a wink.
The first man leaned in close. "Come on, Wol, you know me. And you know what we've been hooking up here."
Wol relented. "All right, Casian, all right... I'm guessing you already know this, along with most of the other crews. But you don't know the whole story. The crates have got ...canisters in them."
"Canisters of what?" Casian whispered.
"Chemicals. Nothing lethal, but some nasty stuff in there."
Casian nodded. "Not surprised."
"And the reason you guys are hooking up the canister launchers to the planes is because Command has a plan," Wol continued. "And Rhodon down at the command center told me that it was to hit the enemy warships with 'em. They're getting desperate, he said. Things ain't going well." He stepped back and spoke loudly. "You gents should probably get these loaded up."
"Of course," Casian nodded.
A few minutes later, every aircraft had been equipped with a canister launcher, several dozen canisters, and space for the extra man to operate them. A few minutes after that, the pilots and gunners showed up, got into the planes, and took off, headed for the fleet around Syrixia.
The Prime Minister is interrupted while addressing the Chamber of Lords. He hastily ends his speech just before a vote on the Declaration of War against Nebula Act. He is handed a phone and finds himself on the line with the Chiefs of the Air-Force and Navy. In addition, the Chief of the Central Intelligence Bureau [CIB] is on the line.

"Sir, we launched a mass bombardment of the Nebulan fleet. The mission was successful, their fleet is on the brink of collapse. We launched a raid on Socialist positions near Balmad last night. As you already know, we fielded "project x" to accomplish this high altitude bombardment. With the Syrixians on the ground, they are being decimated."

"Unfortunately, " butts in the CIB chief, "They are holding firm. Our reconnaissance flights show despite the heavy damage they are fighting tenaciously. We are also noticing suspicions movements by Nebulan positions on the ground. Notify the Syrixians that Nebula might try something fishy ..."

"Sir," adds the Navy Chief, "The Navy should be in position for a final assault on the Nebulan positions tomorrow. Actually, our aircraft carriers will be in range even quicker."

"Good job everyone, " said the PM. "But don't let your guard down, I got a feeling the Nebulans aren't done yet."
Meanwhile at the Syrixian Parliament Building:

The Oiche na Ruin teams (I, II, V and X) along with the Kaltian Royal XX and XIX contingents have secured the building with the majority of the Socialists either dead or captured. The Kaltian Royal XIV and XV contingents are outside the building clearing a perimeter corridor to the beach.

Aris: "Good to see the cavalry arrive. What's the plan?"

Brigadier Avlor (XIX): "Our orders are to evacuate the Syrixian parliament members from the building and onto one of our naval vessels sitting off shore. Leave the socialists behind, they are not our main concern."

Varcia: "Have we notified the Syrixians of our plans?"

Brigadier Avlor (XIX): "Nope, we will as soon as we open up the bunker. If we do not move them from the building now we are sitting ducks to a Socialist counter-offensive or more dire offensive moves from the Nebulans."

Ranii (to the OnR members): "You heard the Brigadier, let's get the bunker door open."
The Emperator's Offices
"Sir, the fleet cannot maintain position any longer!"
The Emperator sighed. "Fine. Have it withdrawn. We'll bombard the fleets with our newly modified aircraft, instead. And as their fleet burns, we'll send their cities a little present. A present, in that they won't survive to see the future!" he spat. "The time has come. Execute Order 22."
"Yes, sir!"

The Secret Bunker
A private ran into the control room.
"Sir, we've received a message from Command!"
The commander turned. "Let's hear it."
"All it said was 'Execute Order 22'."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, sir!"
The commander walked over to the controls. Three missiles were already on standby. The commander double-checked the coordinates, nodded, and pushed the red button.
The blast doors had already been opened, and the three cruise missiles took off.

The Parliament Building, Syrixia
A Kaltian soldier had left the building. He heard a screeching sound and turned just in time to see the three cruise missiles break through the windows of the Parliament Bulding and explode, destroying most of the building instantly.

The Nebulan Fleet
The Nebulan fleet was in a state of general panic. The few remaining ships had broken through the enemy blockade, but were on the run, and still outgunned. The ships exchanged artillery fire with the enemy vessels in pursuit. As the admiral watched, a small cruiser took a direct hit to the bridge.
"Where are those fighters?" a sailor screamed as enemy bombers swooped overhead.
And then, suddenly, there they were.
Three squadrons of fighters, specially modified to deploy canisters of capsaicin, flew overhead. The first, flying high, made its way to the mainland and began dropping canisters on Syrixian soldiers and artillery batteries. The capsaicin stung bitterly, and stimulated tear ducts. Syrixian forces were thrown into panic. Nebulan forces then opened fire with machine guns, continuing to hold the line.
The second fighter squadron, meanwhile, had been attacking the pursuit ships that had been chasing the Nebulan fleet. Missiles cracked open armor plating--- not much, but enough that the capsaicin vapor was able to get in, driving sailors and gunners away from the breaches and slowing the rate of enemy artillery fire.
The third squadron, however, had been going for the main target: the main Syrixian fleet.
"There's the command ship!" the squadron leader screamed. "Soften it up first, then let the cans fly!"
Missiles streaked toward the bridge of the command ship, followed closely by canisters.
The explosion decimated the bridge and its equipment. Then the canisters unleashed their load, and any surviving Syrixians were incapacitated or fled.
"That's it. They've really crossed the line now." said Auel Vist, the Minister of Defense. At this point, all of Parliament had been rescued however the fight was not over. "I suggest we issue Order 57, wherein we bring in the full military and threaten to deliver a final strike." At this suggestion, the Prime Minister stood up and said, "This won't deter them and they'll continue. How do we know it'll stop?" By this point Auel was chuckling to himself. "Sir," he said, "I've taken the liberty of negotiating a peace treaty with the socialists. The government will have its parties, and now the socialists request to turn on their allies." The Prime Minister smiled at this. "Alright then. Tally ho, issue Order 57." he said. And it was done.

Socialist forces and government troops suddenly appeared at the top of the hill near the main Nebulan garrison. One lieutenant took out a megaphone and said, "THIS IS A MESSAGE FROM THE MOST SERENE REPUBLIC OF SYRIXIA. IF YOU HAVE EYES, YOU'LL NOTICE THAT THE SOCIALISTS OF SYRIXIA AND THE TROOPS OF THE GOVERNMENT HAVE JOINED FORCES." The megaphone was then passed to one of the socialists, who said "WE HAVE NOTICED THAT YOUR METHODS IN BATTLE ARE EXTREMELY BRUTAL AND BARBARIC, AND WE THUS HAVE DECIDED, BY ORDER OF PARTY CHAIRMAN DULO PSKOV, TO TURN AGAINST YOU." After finishing that statement, the socialist soldier held a certificate of authenticity. Meanwhile, the government lieutenant took back the megaphone and said "YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO NEGOTIATE A TREATY OF PEACE AND WITHDRAW FROM THIS LAND OR FACE ANNIHILATION. AS FAR AS WE ARE CONCERNED, YOUR PRESENCE IS THE ONLY REAL CRISIS LEFT HERE. NOW THEN, WHAT SAY YOU?!"

Meanwhile in Rethel...

Ishia smiled and looked upon the crowd of Plembobrian government officials. She was nervous but also happy as this speech could change their relations for the better, and forever. She then said, "Your excellencies, my friends, right now in my home country of Syrixia there is a terrible battle which is ensuing. Thousands have been killed in a terrible attack on Syrixian sovereignty by the country of Nebula. We have given a treaty to the rioting socialists the Nebulans claim to be supporting and they have accepted, yet still, even with all Syrixians fighting as one, they continue to be present in our land, and have even damaged the historic old sector of our capital city, Balamb, where our Parliament building is. This building and many others cost us a fortune and the battle brought them immense damage. Syrixia would like to request, your excellencies, that the Kingdom of Plembobria give us aid. Humanitarian aid, medical aid, help in reconstructing the old buildings; much is needed. I know your nation is a pacifist one and as are we; for if we were not our Republic would not be Most Serene; so please consider, your excellencies, helping us rebuild the city that Syrixia is famous for; the cultural hub of the Southern North Pacific, the shining city of Balamb. Without help, our beautiful city may be in ruins for years while we reconstruct everything whereas with help it can be done within a few months. That said, that's really all I have to say; I hope you do consider assisting us. Thank you, and may our friendship last long."
Now that the Syrixians are safely aboard a Kaltian Naval Destroyer, the OnR teams retire to their respective rooms. The armies have consolidated a beachhead in Balamb; the Air Force is providing supporting coverage; and the Navy is patrolling the waters off the coast. Aris (Merkismathr of OnR V) and Avlor (Brigadier of the Kaltian Roayl XiX) have convened with some of the Syrixian leaders to discuss options.

Avlor: "As always, you are all welcome to stay aboard the Custos and use it as a mobile command center to negotiate with the Nebulans. If any of you wish to return to the mainland, let one of the Kaltian Royal's know and we will accommodate you."

Aris: "As far as retaliatory strikes, we leave that in your hands. Our primary mission was to secure Parliament Hill and ensure the survival of the Syrixian Parliament. Though it seems we were too late in saving the building..."
(OOC: I edited my last post due to some advice Plemby gave me as I requested it. Be sure to respond, it's a big change.)
"The battle on the sea was hectic" reported the Chief of the Navy. "They must have been too focused on the Syrixians. We sunk their flag ship, and annihilated most of the remaining fleet after our fleet intercepted them. Casualties must have been in the thousands over the last few days for them."

The Chief of the air-force also provided his view. "The air-force witnessed the Nebulans unleashing a brutal attack utilizing chemical agents. After the Nebulans dropped the payload our fighters moved in and a fight ensued. In the battle, we lost 14 aircraft, and 12 pilots are still unaccounted for. The Nebulans lost 11 aircraft. If we are to prevent future attacks we will need complete air superiority. Contact the Syrixians, and tell them we will need increased coordination to stop the Nebulans."

"Understood. At this point, we must simply wait for the Nebulan desperation to turn into hopelessness." remarked an exhausted prime minister.
"Aid? Oh, yes. Nelson will give you aid all right," joked the Leader of the Opposition.

"The Opposition Leader is warned!" warned the Speaker.

The Prime Minister spoke, "I would like to inform the Opposition Leader of the exorbitant aid provided to Cascadia recently. This is an emergency meeting, not a debate on the budget.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has within its budget a sizable surplus for international aid. The money may be used at the discretion of the Minister for Customs & Trade, Ms. Amberly."

"I call the honorable Minister for Customs & Trade," announced the Speaker.

"Mr. Speaker, at the upcoming Executive Council meeting, I intend to have at least four-hundred million plemps of the Aid Fund diverted to Syrixia for the purpose of reconstruction."

"I wonder if the Nelson government considered military assistance. Oh wait, they cut the defense budget by sixty percent. Why does your government insist on diluted and useless solutions?" said Briggs.

"The Leader of the Opposition will restrain herself. This is not question time. Does the Leader of the House wish to continue this session?"

"No more orders of business at this time, Mr. Speaker."

"This meeting is adjourned."

Everyone in the room dispersed, the Prime Minister and the Ambassador exited the Commons chamber back into the main foyer of Parliament House. "We're headed to the palace. We're going to set our aid plan in stone. We will help your people, Ishia."
"Sir, the socialists have negotiated a treaty with Syrixia."
The Emperator sighed. He had been sighing a lot. "Contact the Syrixian government. Tell them that we would be willing to pull out immediately if they agree to let our fleet pick up the men on the ground. The public is sick of this bloody war."
"Yes, sir."
"We have lost our opportunity to gain a socialist Syrixia," the Emperator mused, "but we have made ourselves known on the international stage."
Back in Kalti at the Council building, a secretary knocks on the door of Minister Holbach's office...

Damien: "Come in..."

The secretary enters and hands the minister a file report on the status of the Syrixian crisis.

Damien: "So... Oiche na Ruin was able to get the Syrixian Parliament to safety before the building was bombed by the Nebulans. Good, very good... Have Oiche na Ruin V and X join up with the Kaltian Royal XV and XX and have them patrol the waters off Syrixia."

Secretary: "Sir? What of Oiche na Ruin I and II and the Kaltian Royal XIV and XIX?"

Damien: "Relay the orders that they are to stay in Balamb and secure the city."

Secretary: "Right away sir. Is there anything else you require?"

Damien: "Notify the President and Vice President on the current issue and what our military is doing about it."